systematically compare the diagnostic value of conventional tensor-based DKI
and recently proposed fast DKI protocols using an acute stroke rodent model.
The measures and volumes of diffusion and kurtosis lesions were in good
agreement between the two DKI methods. Importantly, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR)
of mean kurtosis using the fast DKI protocol was significantly higher than that
of the routine method with its CNR efficiency approximately doubles. Therefore,
our results demonstrated excellent performance of the fast DKI protocol in
characterizing acute ischemic tissue injury, which may facilitate translation
of the fast DKI approach in the acute stroke setting.Introduction
kurtosis imaging (DKI) can offer a useful complementary tool to routine
diffusion MRI for improved stratification of tissue damage in acute ischemic
1. However its relatively long imaging time has hampered its
clinical applications. Recently proposed fast DKI approach substantially
shortens the imaging time
2, but its sensitivity for imaging acute
stroke has yet been fully described. In this study, we compared the conventional
tensor-model DKI and fast DKI methods by means of the contrast-to-noise ratio
(CNR) and CNR efficiency to elucidate its diagnostic value in
the acute stroke setting.
MRI: Eleven rats were induced
unilateral stroke with a standard intraluminal MCAO procedure and imaged with a
4.7 T MR scanner 60 minutes after the procedure. Five slices (slice
thickness/gap = 1.8/0.2 mm) were
acquired with a single-shot EPI sequence. Imaging parameters include: FOV = 20x20 mm2, matrix size = 48x48, diffusion
duration/diffusion time = 6/20 ms, TR/TE = 2500/36.6 ms, one reference image of
b = 0 s/mm2, NSA = 4. For the conventional DKI protocol, two b-values of 1000
and 2500 s/mm2 were applied in fifteen diffusion directions. The scan time was
5 min and 10 s. For the fast DKI protocol, three images of b = 1000 s/mm2 were applied along gradient directions of
(1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1), and nine images of b = 2500 s/mm2 along diffusion
directions of ˆn(1)=(1,0,0)T, ˆn(1+)=(0,1,1)T and ˆn(1−)=(0,1,−1)T, and similarly for i =2 and 3. Note that the superscript i
in ˆn(i) labels the position of
the “1”, while in ˆn(i+) and ˆn(i−) it labels the position
of the “0”. The fast
DKI scan time was 2 min and 10 s.
Image analysis: For conventional DKI, fractional anisotropy (FA), axial (D∥) and radial (D⊥) diffusivity, axial
(K∥) and radial (K⊥) kurtosis, and tensor-based MDtensor and MKtensor
were obtained using DKE. For the fast DKI, MDfast was calculated as
the mean of MDx,y,z as 3: MDx,y,z=(b1+b3)D(12)x,y,z−(b1+b2)D(13)x,y,zb3−b2, where D(ij)x,y,z=lnS(bi)/S(0)−lnS(bj)/S(0)bj−bi, i = 1, j = 2, 3, and b1 = 0, b2
= 1000, and b3 = 2500 s/mm2. Furthermore, MKfast was
obtained from 2: MKfast=615[∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i))S(0)+2∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i+))S(0)+2∑3i=1lnS(b3,ˆn(i−))S(0)]+6⋅b3⋅MDfastb23⋅MD2fast.
segmentation: The ischemic lesion was defined by
thresholding at two standard deviations (SD) below the baseline MD of the
contralateral normal brain. The reference ROI was designated by
mirroring the segmented lesion into the contralateral brain. The MKtensor,
MDfast and MKfast lesions were similarly defined.
Data Analysis: The CNR and CNR efficiency
were calculated as 4: CNR=(Sischemia−Scontralateral)/√(σ2ischemia+σ2contralateral)/2 and CNR/√scantime. Two-tailed Student’s t-test was performed
between paired measurements in ipsilateral ischemic and contralateral normal
regions. Measurement differences across the ROIs were tested using one-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni correction.
Ischemic regions showed significant
decrease in diffusion indices (MD
tensor: 32.1±2.1%, D
∥: 28.4±2.1%, and D
⊥: 34.9±2.3%), and increase of FA (22.5±4.5%) and kurtosis indices (MK
tensor: 47.1±7.3%, K
∥: 50.6±6.2%, and K
⊥: 37.4±7.6%) compared to those in the contralateral regions. The magnitude of
percentage changes were significantly higher in MK
tensor and K
∥ than other indices. In addition, the
difference between the percentage changes of MK
tensor and K
∥ was insignificant. Fig. 1 compares MD and
MK maps between the two DKI methods. MD and MK lesions were overlaid on a
diffusion-weighted image and were respectively colored in red and green, exhibiting
noticeable mismatch. MK
fast map shows significantly higher CNR between the reference
and ischemic regions
(1.6±0.2), compared to that of MK
tensor map (1.3±0.2). The acquisition time of the fast DKI method was about
50% shorter than that of the conventional DKI protocol, leading to 1.9 times
higher gain of CNR efficiency. Lesion sizes of MD and MK are highly correlated between
the two DKI methods (Fig. 2). Multi-slice and 3D volume rendering of typical ischemic diffusion
and kurtosis lesions derived from the fast DKI method shows MK
lesion significantly smaller than MD
fast lesion, with their
normalized lesion area ratio being 0.75±0.11. Although MD
fast values were significantly
reduced in all ischemic lesions from the contralateral normal area, differences
of MD
fast values across the three lesions were statistically
insignificant (Table 1). In comparison, MK
fast across the three
lesion areas was significantly elevated from the normal area, with significant
difference of MK
fast across the three lesion areas.
Our study recapitulated that mean kurtosis is one of
the most sensitive parameters to detect acute stroke injury, and demonstrated
the enhanced sensitivity and efficiency of the fast DKI method for stratification of ischemic
tissue injury during acute stroke. The fast DKI method provides important
information for resolving heterogeneous DWI lesion, particularly translatable
in the acute stroke setting.
Basic Research Program of China (2015CB755500),
NSFC (81571668 and 81471721), Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (JCYJ20140610151856743),
NIH/NINDS (1R21NS085574 and 1R01NS083654).References
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