Darryl McClymont1, Irvin Teh1, Hannah Whittington1, Vicente Grau2, and Jurgen Schneider1
1Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Diffusion kurtosis imaging provides higher-order
information about diffusion. However, the quadratic term in the diffusion
kurtosis model produces undesirable behaviour at high b-values as a result of
the negative tails of the diffusivity distribution. A truncated normal distribution
has been proposed to address this in one dimension. This work extends this
concept to a multivariate truncated normal distribution, and extends the range
of b-values over which kurtosis can be estimated. The proposed model is fit to diffusion
data from rat hearts, and yields kurtosis values that are consistent with the DKI
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) provides a quantitative
measure of the “tailed-ness” of diffusion. It is computed as follows: S(b)=S0e−bD+16b2D2K,
and is based on the Taylor series expansion of the diffusion signal under a
narrow pulse assumption, truncated at the second term. The quadratic structure
of the exponent means that the model has a minimum at, and is applicable only up
to, b=3/DK s/mm2. In this work, we show that the anisotropic DKI
model corresponds to a 6-D Gaussian distribution of diffusivities, and that the
undesirable behaviour at high b-values arises from the tails of this
distribution with negative diffusivity.
We propose instead to model diffusion as a truncated
Gaussian. Our model approximates the DKI model at low b-values, but avoids the
undesirable quadratic behaviour. This is demonstrated in Figure 1.
The model is an extension of the statistical model of
Yablonskiy et al.2, modified to allow fitting of diffusion MRI data in 3-D
and account for anisotropic diffusion. It can be used to estimate diffusion
kurtosis without the need for setting a b-value threshold, which may be
difficult to estimate, particularly in highly anisotropic tissue. Additionally,
fitting models using all acquired data will allow for more noise robustness,
compared to fitting only a subset.
Let the diffusivity D=[Dxx,Dxy,...,Dzz] be represented by a 6-D PDF P(D).
The signal defined as S(b)=S0∫P(D)e−bDdD where b
is the b-matrix. Assuming that P(D) follows a multivariate normal
distribution yields the diffusion kurtosis model:
We propose to instead model P(D) as a truncated multivariate normal
distribution, and instead fit the following model to the signal:
where Φ(μ,Σ) is the cumulative
distribution function of P(D) over Dxx,Dyy,Dzz∈R+, Dxy,Dxz,Dyz∈R.
The kurtosis of the truncated normal model is similar to the 1D case3, and is given by
where ˉD=∫D.P(D)dD is the mean value of D (analogue of the apparent diffusion
First, we
demonstrate the stability of the proposed model on simulated data. A
bi-exponential curve, S(b)=ve−bD1+(1−v)e−bD2 was generated using the following parameters: v=0.7, D1=1.1∗10−3, D2=0.7∗10−3mm2/s. The b-values were arrayed between
0 and 10 000 s/mm2 in steps of 100. The diffusion kurtosis and
proposed models were fit to the data, truncated to a maximum b-value bm. Kurtosis was computed using each
One heart
from a female Sprague-Dawley rat was excised, fixed and embedded in gel
for MRI. Non-selective 3-D fast spin echo diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) data
were acquired on a 9.4T preclinical MRI scanner (Agilent, CA, USA). Data were
sampled in q-space in a Cartesian grid over a half-sphere (bmax=10000s/mm2).
The diffusion kurtosis model for this data was fit only to b-values up to 5000s/mm2. The proposed model was fit to all
stability of the proposed model is shown in Figure 2. For b-values greater than 4000s/mm2, the kurtosis derived from the
diffusion kurtosis model decreases with increasing bm, whereas the kurtosis measurement
from the proposed model is less sensitive to bm.
maps of the cardiac diffusion data in the directions of the principal
eigenvectors are shown in Figure 3. In general, the kurtosis values derived from
the two models are in good agreement, but the kurtosis of the primary
eigenvector is higher for the proposed model.
In this work, we have demonstrated that the diffusion
kurtosis model assumes a multivariate normal distribution, and proposed a
physically-constrained model that avoids undesirable quadratic behaviour by
enforcing positivity on diffusivity values.
Several other distributions have been proposed for modelling
diffusivity within a voxel, including the Poisson, Gamma, and log-normal
distribution4. However, these distributions do not consider
diffusion anisotropy (i.e. they have been proposed using a univariate
distribution). The truncated normal distribution has the key advantages that:
(i) it permits certain variables (Dxy,Dxz,Dyz)
to have negative values while constraining positivity on Dxx,Dyy,Dzz;
(ii) the model approximates the DKI model at low b-values, and (iii) through
bootstrap analysis, it has been shown that the majority of tissue fits a
Gaussian distribution5. The model allows for the accurate
computation of diffusion kurtosis parameters without the need for truncation of
data above a certain b-value threshold.
This work is supported by the British Heart Foundation (PG/13/33/30210,
RG/13/8/30266, and FS/11/50/29038), the Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EP/J013250/1) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council (BB/1012117/1). The authors acknowledge a Wellcome
Trust Core Award (090532/Z/09/Z).References
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