Abdallah G. Motaal1, Catharina S. de Jonge1, Wouter V. Potters1, Bram F. Coolen1, Aart J. Nederveen1, and Jaap Stoker1
1Radiology Department, 3T Lab, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Motility assessment
of the small bowel using dynamic MRI can only be acquired with either a limited
coverage of the intestines or relatively low temporal resolution, which
obscures details of motion during contraction and relaxation. Compressed
sensing and parallel imaging (CS-PI) techniques allow higher temporal
resolution imaging by acquiring and reconstructing undersampled acquisitions.
In this abstract we show that by using CS-PI, accelerations up to 7X could be
achieved, which outperforms conventional approaches based on parallel imaging
only. As a consequence, CS-PI provides a valuable tool for improved assessment
of small bowel motility. Introduction
Dynamic MR imaging of the small bowel potentially has
an important role to play in future clinical workup as it provides a complementary
tool for diagnosis, monitoring of therapy and follow-up of patients with
small bowel disease. However, dynamic 3D MR images of the abdomen currently can
only be acquired with either a relatively low temporal resolution or a limited
coverage of the intestines, since the speed of the acquisition is constrained
by the lowest achievable repetition time (TR). However, full coverage of the
intestines is mandatory for motility assessment and low temporal resolution imaging
obscures details of motion during contraction and relaxation of the small
bowel. Previous studies showed that the frequency component
of different abdominal and small bowel structures ranges between 0 - 0.25 Hz
suggesting the temporal resolution should preferably be below 2 seconds. We hypothesize
that by using compressed sensing and parallel imaging (CS-PI) reconstruction techniques,
higher temporal resolution data can be acquired. In this abstract we show the
feasibility of using CS-PI to obtain higher temporal resolution by acquiring
and reconstructing prospectively undersampled k-space acquisitions. Additionally,
a comparison with the conventional Sensitivity Encoding (SENSE) technique that
is available on clinical scanners is also presented.
Three healthy volunteers were scanned on a 3T Philips Ingenia
MRI scanner running software release 5.1.9. A 3D balanced FFE sequence was
used. The sequence parameters were: TR/TE=2.7/1.3ms, flip-angle=20
FOV(FH/RL/AP)=400x400x100mm and isotropic resolution of 2.5mm
3, resulting
in a temporal resolution of 16.4s for a fully sampled scan. Retrospective undersampling
using Poisson disk trajectories was performed producing different acceleration
factors: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Subsequently, the CS-PI reconstruction technique, using the open-source BART toolbox
2, which is based on iterative self-consistent parallel
imaging reconstruction (SPIRIT)
3, was performed to reconstruct the undersampled
data. 3D isotropic total variation penalty with 0.002 regularization was used. Additionally, a retrospective uniform undersampling was applied to mimic
SENSE accelerated scans. CS-PI and SENSE reconstructions of the retrospectively
undersampled data were compared to the full-sampled (gold standard)
reconstruction using the structural similarity index measure (SSIM). In
addition, prospective CS-PI, using Poisson disk undersampled trajectories, and
SENSE accelerated scans were acquired and reconstructed with acceleration
factors: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 producing higher temporal resolution data.
Fig.1 shows the difference between full-sampled, linear
and CS-PI reconstructions of retrospectively undersampled
data using a Poisson disk distribution with effective undersampling factor of
6X. The used trajectory resulted in incoherent artifacts for the linear
reconstruction as shown in Fig. 1C. Using CS-PI, clean and accurate
reconstruction was achieved. Fig.2 presents the difference between CS-PI and
SENSE reconstructions for 6X retrospectively undersampled data with the corresponding
difference maps calculated by comparing the reconstructions with the full
sampled data. As shown, the SENSE reconstruction suffered from coherent
artifacts and visually low-quality images. Fig. 3 shows the average SSIM values
of the two reconstruction techniques with different undersampling factors for
the three volunteers. In Fig.4 a prospectively acquired dataset with
acceleration factors of 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5 and 7 is shown. These acceleration
factors allow for temporal resolution up to 2.3s. The scans were
reconstructed using CS-PI reconstructions, resulting in very good quality images
for dynamic acquisition.
In prospectively SENSE
accelerated scans, undersampling artifacts were apparent for acceleration
factors higher than 5 as shown in Fig.5.
In this abstract we showed that higher temporal
resolution imaging in the intestines could be achieved by using CS-PI. This technique
outperforms the conventional approach based on parallel imaging only and therefore
it can provide a valuable tool for better assessment of small bowel motility. Even
acceleration up to 7 could be achieved. However, to determine the maximum achievable
acceleration factor, further validation and visual scoring by radiologists is
needed to assess the quality of the reconstructed data. The major drawback of
the technique is the long reconstruction time, especially with a large number
of receiver coil channels and a large number of dynamics. However, as shown in
recent studies, coil compression techniques
4 and GPU implementation can
overcome this issue, resulting in reasonable reconstruction time.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Quigley EM. Clin. North Am. 1996 Mar;25(1):113–45.
2. Uecker
et al. Proc. Intl. Soc. Magn Reson Med, 2015; 23:2486.
3. Lustig, M. et al. Magn Reson Med, 2010; 64: 457–471.
4. Zhang, T. et al. Magn Reson Med, 2013; 69: 571–582.