Malte Hoffmann1 and Stephen J Sawiak1,2
1Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
DTI sequences based on EPI allow rapid acquisitions of image
slices by traversing k-space lines in opposite directions following a single RF
excitation. During long acquisition trains, phase errors caused by field
inhomogeneity can lead to distortion. Acquiring slices in multiple shots can
mitigate this effect. Motion between shots, however, results in ghosting that
cannot be corrected. We show that slice-wise phase correction by entropy
minimisation reduces ghosting compared to the manufacturer software (ParaVision
4.0, Bruker). Second, we propose an algorithm to automatically detect and
reject slices with residual motion-induced ghosting, and validate it in a large
cohort of mice.Purpose
Improving multi-shot in-vivo DTI data
in two ways: (1) optimisation of zero- and first-order phase correction to
reduce residual ghosting from k-space trajectory errors due to field
inhomogeneity, and (2) automated detection and removal of remaining
motion-induced ghosts on a slice-by-slice basis.
DTI was performed in 177 mice
(TR/TE 3000/35ms, voxel size 0.3×0.3mm2, matrix 128×128, 17 0.8mm
slices, 0.2mm gap, 35 directions, 4 EPI segments). The first five volumes of
each data set were acquired without diffusion gradients (b=0).
Data sets reconstructed with
manufacturer-provided phase correction in ParaVision 4.0 (Bruker, Billerica, MA)
were compared to phase correction by iterative slice-wise entropy minimisation
based on zero- and first-order phase shifts.1 Ghost intensities were assessed as
the ratio of the mean signal within two squares (16×16 voxels), centred (a) in
readout direction at the top border and (b) within the image, respectively (see
Figure 1B). Ghosting was evaluated across
all 5310 diffusion-encoded central slices.
Diffusion-encoded slices with
entropy exceeding 105% of the median slice entropy
were labelled as
motion-corrupted and excluded from the estimation of the tensor. An independent
value for
was determined across all
diffusion-encoded slices of each data set. The diffusion tensor was fitted using
iterative non-linear least-squares minimisation in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick,
MA). The eigenvectors and functional anisotropy (FA) were calculated before and
after rejection of motion-corrupted data. The angular uncertainty on the primary
eigenvector u was
estimated from the standard deviations (SD) σi of the tensor elements di (i=1,2,…,6): assuming
the error on tensor elements is normally distributed (mean di, SD σi), we
drew N=10000 sets of di for each
voxel to determine a primary eigenvector. The SD of the angles α (0∘≤α≤90∘)
each of these vectors and u was taken
as an estimate of angular uncertainty.
Figure 1 shows an exemplary image slice before and after phase
correction. A slice from the same data set with motion-induced ghosting is shown
in Figure 1C. Ghost intensities of 6-352% (mean±SD
15±16%) were measured after manufacturer-provided phase correction. Instead, entropy
minimisation resulted in a reduced intensity range of 7-255% (mean 13±7%). For
comparison, ghosting was 7-521% (mean 17±23%) in the uncorrected data.
On average, 2.3±3.1 directions were
rejected per slice. The maximum number of rejections was 15, which occurred in 2.3%
of the data sets. Figure 2 depicts
the distribution of rejected directions per slice. For voxels with FA>0.5,
the mean angular uncertainty on the principal diffusion direction was reduced
from 8.6° to 6.3° (26.7%). The distribution of angular uncertainty before and
after ghost removal is shown in Figure
3B. The mean ratio of the SD for each tensor element and its actual value
as estimated by the fitting algorithm dropped from 256.6% to 6.5%. Figure 3A shows the distribution of FA in all data sets before and
after motion correction.
A DTI colour map for the
same image slice before and after rejecting three ghosted diffusion directions
is displayed in Figure 4,
along with a corresponding slice from the SPMMouse atlas2.
Slice-wise phase correction based on entropy minimisation
reduced the amount of ghosting in the data substantially (by 27.6% as compared
to the manufacturer software). We presented an automated motion detection and
rejection strategy for multi-shot DTI capable of decreasing the mean angular
uncertainty on the principal diffusion direction by 26.7% in voxels with
FA>0.5. Typically, only a few directions were rejected per slice, so that
the possibility of affecting the diffusion parameters was low.
After ghost correction, we observed a shift of FA towards lower values with a
higher concentration of low to medium FA (see
Figure 3A). This behaviour
is in good agreement with results from Chang LC et al., who simulated the
effect of outlier points in diffusion data.
4 In DTI colour maps such
Figure 4, we observed that fine structures, in particular the dentate
gyrus of the hippocampal formation, became more distinguished after motion
We showed that slice-wise phase correction by entropy
minimisation reduces ghosting considerably, and presented a novel approach for
automated ghost correction of multi-shot DTI that successfully reduces
the angular uncertainty on the primary diffusion direction. While the technique
is easily implemented, it does not enforce a model onto the data. Our findings
may be particularly interesting to users of older scanner platforms.
We would like to thank the authors of the Cambridge MRI database for animal models of Huntington disease (Sawiak SJ et al. NeuroImage 2015) for providing the data.References
1. Skare S et al. A fast and robust minimum entropy based
non-interactive Nyquist ghost correction algorithm. Proc ISMRM 2006. p. 2349.
2. Sawiak SJ et al. Voxel-based
morphometry in the R6/2 transgenic mouse reveals differences between genotypes
not seen with manual 2D morphometry. Neurobiol Dis. 2009;33(1):20-7.
3. Chen Y et al. Effects of rejecting diffusion directions
on tensor-derived parameters. NeuroImage 2015;109:160-170.
4. Chang LC et al. RESTORE: robust estimation of tensors by
outlier rejection. Magn Reson Med 2005;53(5):1088-1095.