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A Trimodal non-Gaussian Diffusion Model for the Full Spectrum of Multi-b Diffusion MRI in Brain Tissue
Nicholas W. Damen1,2, Kejia Cai2,3,4, Yi Sui2,4, Muge Karaman2, and Frederick C. Damen2,3

1Illinois Math and Science Academy, Aurora, IL, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Radiology, University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago, IL, United States, 4Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States


When examining brain diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) images acquired at multiple diffusion weightings, i.e., b-values, it has become apparent that the DW-MRI measurements may not be completely explained with a Gaussian mono-exponential model. A trimodal model is proposed to fit the full spectrum of multi-b DW-MRI (from 0 to 5000 s/mm2) by incorporating a perfusion component, a stretch exponential component, and a 3rd distinct diffusion component. The trimodal model reduced the χ2 fitting residuals, provided an additional 3rd diffusion component with good white matter contrast without sacrificing contrast in the perfusion and stretch exponential components.


When examining brain diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI) images acquired at multiple b-values spanning from 0 to ~5000 s/mm2, it has become apparent that the DW-MRI measurements can not be completely characterized by a functional corresponding to a single component or process. The intravoxel incoherent motion IVIM model1 was proposed to explain the perfusion effects on the low to moderately diffusion weighted data. The stretch exponential model2 was proposed as an empirical characterization of the moderately (<3000 s/mm2) weighted diffusion data. This model was later supported by theoretical analysis and named the fractional order calculus (FROC) model3. With the advent of clinical MR scanner that can acquire acceptable SNR diffusion weighted images within the 3000 to 5000 s/mm2 range, it appears that stretch exponential model may not fully explain these images collected at these high b-values, suggesting an additional diffusion component may exist. Here we propose a trimodal model to fit the full spectrum of multi-b DW-MRI (from 0 to 5000 s/mm2) by incorporating the perfusion component, the stretch exponential component (or the FROC component), and a 3rd distinct diffusion component.


Existing Models:

IVIM: Sb/S0=feDb+(1f)eDb, where f is the perfusion fraction, D* is the pseudo-diffusion coefficient, and D is the Gaussian diffusion coefficient.

Stretch exponential / FROC: Sb/S0=e(DDCb)β, where DDC is the distributed diffusion coefficient, and β is the heterogeneity index.

Proposed Model:

Trimodal: Sb/S0=ffeDb+fse(Dsb)β+freDrb, where Sb is the diffusion weighted signal at b-value, ff and D*are the IVIM fraction and pseudo-diffusion coefficient – respectively, fs, Ds and βs are the stretch exponential fraction, diffusion coefficient and heterogeneity index - respectively, and, fr and Dr are the remaining high b-value fraction and diffusion coefficient - respectively.

MR imaging: Diffusion weighted brain images of three healthy adults were acquired using a 3T MRI scanner (MR750, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) with a 8-element phased-array coil and a customized single-shot spin-echo EPI sequence (TR/TE = 3000/91 ms, field of view = 240x240 mm2, matrix = 256x256, slice thickness = 5 mm, number of slices = 24, diffusion b-value = 0, 10, 50, 100, 300, 400, 500, 700, 1000, 1250, 1800, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3300, 3500, 3700, 3800, 4000, 5000 s/mm2).

Model fitting: Per voxel fitting was performed in two steps. Step 1: with Dr fixed at 0.005x10-3mm2/s, iteratively performed a nonlinear fit to the stretch exponential to the b=1000-3000 s/mm2 range and then estimated the fr that produced the least fitting error over the b=3000-5000s/mm2 range. Step 2: with the fr and Dr fixed and D* constrained above 3.5x10-3mm2/s, as suggested by IVIM, a nonlinear fit was performed using the whole trimodal equation and complete range of b-values. A per voxel fit to the stretch exponential only model was also performed for comparison.


Fitting the trimodal model produces six maps as shown in Figure 1. The perfusion fraction ff (figure 1a) is low and sparse as expected, and the pseudo-diffusion D* (figure 1b), as has been generally reported, is highly variable. The stretch fraction fs (Figure 1c) indicates that the diffusion data is predominantly explained by the stretch exponential portion of the trimodal model, where Ds and βs are presented in figure 1 d and e, respectively. The 3rd fraction fr is presented in figure 1f.

The stretch exponential parameters show the similar relative contrast in both models, for comparison see figure 2. An ROI within the superior corona radiata reveals trimodal (Ds = 0.62±0.10 x10-3mm2/s, βs=0.76±0.05) and stretch only (DDC=0.70±0.03 x10-3mm2/s, β=0.60±0.04).

To appreciate the white matter information contained in the fr map, figure 3 contains the 3rd fraction fr; stretch exponential only model χ2 error map, where large fitting errors were observed from white matter regions, an anatomical T1 image, and the trimodal χ2 error.

Discussion and Conclusion

The proposed trimodal model was developed to extend the stretch exponential model to incorporate both the perfusion information predominant around low b-values and the additional information available at b-values between 3000 and 5000 s/mm2. The trimodal χ2 error map as compared to the stretch exponential only χ2 error map suggests that the trimodal model provided a better fit to the acquired data, especially in white matter regions, which suggests there was remaining information in white matter regions. The fr map compared to the T1 weighted MR image seems to support this claim. Since fr seems to explain one aspect of the diffusion inhomogeneity within the voxel, a rise in βs, i.e., more homogeneous, in the trimodal model would be expected.


We would like to thank Dr X.J.Zhou for valuable discussion on this topic.

The MRI facility is supported by a grant from the NIH (1S10RR028898).


1) Le Bihan, D. Radiology 1986; 161:401-407.

2) Bennett, KM. MRM 2003; 50:727-734.

3) Zhou, XJ. MRM 2010; 63:562-9.


Figure 1: Trimodal maps, IVIM a) fraction and b) pseudo-diffusion D*, stretch exponential c) fraction, d) diffusion coefficient Ds, e) heterogeneity index βs, remaining f) fraction fr.

Figure 2: Stretch parameters. Top row, stretch exponential only model, a) distributed diffusion coefficient DDC (x10-3mm2/s), and b) homogeneity index β. Bottom row, Trimodal model, c) diffusion coefficient Ds (x10-3mm2/s), and, d) homogeneity index βs.

Figure 3: a) Trimodal remaining fraction fr, b) Stretch exponential only model χ2 error map, c) T1 weighed image, d) trimodal χ2 error map.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)