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Validation study of water-content-assisted electrical properties tomography (wEPT) with an electrolyte protein phantom and B1 inhomogeneity consideration
Eric Michel1 and Soo Yeol Lee1

1Kyung Hee University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of


New MRI-based tissue electrical properties (EPs) mapping techniques had achieved higher accuracy and resolution increasing its chances to be used in several clinical applications. In this work, we describe a validation study for a technique called water-content-assisted electrical properties tomography (wEPT) based on in situ measurements of a brain-tissue-like phantom created by electrolytic protein solutions. The influence of inhomogeneous radiofrequency field distributions and its impact in wEPT reconstructions is also analyzed. Significant consistency between in vivo brain tissue estimations and phantom measurements was found, supporting the formalism and validity of wEPT for EPT studies.


To validate the use of water content maps and a priori information to estimate the electrical conductivity and permittivity of brain tissue.


Based on Maxwell's mixture theory we introduced the water content assisted Electrical Properties Tomography (wEPT) method to estimate electrical properties (EPs) maps of brain tissue from water content maps using modeling equations derived from literature data.1 This study is a continuation to our previous work. We evaluate the capabilities of wEPT by imaging the EPs of a phantom where all its physical parameters are measured and compared with the outcomes of wEPT. The influence of nonuniform flip angle excitations into wEPT is also examined.


Models: Following mixture theory, a correlation between water content and tissue electrical properties has been found.2,3 To confirm those findings by MRI, we developed a phantom having similar parameters to human brain tissue. A strong electrolyte was created by dissolving NaCl (12.8g/L), KCl (0.224g/L), CaCl (0.294g/L), and MgCl (0.264g/L) in distilled water, which has similar ion concentrations as artificial CSF solutions.4,5 Whey protein was dissolved in the electrolyte solution (mimicking cells) to prepare 8 different mixtures having 100%, 98%, 90%, 84%, 75%, 70%, 65% and 60% of electrolyte. The EPs of each mixture was measured at 128 MHz (25°C) using a dielectric assessment kit (DAK-SPEAG,Switzerland). The water content of each solution was measured by weight difference (5g) after dehydration at 70°C. A cylindrical phantom was filled with the protein mixtures and measure its T1 map by multi-point inversion recovery.6 The whole measured parameters are summarized in Table 1. From these parameters, we performed a least square fitting procedure to model the electrical conductivity (σ) and relative permittivity (εr) in terms of water content (W), obtaining σ=7.52W2+17.1W7.2[1] and ϵr=201.9W2+415.5W134.4[2], respectively. Similarly, measured W and T1 values were related by a fitting function combined with an analytical image ratio, Ir, formed by dividing two spin echo (SE) images, to model W in terms of Ir by W=1.74exp1.89Ir[3], just as described to derive the models for brain tissues.1

Influence of B1 Inhomogeneities: The main error contributor in wEPT may be originated by erroneous W measurements. In estimating W by Ir, inhomogeneous 90° excitations can be a concern. By dividing two SE images having the same parameters but one with short TR (TRs) and the other with long TR (TRl), the signal intensity of Ir is I_r(T_1,θ)=κ(\frac{1-exp^{-TR_s/T_1}}{1-cosθcos(2θ)exp^{-TR_s/T_1}})/(\frac{1-exp^{-TR_l/T_1}}{1-cosθcos(2θ)exp^{-TR_l/T_1}}) [4], where κ is a constant given by the sequence parameters and the signal gain compensations of a particular MRI scanner. The flip angle of RF excitation is represented by θ while the refocusing pulse is considered 2θ. Figure 1 shows the variation of Ir as a function of T1 and flip angle.

Experiments: We acquired two spin echo images of the phantom at 3T (FOV=220mm, THK=5mm, matrix size=128×128, TE=13ms, FA=90°) with TRs=0.7s and TRl=3s to reconstruct its EPs maps. Same scanning parameters were used to acquire brain Ir images of a volunteer and σ and εr images were reconstructed following the model equations for human brain wEPT.1 B1 map of the brain was also obtained by double angle method to obtain θ.6 The W and EPs maps reconstructed by the measured Ir images were compared with the maps reconstructed by the Ir images after B1-compensation as described in Fig. 1.


Figure 2 shows the resultant wEPT models of the electrolyte-protein phantom together with the reconstructed W and EPs maps. The wEPT-estimated mean values at each phantom compartment are also shown in Table 1. A decent prediction was obtained by wEPT when compared with the bench measurements for all the mixtures. Figure 3 shows the resultant wEPT maps of the volunteer together with its percentage difference images before and after B1-compensation. The average percentage difference for W-map was 2.6% while for the σ-map was 8.5% and 4.9% for the εr-map.

Discussions and Conclusions

The developed phantom successfully follows the principles of mixture theory. The dielectric parameters of the mixtures decrease as the water content decreases. The modeling equations of this relationship well predicted the measured values. The error contribution due to B1 inhomogeneities in the brain does not represent a big concern at 3T since the flip angle variations are not substantial.7 However, B1 information should be considered for more accurate EPs estimations especially at peripheral regions. The findings of this study suggest that wEPT maps could represent a good predictor of tissue EPs, encouraging for further clinical studies aiming to find extra contrast information to support clinical diagnosis.


This study was supported by ERC program (2015 R1A5A1 037656) of NRF in Korea and by Samsung Electronics.


1. Michel E, Hernandez D, Cho MH, Lee SY. Water-Content-Map Assisted Electrical Properties Reconstruction of Brain Tissue at 3T. ISMRM 2015;23:3292.

2. Foster KR, Schepps JL, Stoy RD, Schwan HP. Dielectric properties of brain tissue between 0.01 and 10 GHz. Phys Med Biol 1979;24:1177-1187.

3. Smith SR, Foster KR. Dielectric properties of low-water-content tissues. Phys Med Biol 1985;30:965-973.

4. Kim HB, Kwon BJ, Cho HJ, et al. Long-term Treatment with Oriental Medicinal Herb Artemisia princeps Alters Neuroplasticity in a Rat Model of Ovarian Hormone Deficiency. Exp Neurobiol. 2015;24:71-83.

5. Gibbons HM, Dragunow M. Adult human brain cell culture for neuroscience research. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010;42:844-56.

6. Stollberger R, and Wach P. Imaging of the active B1 field in vivo. Magn.Reson. Med. 1996;35:246–251.

7. Michel E, Hernandez D, Cho MH, Lee SY. Denoising of B1+ field maps for noise-robust image reconstruction in electrical properties tomography. Med Phys. 2014;41:102304.


Table1. Physical parameters of the electrolyte-protein phantom for each mixture. The measured values by different techniques are compared with the estimated mean values of the images shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1. Variation of Ir signal when dividing two spin echo signals having short (TRs = 700 ms) and long (TRl = 3000 ms) TRs, as a function of the T1 relaxation value and flip angle (θ). The box highlights the typical flip angle (B1) dynamic range for a nominal 90° pulse at quadrature RF excitation at 3T. For a given pixel, its θ value was used as a vertical index and matched with the measured Ir value. Then, this Ir value was replaced by its corresponding Ir value at 90° (along the same T1).

Fig. 2. Acquired images of the dielectric phantom with a birdcage head coil in a 3T system. a) Obtained water content map used to compute b) the electric conductivity and c) the relative permittivity maps using the wEPT models given by Eqs. 3, 1 and 2, respectively.

Fig. 3. Effect of B1 inhomogeneities in wEPT reconstructions of brain tissue. Top row images are the reconstructed a) water content map, b) σ-map and c) εr-map without using B1 information (M). The d) water content, e) σ- and e) εr- maps computed with B1 compensation (MB1) are shown as a percentage difference [100×(M-MB1)/MB1] maps instead, since no considerable difference can be distinguished by bare visualization due to their minor difference.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)