Over the past decades, several non-Gaussian diffusion
models have been developed to reveal the underlying structures of the complex
and heterogeneous tissue by measuring the anomalous diffusion behavior. Within
these, continuous-time random-walk (CTRW) and fractional motion (FM) models
have actively been studied by several groups to compare them at cellular or molecular level. In this study, we provide a comparison between the
CTRW and FM models on human brain in vivo
at the voxel level using high b-value
diffusion MRI. It was observed that all CTRW and FM parameters exhibit characteristic
contrasts, reflecting different aspects of the complex diffusion process.Introduction
Although it has been
recognized that diffusion in biological tissues does not follow the classical
Gaussian model, there has not been a consensus on which model best
characterizes the diffusion process in tissues. Over the past few years, a
fractional motion (FM) diffusion model has been actively pursued by the
biophysics community [1-6], challenging the validity of other anomalous diffusion
models, including the continuous-time random-walk (CTRW) model, which was recently
introduced [7-12]. Publications on the FM model, particularly those focusing on
evaluation and validation, have been performed in
cell culture or at
level [3-6]. Under these conditions, it has been shown that the FM model can
better describe anomalous diffusion than the CTRW model [3-6]. However, this
may not be valid in diffusion-weighted MRI where the diffusion behavior within
an imaging
voxel must be considered. In
this study on healthy human brain, we investigate (a) whether the FM model can
effectively characterize diffusion behavior at a scale of an imaging voxel, and
(b) whether the FM model offers an advantage over the CTRW model.
The anomalous diffusion-induced signal attenuation, for a
Stejskal-Tanner diffusion gradient with a pulse width of δ and a lobe
separation of ∆, is described by Eqs. (1) and (2) for the CTRW [11,12] and FM
models (with simplifications on the expression in [1]), respectively.
Eqs. (1) and (2), Dm and Dfm are the
anomalous diffusion coefficient for the corresponding model. The parameters α and β are
temporal and spatial diffusion heterogeneity parameters, and φ and ψ are
the parameters governing the variance and correlation properties of the
diffusion process’ increments. Eα is a Mittag-Leffler function and
the dimensionless is a function of φ, ψ,
δ, ∆, etc. to express Dfm in mm2/sec. In this general formulation, the FM model has four distinct
cases, Brownian, Levy, fractional Brownian, and fractional Levy motions,
corresponding to different φ and ψ values
Subjects and image
acquisition: This
study involved two groups of healthy subjects: young group (YG) (
n=6; 29-44 years-old) and elderly group
(EG) (
n=5; 65-76 years-old). All
subjects underwent diffusion MRI examination with 14
b-values (0-4000 sec/mm2) at 3T using a 32-channel head
coil. The key acquisition parameters were: TR/TE=4200/86ms, slice thickness=3mm,
Δ=47ms, δ=32.2ms, FOV=24cm×24cm, and matrix size=128×128 (reconstructed to 256×256).
Analysis: Trace-weighted images were used to minimize the effect of
diffusion anisotropy. The CTRW
parameters (
β) and FM parameters (
ψ) were estimated by respectively fitting Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) to
the multi-
b-value diffusion images using
a nonlinear least-squares estimation. Both
Dm were estimated by a
mono-exponential model using the images at
b≤1200 s/mm
2. The other parameters, (
ψ) or
β), were simultaneously estimated from
b-values with the fixed
Dfm or
Dm. Two representative gray matter (GM) regions from
the thalamus (THAL) and putamen (PUT), and two white matter (WM) regions from
the splenium and genu of the corpus callosum (SCC and GCC) were selected and the
mean values of (
β) and (
ψ) over the region-of-interests (ROIs; Fig.1) were computed.
The parameter maps of the
and FM (
ψ) models for one
representative subject from each of the two groups are given in Figs.2 and 3,
respectively. The values of
Dm are lower in WM than GM, indicating slower anomalous diffusion in WM. The CTRW
β and the FM parameters
φ and
ψ showed
substantially similar GM/WM contrast. Although the FM parameters,
φ and
theoretically represent two different statistical properties of diffusion
process, the GM/WM contrasts in
φ and
ψ maps were similar,
possibly due to correlation between them in Eq.(2). The CTRW parameters,
α and
β, however, can reveal
distinct diffusion information, temporal and spatial heterogeneity, as they are
independent parameters in Eq.(1). The boxplots of the mean
β (of
the CTRW) and
φ or
ψ (of the FM) showing the
difference between the GM (THAL and PUT) and WM (SCC and GCC) are given in
Figs. 4 and 5 for the YG and EG, respectively.
Discussion and Conclusion
We have shown that the FM model can be successfully applied
in vivo human studies at 3T and
provide comparable, but not superior, results to characterize healthy brain
tissue to the CTRW model. The CTRW parameters,
α and
β, and FM
φ and
ψ, all exhibit characteristic contrasts
in healthy brain tissue, reflecting different aspects of the diffusion process.
The exact nature of these aspects remains intriguing and may require high
in vitro studies to provide
more insights.
This work was supported in part by NIH 1S10RR028898 and
3R01MH081019. We thank Drs. Frederick C. Damen, Richard L. Magin, and Rong-Wen
Tain, and Zheng Zhong for valuable discussions. References
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