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Anisotropy measure from High angular resolution diffusion imaging Data Using Higher Order Diffusion Tensor model
Getaneh Bayu Tefera1 and Ponnada A. Narayana1

1Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging, University of Texas at Houston, Houston, TX, United States


Different anisotropy indices such as generalized anisotropy (GA) and generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) for HARDI data have been reported, but they have their own limitations. Here we propose a new anisotropy measure (HFA) for the HARDI data that is rotationally invariant. The new proposed measure is compared with GA and GFA using the contrast-to-noise ratio and coefficient of variation as the metrics for three white matter regions. HFA and GFA have shown better CNR than FA and GA in two and three crossing regions. The results described above were very similar across all the five subjects.


High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) was introduced to overcome a major limitation of conventional diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Methods that describe the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) profile using high-order tensors is one of the estimation methods associated with HARDI data [1]. Several anisotropy indices such as generalized anisotropy (GA) and generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) for HARDI profiles have been reported in the literature [2, 3, and 4]. Since GFA depends on the number of tessellation of the sphere, it is not well-defined and GA overestimates the white matter anisotropy. We propose here a well-defined and rotationally invariant anisotropy measure for HARDI data using the L2-norm of the diffusivity function of the higher order tensor. This is an extension of the conventional fractional anisotropy measure (FA). The new proposed high order tensor fractional anisotropy measure (HFA) was compared with GA and GFA using the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR)[5] and coefficient of variation (CV) as the metrics. The results of different anisotropic measures were compared for single, two, and three crossing fiber regions in human brain.

Materials and Methods

The HARDI data was acquired on a Philips 3T scanner on five males with no history of neurological or neuropsychiatric disorders. A32-channel head coil with a SENSE factor of 2 was used for data acquisition. Multi-slice, diffusion-weighted images were acquired using a single shot spin echo EPI sequence with 81 diffusion encoding directions. The sequence parameters were: FOV = 256x256 mm2, 44 contiguous slices with 3 mm slice thickness, TR/TE = 8235/72 ms, b-value = 1600 s/mm2. The new anisotropy measure, HFA, is defined based on L2 distance of square-integrable functions over a sphere. The L2-distance between two square-integrable functions, f and g, over a sphere is given by [1]


The exact formula for the integration of a monomial P(X)=xα1yα2zα3 is given by [6]


where α1,α2, and α3 are nonnegative integers , βj = (αj+1)/2, Γ is the gamma function and σ is a measure on the surface of a sphere .

Similar to the FA definition FA=3231(λiλ)231λ2i=32D<D>2D2

based on the L2-distance HFA can be expressed as


where D is diffusivity function and <D> is the mean diffusivity value as defined in [4] and IS is the totally symmetric identity tensor [3, 7]. For fourth order tensors, IS is expressed as in [7]. To quantitatively compare various 4th and 6th order tensor anisotropy measures (HFA, GFA and GA) we used the contrast-to- noise ratio (CNR) which is defined in [5] and coefficient of variation.

Results and Discussion

The various anisotropy measures were compared for three regions: single, two and three fiber crossings (Fig 1). From Fig.2 we can see that HFA, GFA and GA values derived from the 6th order are similar to those based on the 4th order tensor for all three different fiber crossing regions (Fig. 1). For all the three anisotropic measures based on the HARDI data the CNR between the gray and white matter regions for order 4 was found to be superior or equal to that of order 6 (Fig. 3). The FA derived from conventional tensor model of HARDI data has better CNR than the others for single fiber bundle (splenium) whereas GA had a better CNR than others in two and three crossing regions (Fig.3). This might be because of the over estimation of GA in white matter regions. GA has the lowest CV in all three white matter regions and FA has the highest CV in two and three crossing fiber bundle regions (Fig.4). Landgraf et al [8] have shown that the anisotropic measure defined using the L2-norm of ODF function is the limiting value of the generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) based on the ODF values. For most of the comparisons we performed, HFA and GFA behaved very similarly. Unlike GFA, HFA that we introduced in this work is well-defined as it only depends on the independent tensor elements and it is also rotationally invariant. For all the three anisotropic measures of all three different white matter regions the CNR of the 4th order is greater than that of the 6th order. HFA and GFA have shown better CNR than FA and GA in two and three crossing regions. The CV and CNR of HFA and GFA are very similar. The results described above were very similar across all the five subjects, suggesting the robustness of the proposed methodology.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Barmpoutis A., et.al. Neuroimage 45(1S1) (2009) 153–162. [2] Tuch D. Magn Reson in Med 52 (6) (2004) 1358–1372. [3] Woldeselassie, et.al. Image Anal, 16(6):1121-9, 2012. [4] Özarslan E, et.al. Magn Reson Med 2005; 53:866–876. [5] Sorensen AG, et.al. Radiology; 212:785–792, 1999. [6] Folland G. B. The Amer. Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 108-5, May 2001, pp.446-448. [7] Moakher M. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 61(2), 181–203, 2008. [8] Landgraf P, et.al. Informatikaktuell, pp 239-243, 2011.


Fig.1. Left: gray region (red) and splenium (green); Right: two crossing (green) and three crossing (red)

Fig.2. Average Anisotropy measure values in splenium (left), two crossing (middle), and three crossing (right)

Fig.3 Contrast to noise ratio between gray matter region and splenium (left), two crossing (middle), and three crossing (right)

Fig.4 Coefficient of variation in Splenium (left) two crossing (middle) and three crossing (right).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)