Necip Gurler1, Omer Faruk Oran1, Hava Donmez Keklikoglu2, and Yusuf Ziya Ider1
1Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Department of Neurology, Yıldırım Beyazıt University Atatürk Education and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
In this study, clinical applicability of the recently proposed generalized phase based EPT method has been investigated for two patients with neurovascular diseases in the subacute phase, i.e. hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. In the case of ischemia, conductivity was found to be increased in the lesion area. In the case of hematoma, although
the conductivity of the surrounding edema region was found to be increased, the conductivity in the hematoma region itself was found to be similar to that of brain
tissue.Target Audience
Scientists, clinicians, and researchers
interested in electrical conductivity imaging of tissues using only MR phase,
and the conductivity distribution in neurovascular diseases.
One of the ultimate goals of electrical
conductivity (
imaging is to use the conductivity maps of tissues for clinical diagnosis. There
has been several case studies that have shown promising results for the
conductivity maps of ischemic stroke
1, brain
2, pelvic tumors
3, and breast cancer
4. Recently
proposed generalized phase based electrical conductivity imaging method
5 (generalized phase based EPT) brings us one step further to the ultimate goal,
and paves the way for fast and reliable electrical conductivity
reconstruction compared to the conventional phase based EPT method
This is because the method eliminates the boundary artifact issue in the
conventional method, and also is more robust against noise. To explore the
clinical applicability of this method, this study investigates the electrical
conductivity reconstructions made by the proposed method for two patients with
neurovascular diseases in the subacute phase, i.e. hemorrhagic and ischemic
The governing equation of the generalized phased
based EPT is given as
where ρ=1σ (resistivity), c is the constant diffusion coefficient, ϕtr is the measured MR transceive phase, ω is the Larmor frequency, and μ0 is the free space permeability. This equation is in the form of
convection-reaction-diffusion equation, and is solved for ρ using finite difference scheme, i.e. partial
derivatives are represented with central finite difference formulations. Final
matrix equation constructed for the region of interest (ROI) is solved using
Dirichlet boundary condition. Detailed theoretical explanation of this method
can be found in (5). This study was approved by our Institutional Review
Board, and informed consent were filled by the patients. In the first case, a 52-year-old woman
with hemorrhage in the right hemisphere, near the lateral ventricle, was
scanned seven days after hemorrhage. In the second case, a 50-year-old man with
ischemia in the right cerebellum and the right posterior cerebral artery
territory was scanned seven days after the infarction. Examinations for the
conductivity measurement were performed on 3T Siemens Tim Trio MR
scanner (Erlangen, Germany) using a quadrature body coil and 12-channel receive
only phased array head coil. The transceive phase was acquired using 3D
balanced SSFP sequence (with the parameters of FA=40 deg, TE/TR=2.32/4.64ms,
FOV=200x200x187.2 mm (1.56x1.56x1.56 mm), NEX=5, total scan time~6min) for both
cases. Along with these scans, we had also cranial CT, T2-weighted FLAIR images
for the first case, and DWI/ADC images for the second case, which had been
gathered for the clinical diagnosis in the first day of strokes in Ankara Ataturk Training and Research
Hospital Emergency Department.
In the first case, a hyperdense region at the
high frontal level in the right hemisphere appears in CT image (Fig. 1a). This
lesion is consistent with acute phase intra-parenchymal hematoma with penumbral
edema. The same lesion also appears in the T2/FLAIR image (Fig. 1b) with more
heterogonous interior. Fig. 1d
shows the reconstructed conductivity distribution of the corresponding slice.
Although the conductivity of the surrounding edema region is found to be
increased, the hematoma region itself depicts conductivity values similar to
that of brain tissue. In the second case, on the other hand, the patient
has two separate infarcts, one in the left cerebellum and the other in the occipital
lobe. Fig. 2b and c show a constrained diffusion region in the DWI and ADC
images acquired during acute phase, respectively. This indicates acute
infarction. Fig 2e shows the reconstructed conductivity map of the
corresponding slice. Conductivity value increases consistent with the lesion
both in location and heterogeneity. Similar findings are also observed in Fig.
3 which is given for the occipital lesion.
Discussion and Conclusion
this study, generalized phase based EPT method was applied to two different
cases of neurovascular disease. In the case of subacute ischemic stroke,
conductivity was found to be increased in the lesion area. In the case of
subacute hematoma, on the other hand, conductivity distribution of the hematoma
itself is found to be not significantly different from the brain tissue.
Although in acute phase, hemorrhage may cause increased conductivity, in
subacute phase this may not be so due to clot formation. These results indicate
promising potential for clinical use of the generalized phase based EPT method,
provided acute phase strokes are studied as future work.
This study was supported by TUBITAK 114E522
research grant. Experimental data were acquired using the facilities of UMRAM,
Bilkent University, Ankara.References
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