this study, a new approach to obtain improved fiber dispersion
estimates by simultaneously fitting multi-Bingham distributions to the fODF is presented.Introduction
Diffusion Imaging allows us to probe the
microstructural organisation of the living human brain and it is extensively
used today to map connectivity and biological changes occurring in healthy
brain development, as well as psychiatric or neurological disorders. However, most
diffusion indices available today provide only an average description of the
underlying microstructural organisation at the voxel level. Recently, a new
generation of tract specific metrics based on spherical deconvolution (SD) and
fiber orientation distribution functions (fODF) have been proposed
From the fODF, multiple fibre orientations can be extracted and looking at the
amplitude of the recovered fODF, metrics
like hindrance modulated orientational anisotropy (HMOA) or apparent fibre
density (AFD) have been shown to be sensitive to differences in microstructural
organization, fibre density and diffusion parameters of each resolved fiber
More recently, fitting single Bingham distributions directly on individual fODF
lobes was suggested as a way to map fiber dispersion
3,4. Despite the
huge potential of mapping dispersion, reliably extending Bingham fitting to multiple
peaks has proven to be more challenging than expected
3. In this
study, a new approach is presented to obtain improved fiber dispersion
estimates by simultaneously fitting multi-Bingham distributions to all fODF
lobes. To evaluate the
proposed method
performance, numerical simulations were performed and in-vivo human data
was used to map dispersion along white-matter tracts.
Multi-Bingham:The sum of N multi-Bingham
distributions is fitted to all fODF samples fi using a nonlinear
procedure that solves the following problem:
where, for each Bingham distribution n,
f_0 is the peak distribution amplitude, k_1 and k_2 are the
concentration parameters along the = perpendicular axis of the distribution, \overrightarrow{\mu_1}
and \overrightarrow{\mu_2} and \overrightarrow{\eta} are the
sampling directions of the fODF. To increase this nonlinear
procedure performance, Bingham parameters were initialized to the values obtained from
fitting a single Bingham distribution to individual fODF peaks. After the nonlinear
convergence, the concentration parameters k_1 and k_2 are converted
to dispersion angles a_1 = \sin^{-1}\sqrt{1/(2k_1)} and a_2 =
Simulations: Two crossing fibers with varying intersection
angles were first simulated based on the multi-compartmental simulations6. The simulations' multi-compartmental model was then modified to take into account different levels of
dispersion along the axis \overrightarrow{\mu_1} for a single fiber
MRI data: A healthy subject was recruited for this
study. MRI experiments were performed in a 3T GE Signa HDx TwinSpeed system (General
Electric, Milwaukee, WI). Sixty axial diffusion-weighted images covering the
whole brain were acquired along 60 diffusion-weighted
directions (b-value = 3000 s/mm-2) and 7 non diffusion-weighted volumes,
using a spin-echo single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence (ASSET factor
of 2). Other parameters were as following: voxel size = 2.4x2.4x2.4mm, matrix=128x128,
field of view = 307x307 mm, TE=93.4 ms.
Data processing: For both simulated and MRI data fODFs were generated using the damped Richardson-Lucy spherical
deconvolution algorithm5. Tractography was then
performed along the fODF peaks and the corresponding Bingham parameters were
mapped along all tractogram streamlines.
visualisation of simulated fODF and respective fitted sum of multi-Binghams
distributions are shown in Figure 1.
In Figure 2, dispersion measures are plotted as function of the real crossing
angle (top panels) and as a function of the real dispersion angle (lower
panels). In figure 3 the two dispersion
a_1 and
a_2 are mapped along the Inferior
fronto-occipital fasciculus and the uncinated fasciculus.
The major geometrical features of fODF profiles can be be well characterised
by a sum of multiple Bingham distributions (Figure 1). As expected, our
simulations showed that even when no dispersion is simulated fODFs always have
an intrinsic dispersion angle. However, for simulated dispersion angles larger
than 10
o the estimated dispersion angle quickly converge to precisely match the
expected value of the fibers. Our simulations also showed that fitting single
Bingham to the lobes of crossing fibers can sometimes generate also implausible
high values of dispersion. On the contrary, by applying a multi-Bingham fitting, this provided a more
stable and reliable solution across all configurations. On in-vivo human data,
dispersion angle estimates seem to be consistent with the known anatomy of the
selected tracts. For instance, larger angle estimates of
a_1 seem to correctly
correlate with macroscopic region of fanning while small and uniform values of
a_2 with a single axis of dispersion of the bundle.
In this
study we have shown that it is possible to reliably fit fODF profiles by
applying multi-Bingham fitting. Moreover, derived metrics of dispersion can be
already applied to real in-vivo data as new tract specific indices and preliminary
results shows a good agreement with known anatomical organisation.
This study was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia FCT/MCE (PIDDAC) under grants SFRH/BD/89114/2012
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