Hassaan Elsayed1,2,3,4, Matti Hanni2,3,4, Jari Rautiainen2,3,5, Mikko Johannes Nissi5,6, and Miika Nieminen2,3,4
1Computer Science and Engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Research Unit of Medical Imaging, Physics and Technology, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 3Medical Research Center, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 5Department of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 6Diagnostic Imaging Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland
time (τc) maps were obtained by fitting τc from
T1ρ dispersion measurements of human articular cartilage specimens
and enzymatically digested bovine samples to develop a new MRI contrast which
characterizes tissue properties at molecular level. τc revealed the
laminar appearance in control and PG depleted bovine specimens, which was not observable
in the collagen-digested specimens. The laminar appearance was also visible in
the early OA human specimens, in contrast to the advanced OA group. The results
demonstrated that τc mapping is a potential method for providing
information about the articular cartilage structure and associated changes with
develop a macromolecular-specific MRI contrast, correlation time, as an
indicator of the structural changes in the articular cartilage.
Experimental: Human osteochondral specimens (diameter d=6 mm, N=14)
from tibial plateau were obtained from patients who underwent a total
knee replacement surgery (with the approval of the local ethics
committee). MRI was performed at 9.4 T (Oxford instruments Plc, Witney,
UK) with a 19-mm quadrature RF volume transceiver (RAPID Biomedical
GmbH, Rimpar, Germany) and Varian DirectDrive console (Varian Inc. Palo
Alto, CA, USA). Prior to imaging, the specimens were thawed, placed
inside a Teflon test tube and immersed in perfluoropolyether, with
cartilage surface perpendicular to B0. A magnetization
preparation block was modified for continuous wave (CW) T1ρ
dispersion measurements, with spin-lock (SL) powers γB1 = 125,
250, 500, 1000 Hz,followed by a fast spin echo readout (TR = 5 s,
ETL = 4, TEeff = 5 ms, 256 × 128 matrix size, slice
thickness 1 mm, FOV of 16 × 16 mm2, 62.5 μm
depth-wise resolution). T2 was measured with spin echo technique. The specimens were
stratified using histological OARSI grading 1 : early osteoarthritis
(OA) (grade < 1.5, N = 5) and advanced OA (grade > 1.5, N = 9). Bovine
osteochondral cylinders (d = 25 mm, N=6) were drilled from intact
patellae, and cut to three separate sections. To induce a specific
collagen or proteoglycan (PG) depletion, one section was digested in 30
U/ml collagenase and the other in 0.1 U/ml chondroitinase ABC,
respectively. The remaining section was used as an intact control. All
sections were incubated at +37ºC for 44 hours and subsequently frozen.
Ultimately, a smaller osteochondral cylinder-shaped (d = 7.2 mm) sample
was drilled from the center of each section for MRI. MRI was carried out
using the same setup as for the human samples. The MRI measurements for
human and bovine data are detailed in references 2,3.
Theory: Correlation time (τc) maps were generated by
fitting τc from relaxation dispersion measurements of both
bovine and human cartilage specimens. The fitting was done for each
voxel by using a mathematical model based on the measured on-resonance
R1ρ=1T1ρ relaxation dispersion. The fit
function describes the dispersion of the T1ρ spin-lock
relaxation time 4 where the constants A and B and in particular
τc are the fitting parameters: R1ρ=3Aτc1+4ω2SLτ2c+B For further analysis, mean depth-wise profiles of cartilage were calculated from the relaxation time and τc maps.
τc maps (Fig. 1) clearly showed the laminar
structure in the bovine control specimens. In PG- depleted specimens the
laminar appearance was seen as well, but the
τc values
differed from the controls. In collagen-digested specimens the
superficial zone disappeared from the
τc maps. In human
specimens (Fig. 2),
τc maps of early OA showed the trilaminar
structure, unlike the advanced OA maps where the cartilage structure
appeared disordered.
τc profile of bovine control specimens
(Fig. 3) and early OA human specimens (Fig. 4) demonstrate clear laminar
appearance with two peaks representing superficial and deep zones and a
valley in between which corresponds to the transitional zone.
τc mean profile of the collagen-digested (Fig. 3) and advanced
OA (Fig. 4) specimens revealed a lower
τc values in the
superficial zone. In contrast to
τc profiles,
profiles contained one peak representing the transitional zone.
τc is a physical property of the tissue
describing the dynamics of the water molecules close to the
macromolecular constituents of the tissue. In the present study,
τc maps showed cartilage tissue structure and degenerative
changes. Compared to
T2 and
τc mean profiles are
more likely to reveal the degradation in the superficial zone. Despite
of the informative images, the results noticeably contained
salt-and-pepper noise that represents the over- and under-fitting
points. A 3×3 median filter cleared the noise; however, utilizing larger
spin-lock frequency range should prevent most of the noise.
τc maps, which are fitted from
relaxation dispersion maps, represent a fundamental physical property
of the cartilage tissue. These findings propose that
τc can be
a novel MRI contrast due to the information it contains about the
cartilage structure and its changes.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Saarakkala S et al Osteoarthritis Cartilage 18:73 –
81, 2010
2. Rautiainen J et al MRM
74:249-259, 2015.
3. Salo E-N et al Proc. ISMRM 20:51, 2012.
Blicharska B et al J Magn Reson 207:287-93, 2010.