theoretical connectome analysis1
is an increasingly important
research area. There is, however, high
computational overhead required to: (a) produce whole or partial brain
tractographies; (b) convert tractographies into binary or weighted
graphs; and (c) analyse those graphs according to multiple, often
complex graph metrics. We have developed GP-GPU
accelerated implementations of each step. Exploiting the resultant
increase in computational power, we examined the effects of increasing
streamline sampling
densities and number of cortical parcellations
on separability of connectomes between first episode psychosis patients and controls. We show finer cortical parcellation increases separability (while increasing streamline density reduces it). Purpose
Explore the effects of varying both streamline and parcellation
densities on the group wise separability of graph theoretical metrics
using, as an example dataset, a cohort (n=30) of subjects with first
episode psychotic experiences compared to 30 age/sex matched controls.
Diffusion: 60 direction, 6 b0,
b=1200s/mm2, 2.4mm isotropic resolution, twice refocused spin-echo
sequence. mcDESPOT2:
SPGR images acquired at
TE=2.1ms, TR=4.7ms, flip angles = [3, 4, 5,6,7,9, 13, 18] degrees;
bSSFP acquititions at TE=1.6ms, TR=3.2ms, flip angles = [10.6, 14.1,
18.5, 23.8, 29.1, 35.3, 40, 60] degrees. bSSFP acquisitions were
repeated with and without 180 RF phase alteration to remove SSFP
banding artefacts and SPGR and IRSPGE acquisitions were used to
correct B0 and B1-induced myelin water fraction errors. All
data were acquired on a GE 3T Signal HDx system.
Damped Richardson-Lucy (dRL)3
deconvolution based tractography was performed with 45o/0.05
angular/fODF magnitude thresholds and 0.5mm step size. Seed points
were randomly generated until 1 million streamlines were produced
(according to previous criteria) within a 30mm to 300mm length range.
Matrix operations, e.g. those required for dRL fibre orientation
density function estimation (fODF) were re-implemented using the CUBLAS
software library (NVidia, Santa Clara, California, USA), while other operations, e.g. trilinear interpolation were achieved using
in-house CUDA implementations.
Construction\Measurements: Cortical
parcellation templates ranging from 180 to 1080 parcellations (at 90
parcellation intervals calculated
by successive subdividing the AAL template4)
were non-linearly co-registered to each subject. Weighted graphs were
then generated using randomly selected samples of 200 thousand to 1
million streamlines (at 200 thousand streamline intervals) at each
parcellation step, creating 55 possible streamline/parcellation
density combinations. Edge weights were defined as the mean parameter
value integrated along streamline segments connecting the relevant
node pair. Weighting parameters were fractional anisotropy
(FA), mean diffusivity (MD), myelin water fraction (MWF),
quantitative T1, R1 (1/T1) and binarized streamline count. Graph
metrics considered were mean strength (or degree for binarized
streamline strength), global efficiency and clustering coefficient.
For these operations significant use was made of CUDA atomic
operations that, through intelligent memory management, reduce
complications related to parallelised graph construction (i.e. race
1 shows example of the scale of speed
increases achieved
through switching key components of the tractography algorithm to
CUDA based implementations. Note, for example, significant
improvements in fODF calculation speed – a matrix based operation
to which GP-GPU technology is ideally suited. For reference tested
hardware was a single Nvidia GTX Titan Black vs. Intel E5-2603, with
multi-threaded CPU implementations written in MATLAB/MEX C adapted
from ExploreDTI software toolkit
Figures 2, 3 and 4 display, respectively, p-value maps (individual
values obtained through unpaired t-tests) for mean strength,
clustering coefficient and global efficiency metrics.
results indicate significant (patient vs. control) reductions in mean
connection strength (FA,
T1 and binary),
FA-weighted global efficiency and FA-weighted mean clustering
coefficient; all of which are consistent with previous observations
linking psychotic experiences/schizophrenia to reduced global
6. Patterns in the significance across these
weighting parameter/graph metric combinations reveal interesting
trends. Firstly, increasing streamline density reduces separability. While this may at first seem counter-intuitive, we must
consider that the initial 200k streamline density is already high
and, as such, it is unlikely that under sampling artefacts are
occurring. Increasing the number of streamlines beyond this point,
therefore, only increases the probability of observing artefactual (false positive) connections and, as those connections then increasingly obscure the
true connectome, reduces group separability. The second variable,
cortical parcellation density, has more nuanced effects. Trends in
global efficiency and mean strength indicate increased separation
with increased parcellation density, whereas clustering coefficient
varies by weighting parameter; FA-weighted graphs (the only measure reaching
significance), for example, provideoptimal separability between
360 and 630 parcellations while MWF-weighted graphs provide most separability at lower parcellation numbers.
While increasing streamline densities has little effect, it is perhaps unsurprising that reducing the size of
cortical parcellations below that of the standard AAL template can
begin to yield more informative differences in connectivity since, as many
FMRI studies have shown, cortical activity is
more localised than the large regions defined by the AAL template. With
improving computational techniques, such as GP-GPU technology, the (computational) convenience afforded by “big” region templates is no longer
required. Thus, for future work (and even re-examination of
existing null results in the literature), there is little reason not to consider a denser
cortical parcellation, or a range of parcellations,
searching for differences in structural connectomes.
This work was supported through a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award and a Royal Society International Exchange grant. References
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