Gokhan Ariturk1, Necip Gurler1, and Yusuf Ziya Ider1
1Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
Phase based MR-EPT methods mainly make use
of the balanced SSFP since it is a fast MRI sequence. As SSFP sequence yields
high magnitude contrast variations, Gibbs artifacts occur at tissue boundaries.
This artifact manifests itself as phase spikes and oscillations at and near
tissue boundaries respectively. The commonly used image enhancement methods,
for reducing the ringing artifact, mainly focus on the magnitude images,
leaving out the phase images. Throughout simulation and phantom experiment
results, we investigate and propose a method for the reduction of the effect of
ringing artifact on phase based MR-EPT studies.Purpose
Phase based MR-EPT methods mainly use the fast balanced
SSFP sequence to obtain B1 transceive phase distribution. The contrast of CSF
in SSFP magnitude images may be 6-10 times the contrast of brain tissue.
1 This high contrast
ratio causes Gibbs ringing artifact, especially at CSF-tissue boundaries. This
artifact manifests itself as phase spikes and oscillations at and near tissue
boundaries. These phase artifacts severely obstruct phase based
conductivity reconstruction methods that use any order of derivatives of the
phase image. This study proposes a k-space apodization method to remove phase artifacts and elucidates its use
in MR-EPT.
Defining three
regions (A), (B) and (C) whose conductivities are 1.5S/m, 1S/m and 0.5S/m
respectively inside a simulation phantom, as shown in Figure1, and simulating it
in a birdcage coil model --using Comsol Multiphysics--, we retrieved the transceive
phase values of the B1 field inside the phantom with a space increment of 2 mm
in each direction. This phase is taken as the phase of the spatial MR image to
simulate the phase obtained by an SSFP sequence. To simulate the magnitude of
the SSFP image, the contrast ratios of the regions (A)/(C) and (B)/(C) are
assigned as 10 and 6, respectively. Gibbs artifact was created by the
truncation of the higher frequency Fourier components of the simulated image with
frequencies above 63.5% of half the sampling frequency. Apodization is achieved
by multiplying the k-space data by a 3-D Kaiser window whose bandwidth is
determined by the β parameter.2 For the phantom MRI experiments, we used the Siemens Tim Trio 3T MR scanner with
a quadrature body coil and an 12-channel receive only phased array head coil. The
phantom background is prepared using an agar/saline solution (20gr/L Agar, 2gr/L NaCl, 0.2gr/L CuSO4 ) and four
higher conductivity regions are prepared using only saline solution (8.8gr/L NaCl; 0.5gr/L CuSO4 for left two regions in Figure4(a) and 1gr/L CuSO4 for
right two regions in Figure4(a)). CuSO4 is used for increasing
the magnitude contrast in the higher conductivity regions. Left two of these regions,
shown in Figure4(a), have approximately 4.5 and the right two regions have
approximately 7.5 times the background magnitude contrast. MRI scan parameters
are: FOV=256mm, 2x2x2mm, FlipAngle=65°, TE/TR=2.21ms/4.42ms. Results of two different MR-EPT methods are
evaluated. The first method “Basic Phase Based MR-EPT”, which is described in 3,4,5, is incapable
of reconstructing the conductivity at regions where conductivity varies (internal
conductivity boundaries) and is based on the following equation:σ=∇2ϕtr/(ωμ0)
The second method, “Generalized Phase Based
EPT”, is capable of reconstructing the conductivity at internal conductivity
boundaries. This method is based on the solution of the following equation:
−c∇2ρ+∇ϕtr⋅∇ρ)+∇2ϕtrρ−2ωμ0=0In the above equations, ρ=1/σ(resistivity), c is the constant diffusion
coefficient, ϕtr is the measured MR transceive phase, w
is the Larmor frequency, and μ0 is the free space permeability. Details of the
second method can be found in6.
Gibbs artifacts in
simulated data, caused by truncation, are observed in Figure2(a,b,c).
Especially on the (A-C) boundary, random phase spikes are observed. The effect
of arbitrary jumps in the phase image, as shown in Figure(2c) yields perturbed
conductivity reconstructions by both algorithms, as shown in Figure3(a,b). Figure2(d,e,f)
depicts the suppression of the Gibbs artifacts
in phase and magnitude images when apodization is used with Kaiser window, β=3.
Much more accurate conductivity reconstructions are obtained with the proposed
apodization operation, as shown in Figure3(c,d).
Table1 depicts the error values, calculated using the L
- norm, on conductivity and phase reconstructions of the simulation phantom for
different β
values. It is observed that with increasing β, the phase error rapidly
decreases and it starts levelling at a certain β value. The conductivity error attains
its minimum at that particular β value. This specific β value, being the
optimal one for the cases covered in this study, is found as 3. Non-apodized
and apodized phantom SSFP magnitude and phase images, are demonstrated in Figure
4(a,b,e,f). The effects of ringing artifacts, shown in Figure4(b,c,d), are reduced with the apodization
operation, as shown in Figure4(f,g,h). Being compatible with the simulation
results, highly corrupted regions encircled in Figure4(d) are properly
reconstructed in Figure4(h), when the apodization is used.
Discussion and Conclusion
Results of both conductivity reconstruction
algorithms are enhanced with the use of the proposed phase artifact elimination
method. However, this method has a low pass filter effect, which reduces the original
resolution of the image. It is suggested that researchers using MR-EPT algorithms
for conductivity reconstruction find the optimal Kaiser window bandwidth
parameter β for their specific data, using the procedure stated in the “results”
This study was supported by TUBITAK 114E522
research grant. Experimental data were acquired using the facilities of UMRAM,
Bilkent University, Ankara.References
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