High-Resolution DWI using reduced FOV multi-shot EPI with IRIS reconstruction
Wenxing Fang1, Zhigang Wu1, Feng Huang1, and Jeong Ha-Kyu2

1Philips Healthcare (Suzhou), Suzhou, China, Suzhou, China, People's Republic of, 2Philips Healthcare Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of


Multi-shot EPI using IRIS technique works fantastically in reduced FOV, which can enhance high resolution diffusion images. It can be a potential application for the research and clinical diagnosis in diffusion imaging.


Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) has been a powerful tool for lesion detection in clinical application. DW images are often acquired with single-shot Echo-planar imaging (ss-EPI) because it can offer high imaging speed. However it also suffers geometry distortion and signal loss in the case of susceptibility difference [1], especially for high resolution imaging. Reduced filed-of-view (rFOV) imaging is proposed to overcome these shortcomings by reducing the FOV at the phase-encode (PE) direction [2]. Multi-shot DWI (ms-DWI) is another effective way to weaken the distortion issue. Since small FOV and ms-DWI are methods based on different principle, it is nature the combine these two methods together to further reduce distortion. In this work, using iZOOM [3] and IRIS [4] as specific examples of small FOV and ms-DWI, the performance of the combination of these 2 techniques, named ms-iZOOM, was investigated.


This study was performed on a 1.5T Philips Multiva scanner (Philips healthcare, Suzhou, The Netherlands) with 16-ch head and spine coil. Spine study was applied to evaluate the performance of ms-iZOOM. Four data sets for conventional single shot DWI (ss-DWI), single shot iZOOM (ss-iZOOM) [3], multi-shot DWI [4], and multi-shot ZOOM were acquired. All the DW images of spine in the sagittal direction were acquired from a healthy volunteer using the following parameters: 1) ss-DWI: FOV = 260*260 mm2, TR = 2000 ms, TE = 73 ms, SENSE factor = 2, NSA = 8; 2) ss-iZOOM: 2D RF excited, FOV = 260*54 mm2, TR = 2000 ms, TE= 126 ms, NSA=6; 3) ms-DWI (IRIS): FOV = 260*152 mm2, TR = 2000ms, TE1/TE2 = 68/108 ms, 3 shots, SENSE factor = 2, NSA = 8; 4) ms-iZOOM: 2D RF excited, FOV = 260*70 mm2, TR = 2000ms, TE1/TE2 = 75/122 ms, 3 shots, NSA = 6; and the other parameters of these four protocols are identical: 11 slices, in-plane resolution = 1.35*1.1 mm2, slice thickness = 5 mm, b-value = 500 s/mm2 .


The diffusion weighted images of spine with four different protocols are shown in Fig 1. The contour of spine indicated by red curve is obtained from a T2 weighted TSE image. It can be seen that the distortions are reduced most in IRIS and ms-iZOOM, the spine geometry is almost the same as that of TSE image. Compared to ms-DWI using IRIS, ms-iZOOM provides a higher image SNR with less scan time. The scan time of these two protocols are 2 min 30 s and 3 min 18 s respectively.


Combination of iZoom and ms-DWI using IRIS resulted in images better than either iZOOM or IRIS. Multi-shot iZoom using IRIS reconstruction can be an effective way to provide high resolution images with improved image quality, and a potential application for the research and clinical diagnosis in diffusion imaging.


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[1] Le Bihan D., et. al. JMRI. 2006; 24:478-488.

[2] Saritas EU., et al. MRM. 2008; 60:468-473.

[3] Jegong HK., et. al. MRM. 2013; 69:793-802.

[4] Wu ZG., et. al. ISMRM 2015; 0953.


Figure 1. DW images of spine b = 500 s/mm2, with (A) ss-DWI, (B) ss-iZOOM, (C) ms-DWI, (D) ms-iZOOM. The contour of the spine (red curve) is obtained from a conventional TSE scan.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)