We propose a novel model
termed PICASO for investigating the microstructural layout of brain tissue
using in vivo diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements. Our method provides a direct
connection between the structural organization of biological tissue and a
function representing the disorder in the evolution of magnetization density. This
is achieved by extending the Bloch-Torrey equation to include variability in diffusivity
due to restrictions and hindrances. Using in vivo data from the Humman
Connectome Project (HCP), we show that the PICASO model can provide novel
information about the microstructural layout of the axonal packing in human
brain. Thus, our method can be applied in clinical settings to investigate
brain abnormalities.Purpose
Diffusion magnetic resonance
imaging is a noninvasively tool for investigating the microstructural layout of
tissue in clinical settings.
It can provide useful indices
for investigating abnormalities of brain tissue
1-4. However, most commonly
used methods, such as DTI
1 or DKI
2, are derived based on
the estimated moments or the probability distribution of the displacements of
water molecules. Though they may be sensitive to changes in tissue structure,
these methods don’t provide any specific information about the changes. To
overcome these limitations, we propose a novel approach for estimating the
microstructural layout of tissue using in vivo dMRI measurements.
The evolution of the
magnetization density m(r) of diffusing spins in biological tissue is
described by the following modified version of the Block-Torrey equation
where the novel term
u(r,t,G(t)) denotes the disorder on the evolution
process due to restrictions, hindrances and tissue heterogeneities. In
particular, the disorder u(r,t,G(t)) is a function of
r,t and it also depends on the gradient sequence before the time
point t. For example, if the disorder is caused by a spatially-varying
diffusion coefficient D(r)=D0+˜D(r), then the disorder
function can be represented as u(r,t,G(t))=∇r⋅˜D(r)∇rm(r,t). By using the
spatial-Fourier transform of the modified Bloch-Torrey equation, we obtain the
following equation
Thus the dMRI signal is given
by s(t)=\int m({\bf r},t) d {\bf r}={\hat m}(0,t). Assuming that the
gradient sequence satisfies the echo condition, i.e. \int_0^t {\bf g}(s)
ds=0, and the dMRI signal is normalized such as s(0)=1, then we can
derive the following expression for diffusion signal by solving the above
partial differential equation
q}(s)\|^2_{D_0}ds}+\int_0^t {\hat u}({\bf q}(\tau),\tau,{\mathcal G}(\tau))
e^{-\int_{\tau}^t \|{\bf q}(s)\|^2_{D_0}ds}d\tau,
where {\bf q}(\tau):=\int_0^{\tau}{\bf
g}(s)ds. The integral term in the above equation implies that the diffusion
signal is in general not an exponential function of the squared of gradient
strength. Without this term, the diffusion signal corresponds to a Gaussian ensemble
average propagator as in DTI.
In sPFG experiments, the
gradient sequence {\mathcal G}(\tau) is linearly dependent on {\bf
q}(\tau). Thus, for sPFG experiments with fixed diffusion time and pulse
width, {\hat u}({\bf q}(t),t,{\mathcal G}(t)) can be denoted by {\hat u}({\bf
q}(t),t). In particular, the diffusion signal from narrow-pulsed sPFG
experiments from isotropic structures is given by s(q,t)=e^{-D_0q^2t}+\int_0^t
{\hat u}(q,\tau) e^{-D_0q^2(t-\tau)}d\tau. Using the expansion {\hat u}(q,t)=q^2
{\hat u}_2(t)+q^4{\hat u}_4(t)+\ldots and comparing the corresponding
expansion of s(q,t) with the result from the effective medium theory5, we can show
that the instantaneous diffusion coefficient D_{\rm inst}(t)=D_0-{\hat
u}_2(t) and the long-time limit \lim_{t\rightarrow \infty} {\hat
u}_2(t)=\langle ({\tilde D}({\bf r}))^2\rangle/(D_0d) where \langle
({\tilde D}({\bf r}))^2 denotes the variance of diffusivities. For
experiments with long diffusion time, the disorder can be assumed to be
time-invariant. Then the diffusion signal is given by
We tested the proposed
method on HCP data set. The experimental parameters are
TR/TE}=5500/89\,{\rm ms},
\delta=10.6\,{\rm ms} and
\Delta=43.1\,{\rm ms}. The data consists of 3 b-values with
2000, 3000\,{\rm s/mm^2}. We applied the above model for characterizing the
dMRI measurements by using different disorder functions and diffusion
coefficients for dMRI signals in the isotropic cross-sectional plane and along
the axonal direction, respectively. In particular, the disorder function is
assumed to be given by
{\bf q}^T U_2 {\bf q} where the disorder tensor
has the same set of eigenvectors as the diffusion tensor
D_0. The
disorder coefficient
{\hat u}_{2\perp} and the diffusion coefficient
in the cross-sectional plane and the corresponding diffusion coefficient from
DTI are shown in Figure (1). The yellow arrows in Figure (1a) point out some
interesting patterns that are not shown in the diffusion coefficients. Figure
(2) shows that the microstructural arrangement of axons varies from different
segments of corpus callosum (CC). In particular, the axonal structure in the
midbody has stronger disorder than the genu and the splenium areas.
Since the estimated
diffusivities in CC have similar values, the stronger disorder in the midbody
implies that the corresponding
\langle ({\tilde D}({\bf r}))^2\rangle is higher,
which is consistent with the observations from histology studies
The PICASO model explains the
relation between the structural organization and the dMRI signal. It provides novel
information about the tissue microstructure, which can be used to investigate
brain abnormalities in clinical settings.
The authors would like to acknowledge the following grants which sup-
ported this work: R01MH099797 (PI: Rathi), R00EB012107 (PI: Setsompop),
P41RR14075 (PI: Rosen), R01MH074794 (PI: Westin), P41EB015902 (PI: Kikinis), Swedish Research Council (VR) grant 2012-3682 and Swedish Foundation
for Strategic Research (SSF) grant AM13-0090. References
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