Sila Kurugol1, Moti Freiman1, Onur Afacan1, Liran Domachevski2, Jeanette M. Perez-Rossello1, Michael J. Callahan1, and Simon K. Warfield1
1Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Nuclear Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel
Quantitative diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) has been
increasingly used for the detection and
characterization of abdominal abnormalities.
However, respiratory, cardiac and peristalsis motion deteriorates robustness
and reproducibility of parameter estimation in DW-MRI. Current solutions do not
entirely correct for motion and have disadvantages such as increased scan time.
In this work, we introduce a simultaneous image registration and model
estimation (SIR-ME) framework for motion-compensated parameter estimation. The
proposed method improved the goodness-of-fit by more than 50% and estimated
model parameters more precisely, resulting in better discrimination between
normal and diseased bowel loops, which will potentially impact clinical
Quantitative diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) has
been increasingly used for the detection and characterization of abdominal abnormalities in liver,
spleen and bowel
1. One of the
challenges in abdominal DW-MRI is respiratory, cardiac and peristalsis motion,
deteriorates robustness and reproducibility of parameter estimation and
reduces clinical utility of quantitative DW-MRI parameters. Techniques such as breath-holding,
gating, respiratory or cardiac triggering have been used for motion
compensation. These techniques have disadvantages such as increased scan time, cooperation
requirement of patient, and they do not entirely correct for motion. In this
work, we introduce a simultaneous image registration and model estimation
(SIR-ME) framework for motion-compensated parameter estimation. SIR-ME solver
jointly estimates transformations for non-rigid alignment of images,
reconstructs high SNR registered diffusion images and estimates signal decay
model parameters.
In abdominal DW-MRI,
multiple images (S’i,j, j =1..M) are acquired at the same
b-value (bi) to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). An improved
SNR image (Si) is estimated from these multiple acquisitions at each
b-value. A signal decay model is then fitted to the improved SNR signal, and
the model parameters are estimated. However, in the presence of motion, acquired images are not spatially aligned and therefore cannot be directly used.
One solution is independent registration of each low SNR image (S’i,j)
to a reference b=0s/mm2 image. However, registration of high b-value images to a b=0 image is challenging due
to contrast differences and lower SNR of high b-value images. Instead, we
introduce a motion-compensated parameter estimation framework that
simultaneously solves image registration and model estimation (SIR-ME) problems
by utilizing the interdependence of acquired volumes along the fourth
parametric dimension, i.e. diffusion weighting dimension as an additional term
in the cost function. Our joint formulation is then given by:
The first term is used to reconstruct high SNR images from
registered low SNR images and the second term is the signal decay model-fitting
prior. When solving this equation, the expected signal (g(θ,i)) is dependent on
both the parameters of the signal decay model (i.e. θ) and the transformations
(T’i,j,Ti), which are all unknown. Therefore,
we cannot optimize this equation directly. Instead, we solve it as a
simultaneous optimization problem, where registration, reconstruction of the
high SNR DW-MRI images and estimation of the signal decay model parameters are
iteratively performed (Table 1). We used the recently proposed
spatially-constrained probability distribution model of diffusion2 as
the signal decay model (g(θ,i)) and the non-rigid block-matching algorithm
by Commowick et al.3 for registration.
We have tested the
performance of the proposed model in DW-MRI data of 16 Crohn's Disease
patients, acquired with a 1.5T scanner (Avanto, Siemens) using free-breathing
single-shot echo-planar imaging with parameters: (TR/TE)=7500/77ms; matrix size=192x156;
field of view=300x260mm; slice thickness/gap=5mm/0mm; 40 axial slices; 7
b-values=0,50,100,200,400,600,800 s/mm2 with 1 excitation; 6
directions; acquisition time=5.5min.
We computed the
average RMSE between the measured signal (S
i) and the signal of
fitted model (g(θ,i)) to evaluate the effect of motion-correction on goodness-of-fit.
Figure-1 compares the RMSE a) in normal and b) inflamed bowel regions using no
registration, independent registration and SIR-ME. The mean RMSE of inflamed
bowel reduced from 12.39±8.01 to 6.66±2.91 with registration, and further
reduced to 5.63±2.57 with SIR-ME. The RMSE in normal-looking bowel walls
reduced from 12.23±5.54 to 7.77±3.17 with registration and further reduced to
6.27±2.42 with SIR-ME. While the independent registration decreased the RMSE on
average, it increased the RMSE for some cases. SIR-ME performed either equally
well or better in all cases. A representative signal decay curve in Figure-2 shows the reduction in error using the SIR-ME model.
Figure-3 b) shows an image region plotted for increasing b-values. The image intensity decays smoothly due to motion correction when SIR-ME model is
used. We also compared the performance of
estimated parameters in differentiating normal and inflamed bowel regions. We
trained Naive Bayes classifiers using D and f parameters, and obtained classification errors of 0.41 w/o registration, 0.28 with registration and 0.15
with SIR-ME using D parameter; 0.28 w/o registration, 0.28 with registration
and 0.15 with SIRME using f parameter. SIR-ME achieved the best classification
accuracy for both f and D parameters.
Results showed that the SIR-ME method corrected for the effect of motion and reduced the model fitting error by more than 50% compared to the errors obtained from non-registered original DW-MRI images. The quantitative parameters obtained using the SIR-ME model achieved improved group differences and better discrimination between normal and inflamed bowel loops, which will potentially impact clinical utilization.
This work is supported by the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney
Diseases of the NIH under award R01DK100404 and by the Translational Research
Program at Boston Children's Hospital. The content is solely the responsibility of
the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.References
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2. Kurugol,
S., Freiman, M., Afacan, O., Perez-Rossello, J.M., Callahan, M.J., Warfield,
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3. Commowick, O., Wiest-Daessle, N., Prima, S.: Automated diegistration
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In: MICCAI. Springer (2012) 163-170