Qutaibeh Katatbeh1, Alexey Tonyshkin2, and Andrew Kiruluta3
1Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 2MGH, Boston, MA, United States, 3Harvard, Cambridge, MA, United States
Presents a practical way of recovering the phase of diffusing spins to recover the underlying restrictive geometry through a Fourier transformIntroduction
The loss of phase information in MR diffusion encoding
techniques was recently shown by Laun et al.
1 as a direct consequence of the use of anti-symmetric
diffusion encoding gradients. They proposed lifting this restriction through
the use of an asymmetrical gradient pair such that the first gradient is
applied for a sufficiently long time for the random walkers to acquire a phase
as that of a particle located at the center of mass of the imaging domain. A second very short diffusion encoding
gradient is then applied but it is too short to record the diffusion dynamics
in the spin system. It simply reverses the phase of all non-diffusing spins
imposed by the first gradient such that the diffusion weighted signal now bears
a phase as in conventional MR imaging.
However, their proposed method recovers the diffusion walkers phases at the
expense of practical implementation due to the requirement of a very narrow
second gradient with unrealistic gradient slew rates. Here we propose a novel modification to the
above sequence that uses null zeroth order moment chirped gradients to provide
an optimal probe for small pore sizes in diffusion MR while the asymmetric
diffusion encoding allows recovery of the diffusion walkers phases. The
approach renders itself to alternative implementations that use a single
chirped gradient lobe to encode diffusion but with the requirement for zero
total gradient area.
Methods and Materials
We propose an approach that makes the practical
implementation of the asymmetrical diffusion gradient encoding method practical
on MR scanners. The proposed sequence uses
an asymmetrical chirped gradient pair to encode diffusion dynamics. We will
restrict ourselves to a linear chirp encoding but non-linear chirps could also
be employed in the analysis. Thus, the displacement vector becomes:
The diffusion weighted signal in the long time limit for an
asymmetric chirped diffusion encoding gradient is modified from the
asymmetrical diffusion encoding method (ADE) proposed in [1]
is the displacement
vector which is now temporally varying
and xc.m. is the center of mass of the pore space function of a closed
domain. When switching from pure sinusoid to chirps, the stationarity attached
to the linear phase is replaced by a
time-varying one which connects time and frequency by means of a one
dimensional curve. The frequency structure of a chirp thus appears as that of a
distorted monochromatic signal. Hence, the use of chirp-based substitutes to
the ordinary Fourier analysis naturally takes into account possible time evolution
of spectral properties of varying diffusion time scales2.
Results and Discussions
We can thus break the pulse symmetry either by changing the
chirp rate, bandwidth, duration or amplitude, giving us more degrees of freedom in optimizing
the diffusion encoding gradient to preserve the phase of the diffusing spins.
We adopt the restrictive equilateral triangular pore domain1 of
length L as our imaging volume and inverse Fourier
transform the diffusion-weighted signal derived from each of the encoding
methods as shown in Figure 1. We see that the triangular restrictive geometry
becomes discernible once we start to progressively break the symmetry between
the gradient encoding chirped pulses from (a) to (c) while preserving the
necessary condition that the zeroth order moments of the two gradients remains
equal. In this case, symmetry is broken by changing the chirp rate of the
second encoding gradient to be six times less than the first gradient pulse
leading to a visualization of the structural information from the underlying triangular
restriction. As a reference, the asymptotic case in which the second gradient
is a delta function is shown to image the entire restrictive geometry while
that in (c) is within the hardware specifications of most MR scanners. The
proposed chirped asymmetric encoding method asymptotically approaches the
result in (d) with longer chirp duration pulses.
The ADE method for imaging the underlying restrictive
geometry using an asymmetrical gradient encoding scheme to preserve the phases
of the diffusing spins suffers from the challenge of implementation due to the
requirement for a very short second gradient lobe. By extending this method to
use an asymmetrical chirped gradient diffusion encoding pair, we showed that
the degrees of freedom for breaking the pair symmetry were extended to the
chirp rate, chirp bandwidth, duration and amplitude of the encoding gradients
making the method much more versatile and compatible with typical gradient
specifications (slew rate and amplitude) of conventional clinical MR system.
The proposed method allows for the recovery of arbitrary shaped restrictive
pores while also enabling sweeping the spectral range of the diffusion encoding
gradient to probe even smaller pore sizes limited only by the chirp duration of the encoding gradient. Experimental implementation
of this proposed approach and validation are currently underway.
Qutaibeh Deeb Katatbeh acknowledges the financial support of this work from
Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) in Irbid, Jordan, and
the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development Fellowship. He also
acknowledges the hospitality of the Department of Physics and Radiology at
MGH/HMS, Harvard University, where this work was carried out during his
sabbatical leave from JUST. References
B. Laun, T. A. Kuder, W. Semmler, and B. Stieltjes, "Determination of the
Defining Boundary in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Experiments'',
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 048012 (2011).
Stepinsik and P. T. Callaghan, "The long
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