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Intracellular metabolites exhibit non-Gaussian diffusion in the healthy human brain using magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Carson Ingo1, Wyger M. Brink1, Ece Ercan1, Andrew G. Webb1, and Itamar Ronen1

1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands


Since choline mostly resides in astrocytes, N-acetyl-aspartate mostly presides in axons, and creatine is distributed between both neural cell types, these intracellular metabolites can provide more specific microstructural compartment information compared to water. In this study, we apply diffusion-weighted spectroscopy to analyze axonal and glial structures by identifying non-Gaussian movement of intracellular metabolites in both white and gray matter of the healthy human brain at b-values up to ~17,000 s/mm2. We establish that all measured metabolites exhibited non-Gaussian subdiffusion in both tissue types with the gray matter intracellular space appearing more heterogeneous than white matter, opposite to water diffusion dynamics.


For diffusion-weighted MR imaging of water in neural tissue, it has been well established that the attenuation signal is non-monoexponential indicating non-Gaussian dynamics within the bulk microstructure. However, since water is non-specific to any particular biological compartment, it is challenging to disentangle the structural origins that give rise to the complex diffusion processes. Alternatively, diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy (DWS) allows for relatively compartment-specific analysis of microstructure. Previously, at ultra-short diffusion times (<10 ms), non-Gaussian diffusion was established in the whole rat brain, providing sensitivity to the regime when the metabolites transition from free to hindered diffusion1. However, a monoexponential signal decay was assumed to estimate the diffusion coefficient (D), due to low spatial resolution of the diffusion-weighting (b)1. Here, we use a long diffusion time and high spatial resolution to establish non-Gaussian metabolite displacement in white matter (WM) and gray matter (GM) volumes of interest (VOIs).


Recently, it has been shown that water molecules exhibit Non-Gaussian subdiffusive dynamics according to the following attenuation model,


where Eα is the Mittag-Leffler function, which is the characteristic function derived from anomalous transport theory2,3. When 0<α<1, the dynamics are subdiffusive and when α=1, the diffusion dynamics are Gaussian and the MLF becomes the exponential function.

22 healthy volunteers (25±4 years, 12 female, 10 male) were scanned on a 7T Philips Achieva MRI system. To optimize B1 sensitivity within the VOI, a 15x15x1 cm3 high permittivity dielectric pad was placed between the volunteer's head and the 32-channel receive channel coil4. Fig. 1 shows the 8 cm3 volume of interest (VOI) planned in the a) mostly parietal WM (12 volunteers) and b) the mostly occipital GM (10 volunteers). The DWS data were acquired with a 13-interval STEAM sequence using bipolar diffusion gradients and cardiac synchronization5. Three orthogonal directions [1,1,-0.5], [1,-0.5,1], and [-0.5,1,1] were chosen to maximize the gradient strength for the isotropic diffusion weighting. DWS parameters were: TR/TE=3000/105 ms, Δ=100 ms, δ=30 ms, τ=13 ms, and 12 gradient amplitudes producing b-values of 0–17,204 s/mm2. The isotropic spectra were analyzed using LCModel6 using an appropriate basis set and the DWS data were fitted to Eq. [1] using custom Matlab code.


Fig. 2 shows example diffusion-weighted spectra of total choline (tCho=choline+phosphocholine+ glycerophosphocholine), total creatine (tCr=creatine+phosphocreatine), and total N-acetyl-aspartate (tNAA=NAA+NAAglutamate). Fig. 3 shows example quantified LCModel values and fits to Eq. [1], demonstrating clear deviation from monoexponential decay on log-linear plots for both VOIs. To simplify results presentation, statistical significance is shown only when the null hypothesis could not be rejected in a standard unpaired two-tailed Students t-test (p<0.05), shown in Tables 1 and 2 for mean and 95% confidence interval estimations of D and α across all subjects for both VOIs.


Strikingly, the metabolites exhibit more non-Gaussian behavior as expressed by anomalous subdiffusion (lower α) from WM to GM, opposite compared to water trends (higher α). Furthermore, within the WM, although D was statistically different for each metabolite, α was indistinguishable (p=0.67) for tCho, tCr, and tNAA, indicating not only clear subdiffusion, but also that the axonal and glial compartments appear similar at high spatial resolution7. Within GM, although D was statistically different for each metabolite, α was indistinguishable between tCho and tNAA (p=0.17) and between tCr and tNAA (p=0.20). The trend that intracellular metabolites have lower values of D in GM compared to WM coincides with previous studies8.

Lower α values for tCho from WM to GM indicate that GM astrocyte intracellular space is more heterogeneous compared to WM. Furthermore, the change in α for tCho may be reflecting fibrous astrocytes in WM (overlapping, longer projections) and protoplasmic astrocytes in GM (shorter, thin branching projections)8,9. Decreasing α values for tNAA from WM to GM may be indicative of confined NAA within the mitochondria, greater presence of neuronal organelles, and increased molecular crowding10-12. As tCr is in both the protoplasmic astrocytes, cell bodies, axons, and dendrites, the decrease in α from WM to GM is consistent with tCho and tNAA. Finally, considering intracellular metabolites are more subdiffusive from WM to GM, but water diffusion is more Gaussian from WM (α~0.62) to GM (α~0.83), our results suggest the following possibilities: GM extracellular space is relatively more homogeneous and less hindered than WM extracellular space; and, intracellular/extracellular exchange is much faster in GM than WM (also reported using filtered exchange imaging14).


We have found that intracellular metabolites ubiquitously exhibit clear non-Gaussian subdiffusion in the healthy human brain, which may be a fundamental marker of biological cellular environments to be compact for molecular assembly and chemical reaction rate efficiency13.


This work has been funded by a grant from the Whitaker International Program of the Institute of International Education.


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Figure 1: example occipital, coronal, and transverse T1-weighted images for single volume DWS experiments planned in a) the mostly WM of the parietal lobe and b) the mostly GM of the occipital lobe. Average tissue percentages across the subjects were a) 72.1% WM, 24.4% GM, 3.8% CSF, and b) 28.1% WM, 63.6% GM, 8.4% CSF.

Figure 2: example spectra attenuations in a) the mostly WM of the parietal lobe and b) the mostly GM of the occipital lobe.

Figure 3: example non-monoexponential signal decay plots of tCho, tCr, and tNAA in a) the parietal WM VOI and b) occipital GM as a function of diffusion weighting. The average Cramer-Rao lower bounds at the highest b-value across the subjects were a) 7.3% tCho, 5.6% tCr, 4.1% tNAA and b) 9.0% tCho, 5.9% tCr, 4.6% tNAA.

Table 1: mean and 95% confidence interval of D estimations for water, tCho, tCr, and tNAA for VOIs in the a) mostly WM and b) mostly GM. The estimated D are reported with units × 10-3 mm2/s. Values for D were significantly different (at least p<0.05) for each molecule both within each VOI and across GM and WM VOIs.

Table 2: mean and 95% confidence interval of α estimations for water, tCho, tCr, and tNAA for VOIs in the a) mostly WM and b) mostly GM. # indicates no significant difference in α (p=0.667) for PCho, tCr, and tNAA in the WM. ^ indicates no significant difference in α (p=0.1735) for tCho and tNAA in the GM. ° indicates no significant difference in α (p=0.1967) for tCr and tNAA in the GM. All other comparisons for α were significantly different (at least p<0.05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)