Hing-Chiu Chang1,2, Mei-Lan Chu2, and Nan-Kuei Chen2
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
Intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI utilizes diffusion-weighted echo-planar
imaging (DW-EPI) technique to acquire a set of image data with multiple
b-values. The major limitation of IVIM is due to long acquisition time for
multiple b-values that can lower the feasibility of clinical use, especially it
requires multiple averaging of high-b value to compensate SNR loss. In this
study, we propose a joint reconstruction framework of POCSMUSE algorithm, to
simultaneously reconstruct under-sampled multi-b interleaved DW-EPI data with
reduced noise amplification.Introduction
Intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) is a useful medical imaging tool for characterizing tissue type by
deriving clinical markers associated with perfusion and diffusion of
tissue (1). In practice, IVIM MRI utilizes diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging (DW-EPI) technique to
acquire a set of image data with multiple b-values (1). The major limitation
of IVIM is due to long acquisition time for acquiring multiple b-values that lowers
the feasibility of clinical use, especially it requires multiple averaging of
high-b value to compensate low SNR. In addition, DW-EPI also suffers from
geometric distortion and low resolution. To reduce the degraded image quality,
parallel imaging such as SENSE reconstruction can be used to reduce the distortion (2).
However, there is undesired noise amplification associated with SENSE reconstruction.
Recently, a projection onto convex sets based multiplexed sensitivity encoding
(POCSMUSE) reconstruction algorithm has been proposed to reconstruct
interleaved DW-EPI data without undesired noise amplification (3). Even though
interleaved DW-EPI with POCSMUSE reconstruction can simultaneously acquire
high-resolution DWI data and address both geometric distortion and noise
amplification issues, the much more prolonged scan time due to multi-shot
acquisition substantially escalates the difficulty in clinical use. To further
reduce the sub-total acquisition time for a set of high b-value DW images, we
propose a joint reconstruction framework of POCSMUSE algorithm, to
simultaneously reconstruct under-sampled multi-b interleaved DW-EPI data with
reduced noise amplification compared to SENSE reconstruction.
Material and Method
I. POCSMUSE for joint reconstruction of under-sampled multi-b DW
To simplifier the model for testing proposed algorithm, we
assume that there is only mono-diffusion component across a set of high b-value
DW images. Thus, the relationship between each pair of high b-value DW images
is an exponential decay function with attenuation factor of apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC). The flowchart of iterative process of modified POCSMUSE framework for joint
estimation of multi-b DW image is shown in Figure 1.
II. Data acquisition: A set of high-resolution brain multi-b DW data was acquired from
one healthy volunteer at 3.0T MRI scanner (MR750, GE Healthcare) using an
8-channel phase-array head coil with a four-shot interleaved DW-EPI sequence.
Four high b-value, 500, 800, 1200, and 1500 s/mm2 were acquired to test proposed
POCSMUSE framework. Other imaging parameters include: TE/TR = 65ms/5000ms,
matrix size = 256 x 256, slice thickness = 4mm.
III. Hybrid simulation: The fully-sampled interleaved DW-EPI data was used to simulate an
under-sampled data set by picking up different segments. For instance, 1st
segment from b=500 , 2nd segment
from b=800, 3rd segment from b=1200, and 4th segment from b=1500
DW images. To compare the performance of POCSMUSE framework, the
under-sampled multi-b data set were also reconstructed by using SENSE.
Moreover, the fully-sampled interleaved DW-EPI data was reconstructed by using
original MUSE algorithm (4) as a gold standard of artifact-free multi-b DW images.
IV. Comparison: The L1-norm between fully-sampled and under-sampled multi-b DW
images jointly reconstructed from proposed POCSMUSE framework was measured. The
L1-norm between fully-sampled and SENSE reconstructed image was also measured.
Figure 2a shows four fully-sampled multi-b DW images
reconstructed from MUSE algorithm. Figures 2b and 2c show four under-sampled
multi-b DW image with reconstructed from proposed POCSMUSE framework and SENSE
algorithm, respectively. Figure 3a and 3b show the L1-norm of four multi-b DW
images between fully-sampled data and under-sampled data reconstructed from
different method. Overall, propose POCSMUSE reconstructed images reveal a lower
L1-nom than SENSE reconstructed images.
Discussion and Conclusion
The proposed POCSMUSE framework can produce high-quality
high-resolution multi-b DW images with a joint estimation scheme. In hybrid simulation, the scan time of 4 b-values DW images is only one forth of fully-sampled acquisition (16 sec vs. 64 sec). Although SENSE reconstruction can produce aliasing-free multi-b DW image, the undesired noise amplification may affect the accuracy of ADC measurement. The POCSMUSE reconstructed multi-b DW images can be used as the input of IVIM MRI to further estimate the clinical markers. However,
besides to lower L1-norm between POCSMUSE reconstructed image and gold
standard, the major difference is laying on the voxels with partial volume of
CSF. This also shows a limitation of proposed model with an assumption of mono-diffusion
decay. We suppose that the incorporation of two component model or IVIM model into POCSMUSE framework may help to reduce
this effect. In conclusion, POCSMUSE framework can help to reduce total
acquisition time of IVIM MRI, thereby increasing feasibility of clinical use.
No acknowledgement found.References
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