Elizabeth Li1, Tim Lu1, Alexandre Coimbra1, and Alex de Crespigny 1
1Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA, United States
mapping may provide estimates of extent of fibrosis in Crohn’s Disease (CD)
patients but are subject to respiratory and peristaltic motion. Various image
registration strategies and their impact on quality and robustness of parametric
maps of gain of enhancement (GE) and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) were
compared. Healthy test-retest and CD image datasets were evaluated. Spatial
registration improved quality and test-retest reliability of GE and MTR maps.
In a limited cohort, extent of fibrosis estimated with GE and MTR maps were correlated. Cross validation of MR enterography-based fibrosis estimates with
histological data will be conducted as data becomes available.Introduction
patients with Crohn’s Disease (CD), assessment of fibrosis in stenotic intestinal
lesions is critical for therapeutic decisions. Degree of fibrosis may be
assessed by region-of-interest (ROI) measurement of magnetic resonance enterography
(MRE) metrics such as gadolinium-based contrast gain of enhancement (GE) and
magnetization transfer ratio (MTR), which have been associated with the presence
of fibrosis in surgically resected lesions
1-3. Parametric mapping (PM) may provide information regarding the extent of fibrotic tissue but can be influenced by respiratory and
peristaltic motion. The purpose of this study was to compare various image
registration strategies and their impact on quality and robustness of parametric
maps of MTR and GE, for assessment of extent of fibrosis in intestinal lesions.
Informed consent was
obtained from all subjects involved in this study. Two sets of abdominal MR
images were evaluated: (1) a test-retest dataset obtained from healthy individuals,
used to assess reliability of parametric maps obtained with different spatial
registration algorithms, and (2) a dataset obtained from 7 patients with CD
eligible for surgical resection of stenotic lesions.
Test-retest datasets
consisted of magnetization transfer contrast (MTC) data acquired at intervals
of two weeks using a 3T (GE Discovery) scanner and a dedicated HD Cardiac
phased array. MTCs were axial 2D T1-weighted spoiled gradient recalled echo
(SGPR) images acquired with and without magnetization transfer prepulse with a
1,100 Hz frequency offset. Scanner settings were: field of view (FOV) = 262-300
mm x 175-200 mm, slice thickness = 5 mm, TR = 30 ms, TE = 4.3 ms, flip angle =
15 degrees, bandwidth = 244 Hz, and image matrix = 192x128x8. Five ROIs were
manually defined on the no-prepulse image for the right kidney, right psoas
muscle, liver, spinal cord, and phantom that was included in the FOV. All MTCprepulse images were registered to associated reference MTCno-prepulse
images with multiple spatial registration schemes based on the image processing
toolkits FMRIB Software Library (FSL) and Insight Segmentation and Registration
Toolkit-based elastix. Linear registrations were performed with elastix and
FSL/FLIRT. Nonlinear (Bspline) registrations were performed with elastix
MTR maps were computed as
MTR=100×(1−MTCprepulse)/MTCno−prepulse. MTR were
then normalized to MTR of muscle as follows:
MTRnorm=50×(MTR/MTRmuscle). Test-retest reliability was
assessed by intra-class correlation (ICC) of MTRnorm in the predefined
The patient dataset was a
preliminary subset of 7 out of 60 patients with CD enrolled in a multicenter
clinical trial involving 6 imaging centers. Data were obtained at 1.5 or 3.0 T
and included MTC sequences and fast breath-hold 3D GRE coronal T1-weighted,
fat-suppressed series that were acquired prior to IV administered gadolinium-based
contrast, approximately 70 seconds (SI70s, reference) post injection, and 7 minutes (SI7min)
post injection. FSL/FNIRT was used to co-register SI7min scans to the
corresponding SI70s reference. GE maps were defined as
GE=(SI7min−SI70s)/SI70s. Cubic ROIs (ROIfib) of 2.7 x 2.7 x
2.7 cm3 were defined in the region selected for histopathological confirmation
of fibrosis. Extent of fibrosis was defined for MTC and GE as the volume within
ROIfib where MTRnorm>30 and GE>0.24 respectively. GE threshold of 0.24
has been reported as predictive of presence of fibrosis independently verified
by histopathological examination3.
spatial registration improved the quality of the parametric maps for MTR (figure 1)
and GE (figure 2). MTC test-retest results show that registration significantly
improved ICC of ROI-based average MTRnorm. ICC for the original data was
0.83 [0.65 0.91, 95% CI], whereas ICC increased to 0.96 [0.91
0.99] with linear registration, and was 0.90 [0.76 0.96] with the best non-linear algorithm (FSL/FNIRT).
Using the best FSL/FNIRT registration algorithm on
contrast enhanced T1-weighted patient data (figure 2) also significantly reduced
standard deviation of GE measured within ROIfib. GE standard
deviations for ROIfib ranged from 0.17 to 0.33 and 0.12 to 0.23, for
original and co-registered data respectively. The extent of fibrosis observed
from the co-registered data ranged from 0.5 to 5.5 cm3 and 0.8 to
8.8 cm3 within ROIfib of the GE and MTRnorm maps respectively. Extent of fibrosis measured with GE and MTRnorm were marginally
correlated (R=0.66, p=0.1; figure 3).
registration improved quality and test-retest reliability of MTR and GE
parametric maps. In a limited cohort, extents of fibrosis estimated with GE and
MTR maps were correlated. Cross validation of MRE-based fibrosis estimates with
histological data will be conducted as data becomes available.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Adler J, Swanson SD,
Schmiedlin-Ren P, et al. Magnetization transfer helps detect intestinal
fibrosis in an animal model of Crohn disease. Radiology 2011;259(1):127-35.
2. Pazahr S, Blume I, Frei P, et al.
Magnetization transfer for the assessment of bowel fibrosis in patients with
Crohn's disease: initial experience. MAGMA
3. Rimola J, Planell N, Rodriguez S, et
al. Characterization of inflammation and fibrosis in Crohn's disease lesions by
magnetic resonance imaging. Am J
Gastroenterol 2015;110(3):432-40.