Ania Benítez1,2, Blanca Lizarbe3, Pilar López-Larrubia1, Luis Lago-Fernández2, Manuel Sánchez-Montañés2, and Sebastián Cerdán1
1Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols", Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
We investigate the global cerebral response to appetite in mice by functional Diffusion Weighted Imaging,
implementing two independent, but complementary, methods of data analysis; a) Model-free
classification algorithm and b) Biexponential diffusion parameter fittings.
The model-free approach allowed the pixel by pixel calculation of appetite index
maps, used to classify the brain between fed and fasted conditions.
Biexponential model fittings allowed the calculation of diffusion parameter
maps, revealing significant increases in diffusion parameters through the whole
fasted brain. Both methods detected an asymmetric cerebral response to appetite
with the right cerebral hemisphere becoming more responsive.Introduction
Feeding impulse in
the brain results from a complex balance between orexigenic and anorexigenic
stimulations in the hypothalamus, reward centers, brain stem and cortex, driven
by peripheral and intracerebral effectors
1. Despite enormous
progress during the last decades on the molecular and cellular determinants of
appetite, the in vivo organization of cerebral responses to feeding paradigms
remains poorly understood. Non-invasive imaging techniques have previously
contributed important progress towards this end
2. We previously showed
that functional Diffusion Weighted Imaging (fDWI) may detect areas of cerebral
activation by feeding/fasting paradigms, through changes in the water diffusion
3. However, our analysis focussed previously only in
hypothalamic and cortical structures. Here, we present the results of a study
on global cerebral response to appetite in the mouse brain.
Material and Methods
A total of fourteen adult male mice
C57BL/6, receiving normal chow diet (A04,
SAFE Augy, France, 2900 kcal/kg) and
water ad libitum, were investigated by fDWI under fed (n=14), 48h (n=8) or 16h
(n=6) fasted conditions. Diffusion Weighted Imaging performed in anesthetized
mice (isofluorane 2% / oxygen 99.9% mixture, 1mL/min), at 7T (Bruker Avance III) used a mouse head resonator (23 mm) and the Stejskal-Tanner spin-echo
sequence in three orthogonal directions (left-right L-R, anterior-posterior
A-P, and head-foot H-F) with a 4 shot EPI read-out train. Acquisition
conditions were: δ = 4 ms, Δ = 20 ms, TR = 3000 ms, TE = 51 ms, Av = 3,
FOV = 21mm x 21mm, acquisition matrix = 128 x 128, corresponding to an in-plane
resolution of 164μm x 164μm and a slice thickness = 1.5 mm. We obtained five high b value acquisitions (200<b<1200 and six low b
value acquisitions (10<b<90 Therefore, every
pixel is described by a 33 component vector (eleven b values in three orthogonal directions) representing signal
intensity values along the three orthogonal directions. fDWI datasets were
analysed by a model-free classification method based on Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA), classified between the fed and fasted conditions and the
accuracy of classification determined using the leave-one-out strategy (Figure
1, left). Also, a biexponential model was fitted to the same fDWI datasets,
using the following expression: S(b)S(0)=SDP⋅exp(−b⋅Dslow)+FDP⋅exp(−b⋅Dfast) where, S(b) and S(0) represent the individual pixel intensities in the presence and absence of diffusion gradient, SDP and FDP represent the slow and fast diffusion phases (FDP = 1-SDP), Dslow and Dfast the corresponding apparent diffusion coefficients (Figure 1, right).
Figure 2 illustrates the application of model-free classification method
based on LDA in a representative mouse under both conditions (left: fasted,
right: fed). LDA was trained to find the linear projection that optimally
discriminates individual pixels as belonging to the fed or fasted states. We
named this projection “Appetite Index” (AI), and used it to classify the test
mice as fed or fasted. Model-free analysis allowed the correct classification
of the mouse brain between the two states (Figure 2, top panels), as well as AI maps
representation (Figure 2, central panels). AI was higher through the whole brain in
the fasted condition, as revealed by the shift to red colours. Using this
algorithm and a leave-one-out strategy, we obtained a 81% correct
classification hit rate with the group of eight mice and a 75% with the group
of six mice. Next, we tested lateralization of the appetite index in the left
and right hemispheres separately,
under the fed or fasted conditions. Notably, the AI is higher in the right cerebral hemisphere in all
cases (Figure 2, bottom panels).
To confirm further the lateralization of appetite, we used biexponential fitting of
the same datasets. Figure 3 summarizes the results obtained after fitting the
biexponential model on the fDWI datasets from eight mice fasted 48h. Top
panel presents the mean values, standard deviations and comparative statistical
significances of the SDP, Dslow, and Dfast diffusion parameters
in the whole brain, from all mice in this group, under fed or fasted conditions,
along the three orthogonal directions investigated (L-R, A-P, and H-F). The three
diffusion parameters increased significantly with fasting in the three
directions. Bottom panels show significant differences in the diffusion
parameters between the right and left cerebral hemispheres suggesting that
these changes determine those observed in AI.
In summary, we report that the cerebral activation by appetite
can be detected by a global analysis of the mouse brain using fDWI. Our results
reveal that appetite stimulation is asymmetrically distributed through the
brain, predominantly affecting the right hemisphere.
Authors are indebted to Mrs. Teresa Navarro CSIC for expert technical assistance in the MRI acquisitions, Mrs. Patricia Sánchez CSIC for continuous support and proficient animal handling, and Mr. Javier Pérez for professional drafting of the illustrations.References
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