Luis Miguel Lacerda1, Gareth Barker1, and Flavio Dell'Acqua1
1Department of Neuroimaging, The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
Several methods
have been used to represent the diffusion signal, and recently novel
multi-shell approaches like SHORE, have allowed analytical and continuous
reconstruction of the diffusion propagator. In this study, we propose two new
metrics to better characterize the propagator at different displacement radii,
the Angular Complexity Index (ACI), as a measure of propagator anisotropy, and
the Fractional Displacement Probability (FDP), as index of relative mean
displacement probability within fixed displacement bands. Furthermore, we
display preliminary results that suggest sensitivity to microstructural
organisation at different displacement scales, as opposed to traditional
propagator metrics that reduce it to single scalar maps.Target Audience
Researchers and Clinicians developing and using diffusion
imaging methods to study tissue microstructure
Diffusion imaging is an established technique that
in vivo information about
the architecture of the brain and allows extraction of measures of its integrity.
Several methods have been used to characterize the diffusion signal, and
recently novel multi-shell methods have allowed analytical and continuous reconstruction
of the diffusion propagator. The Simple Harmonic Oscillator based Reconstruction
and Estimation (SHORE)
1 is one such method, and has been shown to
provide better tissue contrast in propagator-based metrics than inherently
incomplete discrete methods like DSI
2. However, existing metrics reduce
the rich information present in the diffusion propagator to single scalar maps
and discard potentially useful information about microstructure at the different
scales probed by the propagator. In this study, we propose two new metrics to
better characterize the diffusion propagator at different displacement radii, the
Angular Complexity Index (ACI), as a measure of propagator anisotropy, and the
Fractional Displacement Probability (FDP), as index of relative mean
displacement probability within fixed displacement bands. Preliminary results
are here presented on healthy in-vivo data.
Data acquisition: Diffusion
MRI data were acquired from a single healthy normal volunteer using a 3T GE
Signa HDx and consisted of sampling q-space on 6 different shells defined by
b-values: 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000 mm2/s. The number of
directions for each shell was {20;20;40;40;60;60} respectively, and an additional
{2;2;4;4;6;6} non-diffusion weighted volumes were collected alongside each
shell. Acquisition parameters were the following for all shells: voxel size
2x2x2 mm, matrix = 128x128, FOV=256x56 mm, 70 slices, 1 average, TE=78 ms, using
a single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence with an ASSET (parallel
imaging) factor of 2. Peripheral gating was applied with effective TR of 12 R-R
intervals. Additionally, an inversion recovery prepared spoiled gradient echo
(IR-SPGR) structural image was acquired and used to perform EPI distortions
correction of all diffusion data with ExploreDTI3, combined with
motion and eddy current distortion correction.
Data Processing: After pre-processing, all shells were used to
fit the coefficients of the 3D-SHORE basis, as implemented in dipy4,
and the diffusion propagator was computed at a maximum displacement of 40μm, in
a volume of 35x35x35 points, yielding a resolution of approximately 2μm. The ACI was then calculated as the “angular” standard
deviation of the propagator over the sphere at displacement (r),
normalized by the integral of the overall displacement probability:ACI(r)=std(Propagator(r))/∫Propagator. FDP maps were computed as the ratio between the
integral defined within a displacement band demarcated by two radii (r1,r2) and the total propagator integral as:FDP(B)=∫r2r1Propagator/∫Propagator. For both ACI and FDP maps, radii and bands can
be chosen as required by the experiment. In this study we computed ACI at 2,10,16,22
and 28μm; the
radii chosen for ACI computation defined the upper and lower limits of four
different FDP bands, [A,B,C,D], respectively from 2-10,10-16,16-22 and 22-28μm.
Results and discussion
Figure 1 shows that by measuring ACI at different ranges it is possible
to extract different anisotropy contrasts from the diffusion propagator
enabling the retrieval of anisotropic information that is characteristic of
specific displacements ranges. In the enlarged region, different ACI contrasts
can be identified in the region of the corona radiata (Fig1 red arrows)
suggesting a different sensitivity to microstructural organisation at different
displacement scales.
Similarly, Figure 2 shows that with FDP maps it is possible to identify different
probability of displacement within different displacement bands. For smaller displacement
bands (Fig2.A), higher probabilities are confined to tissue with high
restriction like white matter while for higher bands we see contribution only
from CSF tissue (Fig2.D). While still preserving a model independent approach it
was possible to identify and classify different tissues by looking at their
characteristic displacement pattern in the different bands. These maps can
potentially be used for new segmentations approaches and may also be able to better
inform tractography algorithms in areas of complex microstructural configurations.
In this study we have presented a new set of model independent diffusion
metrics that extent the amount of information that can be extracted from the
diffusion propagator. The additional contrast provided by ACI and FDP maps is
complementary to currently existing and more global propagator metrics, such as
return-to-origin probability (RT0P) and Mean squared Displacement (MSD) since they
are specific only to selected ranges of diffusion displacements
These maps have the potential to provide further insight and facilitate
exploration of brain microstructure organisation even when no a-priori
biophysical model is available.
The author Luis Miguel Lacerda would like to acknowledge GE/EPSRC/Case
award for funding; the author Gareth J. Barker receives honoraria from teaching
from GE Healthcare, and acts as a consultant for IXICO; the author Flavio
Dell’Acqua acknowledges BRC and Welcome Trust for funding.References
[1] – Özarslan et al. Neuroimage. 2013; 78: 16:32.
[2] – Zucchelli et al, p4294, ISMRM 2014.
[3] – Leemans et al, p3537 ISMRM 2009.
[4] – Garyfallidis et al. Front. Neuroinformatics. 2014.