Peripheral Nerve Imaging using 2-point Dixon 3D Fast Spine Echo (CUBE-FLEX) with Flow-Saturation Preparation (FSP): Initial Feasibility Study
Darryl Sneag1, Mitsuharu Miyoshi2, Maggie Fung3, Daniel Litwiller3, and Hollis Potter1

1Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY, United States, 2GE Healthcare, Hino, Japan, 3GE Healthcare, New York, NY, United States


High-resolution MRI currently plays an important role in diagnostic management of peripheral nerve pathology. Peripheral nerves, however, pose particular imaging challenges that conventional sequences frequently cannot address. Their small size and oblique course between muscles and alongside vessels may inhibit reliable identification. We propose a 2-point Dixon fat/water separation 3D fast spin echo technique to achieve uniform fat suppression, combined with a flow-saturation prep pulse to suppress moving vascular spins to improve nerve visualization. The objective of this study was to assess the technique’s feasibility and potential diagnostic utility in evaluating peripheral nerves throughout the body.


Peripheral nerves, particularly pure sensory nerves, are sometimes very small in caliber (< 2 mm) and their oblique course through intra- and intermuscular planes throughout the extremities as well as within the neck (i.e. brachial plexus) and the abdomen (i.e. lumbosacral plexus) make anatomic mapping and visualization difficult with traditional planes and sequences. Peripheral nerves commonly run in a ‘neurovascular bundle’ and thus confidently distinguishing between the nerve and vessel can be impossible even with high field-strength and multichannel coils. The brachial plexus may be the most challenging structure due to respiratory and cardiac motion as well as inhomogeneous fat suppression related to inherent neck curvature and adjacent lung air that cause a large variation in B0 inhomogeneity. Volumetric acquisition also allows reformatting into arbitrary planes to delineate the longitudinal course of the nerve in one or two slices and for creation of maximal intensity projection (MIP) “thick slab” images. In this study, we aimed to address these issues by employing a high-resolution 3D fast spin echo technique with 2-point Dixon fat/water separation (CUBE-FLEX) capability [1] and a black-blood flow-saturation prep (FSP) pulse [2] with venous suppression capabilities. The purpose of this particular abstract is to highlight the diagnostic benefit of such a sequence.


Peripheral nerve imaging was performed on 71 consented patients on a GE 3T 60cm bore scanner (MR750) using a 16channel Flexible extremity array (for upper extremities) or 32ch body array (for brachial or lumbosacral plexi). A 3D fast spin echo technique with modulated flip angle (CUBE) was used to enable long echo train length (ETL) with reduced blurring. The flow-sat-preparation module consisted of a 90x 180y -90x RF train, with 2 velocity encoding/dephasing gradients between the 90x & 180y, and between the 180x & -90y (Fig 1). A VENC of 100mm/sec in most cases provided sufficient suppression for venous signal. We applied this technique to peripheral nerve imaging of various anatomical locations including the brachial and lumbosacral plexi, deep pelvis, and upper extremities. Parameters were adjusted based on the anatomy but an example of the CUBE-FLEX FSP protocol for bilateral imaging of the brachial plexus was: FOV:36cm(SI)x36cm(LR); Matrix: 256(freq) x 256(phase), TR/TE:2000ms/75ms, ETL: 120, BW:±125kHz, Slice thickness:1.6mm, NEX:1, Acceleration: 1.5, # slices: 232, scan time: 4-6min. Image quality, artifact, fat suppression quality and venous suppression quality were noted.

Results & Discussion:

The DIXON method of fat suppression applied in this sequence is less sensitive to B0 inhomogeneity as compared to chemical shift-selective fat suppression and adiabatic spectral inversion recovery techniques (Fig. 1), which may fail to provide adequate suppression in the neck region for imaging of the brachial plexus. While STIR can provide homogeneous fat suppression, it suffers from reduced signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio as compared to the DIXON technique. The CUBE-FLEX FSP sequence, combined with a maximal intensity projection (MIP), is helpful for delineating the entire, longitudinal course of branches of the brachial plexus from their origin proximally to their target muscle of innervation. This helps increase confidence in diagnosis, particularly when evaluating smaller nerves that may take a circuitous course, and can also be applied in the extremities (Figs. 2-4). Optimizing contrast differences between nerves and muscles is of utmost importance when evaluating both the brachial plexus, as it courses through the interscalene triangle, and the lumbosacral plexus as some branches weave through and around the psoas musculature (Fig. 5, A and B). Evaluating the pudendal nerve in Alcock’s canal in the pelvis, the most common site of entrapment of this nerve, is a common imaging conundrum as its small branches run immediately alongside a prominent venous plexus. CUBE-FLEX FSP affords adequate vascular suppression for distinguishing the nerve from the vessels (Fig. 5, C and D).


In this work, we demonstrated the feasibility and diagnostic utility of CUBE-FLEX FSP technique in peripheral nerve imaging. We have observed improved fat suppression, excellent contrast between nerves and surrounding tissues, and the added advantage of venous suppression with this sequence. Remaining challenges to be addressed are B1 inhomogeneity creating a shading effect, typically on one side of the patient’s body, and incomplete signal suppression of slow flow veins, particularly in the extremities.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Ma J Magn Reson Med, 2004 [2] Miyoshi M, ISMRM 2007 Proceeding P.180


Comparison between fat suppression techniques for the brachial plexus in a healthy volunteer with all other parameters held constant. The CUBE-FLEX FSP sequence (A) demonstrates homogeneous fat suppression and excellent SNR allowing clear delineation of the plexus (arrows). The STIR sequence (B) also provides homogeneous fat suppression but poor SNR. Fat suppression failure using a spectral adiabatic fat suppression technique (ASPIR) makes visualization of the plexus extremely difficult.

15 yo girl with left shoulder weakness preceded by pain. Coronal 3-point DIXON image (A) demonstrates denervation edema pattern of the left supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles (oval). Oblique coronal CUBE-FLEX FSP images demonstrate the abnormally thickened suprascapular nerve (white arrows) arising from the brachial plexus superior trunk (B) and extending distally (C) into the suprascapular (red arrow) and spinoglenoid (green arrow) notches.

37 yo man four months status post snowmobile accident with complete denervation of all muscles innervated by the axillary nerve. Coronal CUBE-FLEX FSP image of the right brachial plexus (A) demonstrates neuroma-in-continuity of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus, which was confirmed intra-operatively. The photograph (B)* demonstrates the damaged nerve following removal of perineural scar tissue. *Photograph courtesy of Dr. Scott Wolfe

12 yo girl with medial elbow pain and clinical findings compatible with ulnar neuritis. Oblique coronal CUBE-FLEX FSP maximal intensity projection (MIP) image of the ulnar nerve at the elbow and proximal forearm diffuse signal hyperintensity of the nerve without extrinsic mass compression.

Lumbosacral plexus and pudendal MRI. (A) Coronal proton density (PD) and (B) CUBE-FLEX FSP MIP demonstrate normal appearance of the lumbosacral plexus in a 36 yo woman with groin/left hip pain. Axial PD of the pelvis is unable to separate the pudendal nerve from adjacent vessels within Alcock’s canal (bracket). The accompanying CUBE-FLEX FSP MIP image clearly shows the right pudendal nerve (blue arrow) as distinct from the adjacent suppressed vasculature (yellow arrows).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)