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Quantifying White Matter Microstructure with a Unified Spatio-Temporal Diffusion Weighted MRI Continuous Representation
Demian Wassermann1, Alexandra Petiet2, Rutger Fick1, Mathieu Santin2, Anne-Charlotte Philippe 2, Stephane Lehericy2, and Rachid Deriche1

1Athena, Inria, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 2CENIR, Brain and Spine Institute, Paris, France


A current problem Diffusion MRI (dMRI) based microscopy faces under the narrow pulse approximation is how to best exploit the 4D (q-space + diffusion time) nature of the signal. Assaf et al. showed that exploring the dMRI attenuation at different diffusion times provides information on the apparent distribution of axonal diameters within a voxel in their seminal work: AxCaliber1. However, AxCaliber requires knowing beforehand the predominant orientation of the axons within the analyzed volume to adjust the q-space sampling accordingly. In this work, we show that our novel sparse representation of the 3D+t dMRI signal2 enables the recovery of axonal diameter distribution parameters with two main advantages. First, it doesn't require knowledge of the predominant axonal direction at acquisition time. Second, using the hypothesised dMRI signal symmetry, it allows computing the average attenuation on the plane perpendicular to the predominant axonal direction analytically. Hence, it takes advantage of the full 3D+t signal information to fit the AxCaliber model.

Materials and Preprocessing

Data was acquired from a C57Bl6 wild-type mouse on a 11.7T Biospec 117/16 (Bruker, Germany) equipped with a mouse cryoprobe. We performed the dMRI acquisition using 2D-EPI with TR/TE=2500/40ms, δ=5ms, and Δ=(11, 20, 30)ms. For each Δ we acquired 10 different shells at gradient strengths equally distributed between 40 and 450mT/m at a total of 182 non-collinear directions per shell3. Half of these were acquired with blip from top to bottom of the head and half with the inverse blip. Each DW image consisted of six 0.40mm thick sagittal slices with a 24×14.4mm FOV at a 0.15×0.15mm resolution. We corrected eddy current distortions using FSL.


We fitted the attenuation E of all DW images with our novel 4D continuous representation2


generalising the MAP representation of multi-shell images4 to represent the DW attenuation at different diffusion times. For this, we solved the problem


regularised as in Fick et al2 with E^* the MRI-measured attenuation.

In Eq. (1), T_{o}(\tau) is our temporal basis with order o and S_{jlm}(\textbf{q}) is the 3D-SHORE basis with basis orders jlm. Here N_{\textrm{max}} and O_{\textrm{max}} are the maximum spatial and temporal order of the bases, which can be chosen independently. We formulate the bases themselves as


T_o(\tau, u_t)=\exp(-u_t\tau/2)L_o(u_t\tau)

where u_s and u_t are the spatial and temporal scaling factors. Here \textbf{q}=q\textbf{u}, L_n^{(\alpha)} is a generalized Laguerre polynomial and Y_l^m is the real spherical harmonics basis5. Here j, l and m are the radial order, angular order and angular moment of the MAP basis4 which are related as 2j+l=N+2 with N\in\{0,2,4\ldots N_{\textrm{max}}\}.

A main methodological contribution is the estimation of the apparent axonal diameter distributions. Rather than choosing arbitrary direction perpendicular to the predominant axonal orientation d to fit the AxCaliber model1, we exploit the assumed axial symmetry in the signal and our model in Eq. 1. At each q‑value magnitude and diffusion time, we compute the perpendicular average as the circle integral at radius |q| on the plane perpendicular to \textbf{q}_\parallel which is aligned with d. For this, we used the Legendre polynomial P_l to compute the analytical circle integral generalizing the q-ball estimation method of Descoteaux5:

E(\hat{\textbf{q}}_\perp,\tau)\triangleq\frac{1}{2\pi |\hat{\textbf{q}}_\perp|}\int_{\textbf{q}: |\textbf{q}|=|\hat{\textbf{q}}_\perp|,\,\textbf{q}\cdot\textbf{q}_\parallel=0} E(\textbf{q},\tau)d\textbf{q}=\sum_{\{jlm\}}^{N_{\textrm{max}}}\sum_{o=0}^{O_{\textrm{max}}}c_{jlmo}P_l(0)S_{jlm}(\textbf{q}_\parallel,u_s)T_o(\tau, u_t),\quad|\textbf{q}_\parallel|=|\hat{\textbf{q}}_\perp|

Once the averaged perpendicular attenuation for the CC voxels of the mouse brain was computed, we fitted the AxCaliber Model to E(\hat{\textbf{q}}_\perp,\tau) extracting the parameters of the Γ-distributed apparent axonal diameter and the apparent axonal volume fraction.


Our main result is the estimation of average apparent axonal diameters in the Genu of the mouse CC, which we illustrate in Fig 1. To reach this result we first analysed the quality of fitting of our 3D+t model to the distortion-corrected dMRI signals. For this, we computed the r^2 at each voxel. As shown in Figure 2, the majority of the voxels had r^2\geq 0.8 with few below 0.4. This denotes a general good fit of our model to dMRI signal.

Then we computed for each voxel the AxCaliber model, which resulted in the parameters of the diameter-\Gamma distribution: shape \alpha=0.66\pm 0.09\mu m, dimensionless scale \beta=1.67\pm 0.30, and the dimensionless volume fraction corresponding to the intra-axonal compartment f=0.83\pm 0.08, shown in Figure 3. Finally we computed the histogram of mean apparent axonal diameters: 1.09\pm 0.04\mu m, shown in Figure 4.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this work we used, for the first time, our 3D+t dMRI model2 to fit in-vivo dMRI data acquired at different gradient strengths, directions and diffusion times. Then, we exploited the analytical formulation of our model and the symmetry of the diffusion signal to average the attenuation perpendicular to the predominant axonal direction at each voxel of the genu of a mouse's CC and fitted the AxCaliber model to this signal. Although there was previous attempt using CHARMED7, we have shown that our method fits the attenuation better2 and our approach can compute the averaged perpendicular attenuation analytically. Overall, our model allowed us to fit the AxCaliber model without the requirement of prior knowledge of predominant axonal directions and taking advantage of the dMRI signal symmetry.

In exploiting our novel 3D+t model to fit AxCaliber, we obtained parameters for the apparent axonal diameter Γ distribution, average apparent axonal diameter and intra-axonal volume fraction similar to those previously reported6. Although further validation is needed, our first experiment shows the potential of our novel 3D+t model. Summarising, our novel model shows potential to be a cornerstone in reducing the requirements of dMRI acquisitions in angular, q-space and diffusion time coordinates to perform dMRI-based white matter microscopy.


This project was partially supported by the ANR grants MOSIFAH - ANR-13-MONU-0009-01, Institut des neurosciences translationnelle - ANR-10-IAIHU-06, and Infrastructure d’avenir en Biologie Santé - ANR-11-INBS-0006, Investissements d’avenir ANR-10-IAIHU-06. Ile-de-France Region (DIM Cerveau et Pensée)


1. Assaf Y, Blumenfeld Katzir T, Yovel Y, Basser PJ (2008) Axcaliber: A method for measuring axon diameter distribution from diffusion MRI. MRM 59:1347–1354. doi: 10.1002/mrm.21577

2. Fick R, Wassermann D, Pizzolato M, Deriche R (2015) A Unifying Framework for Spatial and Temporal Diffusion in Diffusion MRI. IPMI

3. Caruyer E, Lenglet C, Sapiro G, Deriche R (2013) Design of multishell sampling schemes with uniform coverage in diffusion MRI. MRM 69:1534–1540–1540. doi: 10.1002/mrm.24736

4. Özarslan E, Koay CG, Shepherd TM, et al. (2013) Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI: A novel diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure. NImg 78:16–32. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.016

5. Descoteaux M, Angelino E, Fitzgibbons S, Deriche R (2007) Regularized, Fast and Robust Analytical Q-Ball Imaging. MRM 58:497–510.

6. Barazany D, Basser PJ, Assaf Y (2009) In vivo measurement of axon diameter distribution in the corpus callosum of rat brain. Brain 132:1210–1220. doi: 10.1093/brain/awp042

7. Barazany D, Jones D, Assaf Y (2011), AxCaliber 3D. ISMRM


Fig. 1: Genus of the mouse corpus callousum coloured with the estimated mean axonal diameter per voxel. Values computed using our 3D+t model plus the analytical expression for the averaged mean attenuation perpendicular to the predominant axonal direction.

Fig. 2: Fitting quality for our 3D+t model to the distortion-corrected dMRI images. We show the voxel-histogram of the r^2 value. The majority of the voxels have an r^2\geq 0.8, denoting a good fit.

Fig. 3: Histogram of mean apparent axonal diameters from the genu of the mouse corpus callosum. The diffusion MRI signal was fitted with our 3D+t model, then the average attenuation perpendicular to the predominant axonal orientation was computed with our new analytic expression. Finally, we fitted the AxCaliber model to the computed perpendicular attenuation of the diffusion signal.

Fig. 4: Histogram of the axonal volume fraction from the genu of the mouse corpus callous. The methods are described in the main article and in the caption of Fig 3.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)