difference mapping (FDM) is a recently developed phase-based
technique that takes advantage of the non-linear temporal evolution of the
phase in GE sequences to produce images that are sensitive to white matter
microstructure. Images can be produced simply from raw phase data, with minimal
post-processing. In this study 10 subjects underwent six repeats of a
single-slice, sagittal multi-echo GE scan on the mid-line. Frequency difference maps reproducibly
depicted white matter tracts oriented perpendicular to the applied field.
Fitting the FD and magnitude data to a three-pool model provided insight into
the variation of microstructure along the corpus callosum.
Non-linear phase
evolution and non-exponential magnitude decay are observed when examining the
variation of signal from white matter regions with echo time in high-field GE
imaging. This behaviour results from the interference of signals from
microstructural compartments with different frequency offsets [1,2]. It can be
characterised by using a three-pool model [1-3] which incorporates the
contributions from the external, myelin and axonal compartments :
where a, m & e denote the axonal, myelin and external pools, Aa,m,e are the relative signal amplitudes, T∗2a,m,e are the T∗2 relaxation times and fa,m,e are the frequency offsets. Frequency difference mapping (FDM)
[3-5] takes advantage of this non-linear temporal evolution of the phase in GE
sequences to produce images that carry information about white matter
microstructure, with a particular sensitivity to the rapidly decaying signal
from the myelin pool.
we applied GE imaging at 7T to 10 subjects who were each scanned six times. The
resulting data demonstrate the capability of FDM and show that fits of the FD
and magnitude data to the three-pool model provided insight into the variation
of microstructure along the corpus callosum.
signal measured in a GE sequence takes the form :
where Ω & ϕ0 represent the effects of non-local field sources and time-independent
phase offsets respectively, with F(t) as defined in Equation (1). To
observe the non-linear signal evolution, it is necessary to remove the
dependence on Ω & ϕ0. ϕ0 can be eliminated by dividing each echo by S(TE1):
S'(\text{TE}_n )=\frac{S({\text{TE}}{_n})}{S(\text{TE}_1)}=e^{-iΩ(n-1)∆{\text{TE}}}×\frac{F(\text{TE}_n)}{F(\text{TE}_1)} \qquad\qquad\qquad(3)
Non-local field effects, \Omega, can be removed by dividing S'(\text{TE}_n ) by (S'(\text{TE}_2))^{n-1}:
S''(\text{TE}_n)=\frac{S'(\text{TE}_n )}{(S'(\text{TE}_2))^{n-1}}=\frac{F(\text{TE}_n )}{F(\text{TE}_1 )}×\left(\frac{F(\text{TE}_1)}{F(\text{TE}_2)}\right)^{n-1} \qquad (4)
a signal that is sensitive to the non-linear phase evolution, which is
predominantly driven by the rapid decay of the signal from the myelin pool.
Using a Philips Achieva 7T MR scanner,
10 healthy subjects underwent a series of single-slice, sagittal multi-echo GE
scans (slice thickness=5mm,
2 ,FOV=224x224mm
2, TE
1=2.4ms, ΔTE=2.4ms,
# of echoes=20, TR=140ms,
flip angle=25
o, # of averages=10,
acquisition time=314s).
The slice was positioned on the
mid-line, spanning a portion of the corpus callosum where the fibres are
oriented perpendicular to B
Each subject was scanned six times. Frequency difference maps were generated using
the method outlined above, with an
additional step involving fitting and subtraction of a term describing linear
phase variation in the read-direction (foot-head), resulting from small
differences of echo position in the acquisition window. Magnitude and frequency difference curves for 5 ROIs over the corpus
callosum [6] (Figure 1) were fitted to Equations (1&4) for each subject.
Figure 2 shows the evolution of the
frequency difference with TE for a single representative subject, while Figure
3 shows FD maps for the 10 different subjects at TE=12 ms. Figure 4 shows average magnitude and frequency
difference curves from all subjects for the 5 ROIs spanning the corpus
callosum. Figure 5 shows the three-pool model parameters that provide the best fit
to the experimental data from the 5 regions of the corpus callosum in the 10
Figures 2 and 3 show that corpus
callosum and other structures such as the superior cerebellar peduncles, in
which nerve fibers are oriented perpendicular to the field appear consistently hypointense
in the FD maps. The negative frequency difference results from the decay of
the signal from the myelin compartment in which the average frequency offset is
positive (Figure 5), with further variation at late echo times resulting from
interference of signals from the axonal and external compartments.
It is evident from Figure 4 that the genu
and splenium display a more rapidly decaying magnitude signal than the central
regions of the corpus callosum, and also show a greater change of frequency
with TE. The three-pool model parameters shown in Figure 5 are generally
in good agreement with those previously obtained by fitting a
triple-exponential model to 7T data from the splenium of the corpus callosum [1]
and the pool amplitudes are also in correspondence with values measured in the
optic radiations at 3T [7] using a similar approach. Analysis of the
variation of parameter values across the different regions of the corpus
callosum shows that differences in the frequency of the myelin and axonal
compartments are the strongest contributory factors to the measured difference
in signal evolution in the genu and splenium compared with the central regions
of the corpus callosum. These frequency offsets are sensitive to the fiber
g-ratio and anisotropic susceptibility of myelin [3].
No acknowledgement found.References
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