Suguru Yokosawa1, Hisaaki Ochi1, and Yoshitaka Bito2
1Research & Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 2Healthcare Company, Hitachi,Ltd., Chiba, Japan
In this study, we proposed a method for optimizing
b-value sampling using error propagation methods for IVIM imaging. We
investigated the difference in an optimal set of b-values depending on the organ
and the effect of b-value sampling on the precision of IVIM parameters. The
results show that the optimal b-values were divided into four b-values and the
combination of b-values varied with the organ. The SNR increased 1.2–1.6 times by
optimization. We concluded that the optimization of b-value sampling
corresponding to an organ can improve the fitting precision of IVIM parameters.Introduction
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)
1 is widely
used in clinical examination of various organs. Although the diffusion property
of tissue varies with the organ, a fixed set of b-values, which is 10 to 16 different
b-values including more number of low b-values, are generally used regardless
of examination sites. IVIM is more sensitive to data
outliers than mono-exponential analysis due to the difficulty in bi-exponential
model fitting. A set of b-values should be more carefully chosen depending on the
organ to better estimate the IVIM parameters. In this study, a
method for optimizing b-value sampling using error propagation methods for IVIM is proposed. We investigated the difference in an optimal set of b-values depending
on the organ and the effect of b-value sampling on the precision of IVIM
The proposed method
optimizes a b-values sampling by minimizing the standard deviation (SD) of IVIM
parameters estimated with error propagation methods. The IVIM signal intensity
model is described with the following equation.
Sb is the diffusion
weighted image signal at a b-value b,
S0 is the signal at b = 0, f is the perfusion fraction, D*
is the pseudo-diffusion coefficient, and D
is the tissue diffusion coefficient. The IVIM parameters f, D*, and D can be determined using the non-linear
least square method. In the model-fitting process, random noise in the image
signal σs propagates into the
estimates of the IVIM parameters. Given a set of IVIM parameters and that of
b-values, the SD for each IVIM parameter σf, σD*, and σD is calculated with the following equation using error
propagation methods.
n is the number of sampling points of
the b-value. The σs is assumed to be a normal
distribution whose average is 0 and the same value regardless of the b-value. For
optimization, the typical IVIM parameters for various organs obtained from the
literature are listed in Table 1. A set of b-values for maximizing the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the IVIM parameters was explored for each organ
(liver, kidney, and prostrate) by minimizing ξ given in following equation.
other calculation conditions were as follows: S0, 1.0; σs, 0.01; maximal b-value, 1000
s/mm2; and n, 10 (at least
one sampling point at b = 0).
We used Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate σf, σD*, and σD calculated with the error propagation methods. To
assess the benefits of b-value optimization, we compared the SNRs of the IVIM
parameters obtained from the optimized set of b-values with those obtained from
conventional b-value sampling (b = 0,
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 s/mm2).
The results of comparing the SDs estimated from error propagation methods and Monte Carlo simulations are listed in Table 2. The SDs of the IVIM parameters were almost the same between error propagation methods and Monte Carlo simulations. The results of the optimized set of b-values for each
organ are listed in Table 3. In each case, the optimal b-values were divided
into four b-values. However, the combination of b-values varied with the organ.
The comparison of the SNRs of the
IVIM parameters between optimized b-value sampling and conventional b-value
sampling is shown in Figure 1. The results show that the noise of IVIM maps was reduced using optimized b-value sampling and that the
SNR increased 1.2–1.6 times by optimization.
Comparison of the SDs estimated
with the Monte Carlo simulations and error propagation methods demonstrated
that error propagation methods were appropriate for optimization of b-value
sampling. By comparing optimized b-value sampling with conventional b-value
sampling, we found that the precision of IVIM parameters is dramatically
affected by a combination of b-values. According to the optimization of the set
of b-values, increasing the number of signal averages at four b-values improves
the precision of IVIM parameters more than increasing different sampling points
of those b-values. The optimal set of b-values
varied with each organ. In particular, the maximal b-value for the kidney was interestingly
different from other organs. These results suggest that b-value sampling should
be optimized depending on the examination site. The limitation of this study was that we did not
evaluate the range of IVIM parameters and the pathological lesions.
revealed that the optimization of b-value sampling corresponding to an organ
can improve the fitting precision of IVIM parameters.
No acknowledgement found.References
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