Recovery of Lost Connectivities in the Human Brain Connectome as Enabled by Ultra High Spatial Resolution Diffusion MRI
Iain P Bruce1, Christopher Petty1, Nan-Kuei Chen1, and Allen W Song1

1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States


Typical diffusion tensor imaging datasets are acquired at relatively low spatial resolutions (~2 mm) because of limitations in commonly used single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) protocols. However, within a relatively coarse voxel, it is often difficult for fiber tracking algorithms to accurately resolve short association fibers (e.g. cortical u-fibers) with very high curvature. As these fibers play an important role in linking adjacent gyri and constructing the human connectome, this report aims to quantify the recovery of lost connections and the improved accuracy of mutual connectivities between ROIs through high spatial resolution (enabled by multi-shot EPI based on multiplexed sensitivity encoding).

Background and Purpose:

One of the main goals of recent large collaborative studies such as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) [1] has been to develop a reliable map of brain connectivity. To most accurately map brain networks, there has been an increasing demand for improvements in the achievable angular and spatial resolution of in-vivo diffusion Magnetic Resonance Images (dMRI). While high angular resolution dMRI can greatly help resolve crossing fibers, it is often not effective in delineating short association fibers of very high curvature (i.e. high turning angle) within the voxel in images with low spatial resolution. Recent studies [2] have shown that it is possible to achieve sub-millimeter isotropic spatial resolutions in-vivo, thereby recovering and resolving short association fibers (i.e. u-fibers connecting adjacent gyri). As these fibers play a critical role in constructing the human connectome, this report aims to assess the connectivity gains at high spatial resolution. Initial evidences are presented that demonstrate both the recovery of lost connections (edges), as well as improved accuracy of mutual connectivities (i.e. thickness of edges) between nodes (ROIs), when the spatial resolution increases. Effort is also made to potentially identify an optimal spatial resolution for an accurate construction of a human brain connectome.


To assess the impact of spatial resolution over a wide range, eight data sets with 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 mm isotropic voxels were generated by resampling an in-vivo dMRI data set acquired with 15 diffusion directions and true 0.85 mm isotropic voxels. After resampling, fiber tractography was carried out for each resolution at every turning angle threshold between 10° and 82° using the FACT tracking algorithm [3]. The optimal tracking angles for each resolution were identified as the angle that produced the maximum number of short association fibers (3-30 mm) [4], illustrated in Figure 1. Using the FreeSurfer gray matter ROI segmentation, a connectome matrix was calculated for each resolution based on the fibers tracked with the optimal turning angle at that resolution.

Results and Discussion:

To quantify improvements in the connectivities at each node in the connectome gained by increasing spatial resolutions, the total number of nodes connected with each node (the degree) was measured for all resolutions. As presented in Figure 2, every node in the segmentation exhibits a variation in degree across resolutions, with the greatest degree at each node observed by the high-resolution data and the lowest degree observed in the data with 2.0 mm voxels. Although some nodes, such as the pre and post-central gyri, only display a degree variation of 4 nodes between the high and low resolution data sets, the thickness of the fiber bundles that make up the edge between these gyri varies greatly across the resolutions. Figure 3 illustrates that voxels on the order of 0.85-1.0 mm can accurately represent the short association u-fibers that form the connection between the sensory and motor cortices, while 2.0 mm voxels are unable to resolve these fibers, reducing the connection to only a handful of fibers.

While the degree presents a measure of connectivity improvements on a node-by-node basis, a quantification of improvements to the connectome as a whole is achieved by calculating the correlation coefficient between the connectome of each resampled resolution and that of the original 0.85 mm data set. As shown in Figure 4, the strong correlation observed for spatial resolutions from 0.9 to 1.2 mm suggests that the overall connectome structure of the 0.85 mm data set is well preserved. However, for images with voxels larger than 1.2 mm, there is a steady decrease in correlation that indicates a significant reduction (i.e. loss of connectivity) in the connectome map. This is caused when short association fibers with high curvature are inadequately resolved at low spatial resolutions, resulting in either a reduction of connectivities within existing edges, as previously illustrated in Figure 3, or a loss of edges altogether.


This study experimentally and systematically demonstrates that it is possible to construct a consistent and accurate human brain connectome at very high spatial resolution, after recovering lost edges and refining thicknesses of existing edges and the radii of nodes. Moreover, it is shown that a minimal spatial resolution of 1.2 mm is needed before significant connectivity information is lost. Such a loss is primarily due to the missing cortical u-fibers, as well as the inability to resolve crossing fibers, at low spatial resolution. The results presented in this study will help our continued effort to improve the accuracy of the human brain connectome.


The work presented in this report was, in part, supported by NIH grants R01 NS075017 and R01 NS074045.


1. O. Sporns et al., The human connectome: a structural description of the human brain. PLoS Compt. Biol. 2005; 1:e42.

2. A. W. Song et al., Improved delineation of short cortical association fibers and gray/white matter boundary using whole-brain three-dimensional diffusion tensor imaging at submillimeter spatial resolution. Brain Connect. 2014; 9: 636-640.

3. S. Mori, P. C. M. Van Zijl, Fiber tracking: principles and strategies – a technical review. NMR Biomed, 2002; 15: 468-480.

4. A. Schuez, R. Miller, Cortical Areas: Unity and Diversity. Abington, UK: Taylor & Francis, 2002.


With short association fibers (3-30 mm) counted for nine resolutions at tracking angle thresholds between 10° and 82°, the optimal tracking angle for each resolution is derived from a trend line fit to the angles that resulted in the maximum number of association fibers.

The reduction in the degree of connectivity for each ROI with an increase in voxel size across nine resolutions varying from 0.85 to 2.0 mm. ROIs are ordered with the lowest range in degree on the left to the greatest range in degree on the right.

The large bundle of cortical u-fibers connecting the motor and sensory cortices seen in a data set with 0.85 mm isotropic voxels are shown to be greatly reduced when the voxel size is increased to 2.0 mm.

The correlation between the structural connectome of a high-resolution dMRI data set with 0.85 mm voxels and the connectomes of eight resampled data sets with voxels ranging between 0.9-2.0 mm.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)