Pippa Storey1 and Dmitry S. Novikov1
1Radiology Department, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
T2* measurements in the abdomen are often corrupted by
macroscopic magnetic susceptibility effects from air in the lung and bowel. We
show that sensitivity to linear B0 variations can be eliminated by tailoring
the 2D slice profile appropriately and truncating the echo train where the
phase difference between adjacent voxels within or across slices exceeds
π/2. This improves T2* accuracy without the need for post hoc
corrections. When compared with a conventional approach, the proposed technique
demonstrates reduced sensitivity to B0 inhomogeneity in the liver caused by magnetic
susceptibility differences in the lung.Introduction
T2* mapping is frequently performed in the abdomen for iron
quantification and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) imaging. However, accuracy
can be compromised by macroscopic susceptibility effects due to air in the lung
and bowel. These produce magnetic field gradients over entire voxels, which
translate into phase gradients that increase with echo time. Fortuitously, the image
intensity is largely insensitive to such gradients in the phase- and
frequency-encoding directions up to a threshold determined by the Nyquist limit
[1]. For 2D acquisitions, however, it remains sensitive to background gradients
in the through-slice direction. We show that, by tailoring the slice profile appropriately,
the signal attenuation due to through-slice gradients can be eliminated up to a
certain threshold, which corresponds to a phase difference of
across the slice. By truncating the echo train where this threshold is
exceeded, T2* accuracy can be improved without the need for post hoc
A background magnetic field gradient
G across
the tissue gives rise to a linearly varying phase
ϕ(r)=γG.rTE. In the Fourier-encoded directions, this simply displaces the signal in
k-space. The image intensity is largely unaffected up to the TE value at which
the echo approaches the edge of the sampling range [1]. This corresponds to a phase
difference of
π across the voxel. In the through-slice direction,
however, the signal is attenuated as a function of TE according to
F(TE)=M(γGzTE) where
M is the Fourier transform of the
slice profile
M⊥(z), and
Gz is the through-slice component
of the background gradient. Furthermore, in the small flip angle approximation,
the slice profile is, in turn, the Fourier transform of the pulse waveform.
Hence, by choosing a pulse waveform with a broad plateau about its center, such
as the Tukey function shown in Figure 1, the signal attenuation due to background
gradients can be eliminated up to a certain TE value, which corresponds to
phase difference of
π/2 across the slice.
Phantom and human studies were performed at 3T (Siemens
Prisma) using a 2D multiple gradient echo sequence. Comparisons were made
between the standard pulse (a windowed sinc with time-bandwidth product of 2)
and the proposed Tukey pulse. Three adjacent slices were imaged in interleaved
fashion so that the phase difference across the central slice could be quantified.
Data from a standard doped phantom were acquired once with a good
B0 shim
and once with a gradient offset in the through-slice direction. Liver imaging
was performed in 4 healthy volunteers after achieving the best possible shim across
a thick shim volume. Since there was no way to determine the ‘true’ T2* in vivo,
data were acquired once using a typical clinical slice thickness of 6mm and once
using a thinner slice (4.25mm). The thinner slice produced lower signal but was
less sensitive to background gradients. For data obtained using the standard
pulse, T2* was calculated for each voxel by truncating the echo train where the
signal fell below twice the noise level. For data collected with the Tukey
pulse, the echo train was truncated at the TE value for which the phase
difference between adjacent voxels within the slice or across neighboring
slices exceeded
With good shimming, the signal in the phantom decayed
monoexponentially, and was almost identical between the Tukey pulse and the
standard pulse (Figure 2). With a through-slice gradient offset, the signal
obtained using the standard pulse exhibited a more rapid, nonexponential decay,
while the signal from the Tukey pulse was unaffected up to the threshold TE
value. The resulting maps of R2* (=1/T2*) showed R2* elevation in the presence
of the gradient offset using the standard pulse. This bias was eliminated using
the Tukey pulse (Figure 3). Liver R2* maps obtained using the standard pulse
exhibited elevated R2* near the chest wall, due to susceptibility effects from
the lung (Figure 4). The degree of elevation depended on slice thickness. With
the Tukey pulse, less R2* bias was observed, and there was minimal dependence
on slice thickness.
We have demonstrated that the sensitivity of T2* measurements
to linear
B0 variations can be eliminated by using a Tukey-shaped RF
pulse and truncating the echo train where the phase difference across the voxel
in any direction exceeds
π/2. Three adjacent slices were acquired to
determine the phase difference across the central slice. Alternatively, the
truncation point could be determined from the decay curve itself. The technique
improves T2* accuracy without the need for post hoc corrections. However, it
does not mitigate problems due to higher order
B0 variations.
NIH grant: P41 EB017183References
[1] Proc.
ISMRM 2014; 0442