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Comparison of Multi-transmit Microstrips and Loops for Electrical Properties Tomography (EPT) in the Breast at 3T
Yicun Wang1, Gregor Adriany2, Jiaen Liu1, Xiaotong Zhang1, Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele2, and Bin He1,3

1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Institute for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Electrical Properties Tomography (EPT) is a promising technique to provide high specificity in breast cancer diagnosis. Previous studies have demonstrated that multi-transmit coils array enables reconstruction of the electrical properties free of transmit phase and local homogeneity assumptions. In this study, the strengths and drawbacks of a microstrip array and a loop array for EPT reconstruction in the breast at 3T were investigated based on numerical simulations. It has been discovered that with the same driving power, a loop array provides higher signal to noise ratio on the reconstructed image while a microstrip array performs better at delineating tissue boundaries.


Reconstructing the electrical properties (EP) in vivo using MRI has drawn significant attention due to its great potential of high specificity for tumor diagnosis. However, the assumptions of equal transmit and receive phase distribution in a quadrature volume coil and locally homogenous tissue EP values in the Helmholtz equation may substantially degrade reconstruction fidelity, especially in the breast with a highly complex structure. These hurdles could be overcome by employing multiple transmit B1 maps obtained from a coil array, a potent tool which could significantly push EPT further towards assumption-free reconstruction1.


The central equation of EPT can be written as a partial differential equation concerning each specific transmit B1 (B+1) distribution as[2B+1(B+1xiB+1y)+12BzzB+1z12(Bzx+iBzy)]T[γcγcx+iγcyγcz]=ω2μ0B+1 which relates conductivity σ and relative permittivity ϵr in γc=1ϵrϵ0iσ/ω to time-harmonic B+1 and Bz field at angular frequency ω.2,3 The red terms in the equation are B+1 dependent of which the magnitude and relative phase can be mapped using a multi-transmit coil array4,5. However, the Bz-related terms in blue are not directly tractable from MRI signal. 1) For reconstruction strategies ignoring EP gradient, the central equation reduces to Helmholtz equations6σ=1ωμ0Im(2B+1B+1)ϵr=1ω2μ0ϵ0Re(2B+1B+1)It is desirable to combine multiple transmit channels for elevated reconstruction performance as a result of improved B+1 coverage and SNR. 2) For strategies considering EP gradient when the full equation (1) is employed, a carefully designed coil, which has enhanced red terms dominating over the blue terms, should be used. Long rectangular microstrips7 and loops8 aligning in z direction are good candidates for serving this purpose due to their relatively constant B+1 along z direction and relatively insignificant Bz variation in the middle of the coil. However, for the loop element, due to the opposite polarity of currents flowing in the two long sides, the Ez-related term (B+1xiB+1y) destructively interferes while the Bz-related term constructively interferes with each other, causing difficulty to retrieve EP gradient without Bz information. This interference is not prominent for microstrips as the field is generated by current flowing in a single-sided conductor. Therefore, it is expected that EPT reconstruction with EP gradient consideration prefers microstrips to loops.


Eight-channel microstrip and loop array coils for a breast model were constructed in SEMCAD and loaded with either a homogenous phantom mimicking saline water (conductivity 0.56S/m, relative permittivity 76) or a realistic female chest model (breast part from Phantom Repository, UMCEM; chest part from Ella, Virtual Population). All microstrips are 150mm in length and 30mm in width, and distributed azimuthally following the circumference of a half-cylinder 180mm in diameter. All loops are 140mm in length and 50mm in width in plane, decoupled by proper overlaps, and arched to the same half-cylinder circumference (Figure 1). Input power to each coil element at 128MHz was normalized to 1 Watt. The coil elements were driven sequentially, and the resultant steady-state time-harmonic B+1 maps for each element were extracted. Same level of complex white noise was added separately to B+1 maps from the two arrays loaded with the homogeneous phantom. The final reconstructed conductivity of the phantom was a |B+1|-weighted sum of the reconstructed conductivity using all eight individual complex B1 map based on Helmholtz equation. The conductivity of the breast model was reconstructed by solving the concatenated linear system of equations associated with all eight channels regularized by Total Variation9.


Helmholtz reconstruction of the conductivity in the phantom is shown in figure 2. Compared to the microstrips, reconstruction is more accurate and precise with the loop coil, especially at locations further away from the coils because of deeper B+1 penetration. At SNR=50, reconstructed mean ± standard deviation in the box is 0.52±0.11S/m for microstrips and 0.54±0.05S/m for the loops. The reconstructed conductivity distributions in the breast model are shown in figure 3. Result from the loop array coil manifests substantially lower contrast between tissues due to its more dominant Bz-related term which results in inaccurate preservation of the EP gradient information as discussed above. The reconstruction error pervades to homogeneous tissue as well owing to the nature of spatial partial differential equation which links together all pixels in the region of interest.

Discussion and Conclusion

With theoretical analysis and numerical simulation results, this study has demonstrated that loop array is preferable for local EPT reconstruction within homogeneous tissue while microstrip array is superior when considering EP gradient in the reconstruction process. It is expected that other specially designed coil hardware could further improve the reconstruction fidelity of the EP values for various body parts.


NIH R21EB017069, R01EB006433, R21EB009133, R21EB014353, P30NS057091, U01HL117664, P41EB015894 and S10RR026783 of WM KECK Foundation.


[1] Sodickson et al., ISMRM 2013, 4175 [2] Liu et al., MRM 2015, 74(3): 634 [3] Hafalir et al., IEEE TMI 2014, 33(3):777 [4] Van de Moortele et al., ISMRM 2007, 1676 [5] Zhang et al., MRM 2013, 69(5): 1285 [6] Katscher et al., IEEE TMI 2009, 28(9):1365 [7] Lee et al. MRM 2011,45(4): 673 [8] Brown et al., ISMRM 2014, 624 [9] Wang et al., ISMRM 2015, 3303


Figure 1. Simulation setup. Eight-channel microstrip and loop array coils for one side of the breast were constructed and loaded with either a homogenous phantom mimicking saline water or realistic breast model with predicted EP values at 128MHz.

Figure 2. Single-channel transmit B1 maps and conductivity reconstruction results in the homogeneous phantom weighted over all 8 channels. Loop array shows deeper penetration and higher reconstruction SNR.

Figure 3. Conductivity reconstruction result in one side of the breast surrounded by the coils. Microstrip array shows superior result in terms of boundary delineation and contrast preservation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)