Silvia Obertino1, Lorenza Brusini1, Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo2,3, Mauro Zucchelli1, Alessandro Daducci4, Gloria Menegaz1, and Cristina Granziera5,6
1Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Institute of Nuclear Medicine, UCL, United Kingdom, 3Neuroradiology, University Hospital Verona, Italy, 4École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Chalestown, MA, United States, 6Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology (HC CMEA SUI DI BM PI), Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland
In this
work, we investigated whether the structural properties of cortico-subcortical
(CS) motor circuits are related to motor outcome after stroke. To do this, we
acquired Diffusion Spectrum Imaging data in 10 stroke patients at 3 time points
after stroke. We then performed tractographic reconstruction and estimated a
number of microstructural indices, derived from the 3D Simple Harmonic
Oscillator based Reconstruction and Estimation (SHORE) model, in the cortico-subcortical
motor fiber tracts. Linear regression analysis showed that that SHORE metrics
of thalamo-cortical and intrastriatal connections in the first week after
stroke are strongly related to stroke recovery at 6 months follow-up.Introduction
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) has provided
a new window into brain connectivity reorganization and recovery following
[1]. Besides, DWI has proven its utility in predicting
patients’ clinical outcome
using both parametric maps
[3] and tractography metrics
A previous work from our group evidenced that Generalized Fractional
Anisotropy (GFA), as derived from DSI data in the uninjured cortical motor
network, represents a strong predictor of stroke recovery
[4]. In this
work, we aimed at investigating whether the structural properties of cortico-subcortical
(CS) motor circuits, as measured by Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) metrics, are
related to motor outcome after stroke. To do this, we focused on the CS motor
circuits and investigated a number of recently introduced
microstructural indices that may be derived from DSI: (i) the Propagator
Anisotropy (PA), (ii) the Return to axis Probability (RTAP) and (iii) an
estimation of the axon’s Radius (R), which are derived from the 3D Simple
Harmonic Oscillator based Reconstruction and Estimation
(3D-SHORE) model. We then used those indices in a linear regression model
jointly with acute clinical scores, stroke size
and age to assess their relationship with clinical outcome at
six months after stroke. The target analysis focused
on the uninjured cortico-subcortical (CS) motor-loop [primary motor
areas (M1) - putamen (Put) - globus pallidus (GPi) - ventral lateral thalamic
nucleus (Thal) - motor cortex (M1)] in ischemic stroke patients.
Ten ischemic stroke
patients with strokes affecting the motor cortex (age = 56.1 ± 17.8;
female:male=4:6) were enrolled in the study. All subjects underwent 3 DSI scans
(repetition time [TR]/echo time [TE]=6,600/138 msec, field of view
[FOV]=212x212 mm, 34 slices, 2.2x2.2x3 mm resolution, 258 diffusion directions,
b=8,000 s/mm
2)within one
(tp1), one month (± one week,
tp2), and six months (±
fifteen days,
tp3) after stroke. Patients
underwent clinical assessments (NIH Stroke Scale [NIHSS] scores) at each time
point. The motor part of the NIHSS score (NIHSS motor) was derived from items 2
(gaze) to 7 (ataxia) and 10 (dysarthria) ( The regions of interest in the CS motor loop were
extracted from high resolution MPRAGE images (TR/TE=2,400/3 ms,
voxel=1x1x1.2 mm, FOV=256x240 mm, generalized auto calibrating partially
parallel acquisition [GRAPPA]=2) using Freesurfer (
and manually corrected by an expert neurologist. The ODFs were reconstructed
using Diffusion Toolkit ( and fiber tracking was performed
via a streamline algorithm ( 3D-SHORE based indices were computed
along fibers wiring the contralesional CS motor network, as illustrated in Fig.
1. Histograms of the indices were derived and some descriptors were considered
(mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis). A linear regressor model applying backward
[4,7] was used to estimate the predictive power of each
3D-SHORE feature for the clinical outcome at 6 months (NIHSS3 motor). Each
feature was processed independently to reduce the number of predictive variables
in a small cohort of subjects.
Results and Discussion
The mean
value of RTAP along all CS motor loop connections at
together with the stroke size at the same time point, was the variable that
best correlated with NIHSS motor at
tp3 (R
2=0.96; R
2adj=0.90,Table 1). Remarkably,
RTAP represents the reciprocal of the mean cross-sectional area of the pore
[6] such that an estimation of the axonal radius can be
inferred from it as
R=√(π/RTAP). These results point
therefore at a possible relationship between axonal diameter in the acute
stroke phase and the potential of functional recovery six months after the
acute event. Other good predictive models were obtained combining the mean GFA,
PA and R characteristics along the M1-Thal connection with the NIHSS motor at
tp1 (R
2=0.82±0.03; R
2adj=0.77±0.05 Table 1).
Mean values of 3D-SHORE indices were overall better correlated with motor
outcome at 6 months after stroke than their variance, skewness and kurtosis.
Interestingly, the microstructural characteristics of the connections GPi-Put
and M1-Thal were among the best predictors of NIHSS motor at
Our results
show that RTAP histogram features across the CS motor loop provided the best
prediction of motor outcome 6 months after stroke. Furthermore, our data
confirm that the pre-stroke characteristics of thalamo-cortical connections are
strongly related to stroke recovery at 6 months follow-up, as recently
[8]. In
addition, we provide new evidence of the importance of intrastriatal
connectivity (GPi-Put) in stroke recovery, which warrants further
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] C.M. Stinear
et al, Int Journal of Stroke, 2012. [2]
W.D. Heisset al, Int Journal of Stroke, 2015. [3] P.J. Hand et al, Stroke, 2006. [4] C. Granziera et
al, Neurology, 2012. [5] J.D. Schaechter et al, OHBM, 2009. [6] E. Ozarslan et al, ISMRM, 2009. [7] L. Brusini
et al, MICCAI, 2015. [8] R. Schulz et al, Cerebral
Cortex, 2015.