Scott H. Robertson1,2, Elianna A. Bier1,2, Rohan S. Virgincar1,3, and Bastiaan Driehuys1,2,3,4
1Center for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States, 2Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 3Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 4Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
Hyperpolarized 129Xe experiences chemical shifts between the lung airspaces, interstitium, and capillary beds, enabling functional information to be directly probed. However, in order to realize the potential of these chemical shifts, the spectrum must be carefully decomposed. Previous methods have assumed only two dissolved-phase resonances exist in the human lung and have used inconsistent 0 ppm reference frequencies. Here we present novel non-linear fitting of complex exponentially decaying FIDs and demonstrate that the dissolved phase signal can be robustly decomposed into three dissolved-phase resonances. We present updated frequencies and widths using and appropriately adjusted 0 ppm reference value.Purpose
Recently, efforts have intensified to exploit the chemical shifts and
solubility of
129Xe to characterize pulmonary function and pathology
1. Because diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) restrict the
diffusion of gases between the airspaces, interstitial tissue, and capillary
beds, identifying regional variability among these compartments could provide urgently
needed metrics to detect and diagnose disease, as well as to assess progression
or therapy response
2,3. To date, all of this work has assumed that the dissolved-phase
signal consists of two resonances – one at ~198 ppm that represents
in the barrier tissue and plasma, and one at ~217 ppm that represents
transiently bound to hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells (RBCs)
3. However,
here we demonstrate with non-linear curve fitting of the complex
FIDs that the dissolved phase consists of 3 resonances. Furthermore, we use a
more robust gas-phase reference
4 to report the frequencies and linewidths
of these resonances from a cohort of healthy normal subjects.
from 7 healthy normal subjects (38±16.9 years old)
were acquired on a 1.5T GE Healthcare 15M4 EXCITE MRI scanner with a Quadrature
129Xe vest coil (Clinical MR Solutions, Brookfield, WI). Each
subject inhaled ~200 mL of isotopically enriched 129Xe (85%),
hyperpolarized to ~20% via spin-exchange optical pumping (Model 9800, Polarean,
Inc., Durham, NC). Subjects held their breath for ~15 seconds while 200 FIDs
were acquired with 512 samples/FID, TE/TR = 0.875/20 ms, BW = 8.06 kHz, 1.2 ms 3-lobe sinc
pulse, flip angle ≈ 18°. The first 100 frames were discarded to
avoid measuring magnetization that had accumulated downstream of the capillary
beds. The remaining 100 frames were averaged and then decomposed into a series
of exponentially decaying FIDs. Each component signal (denoted by n) was
described by four parameters: an amplitude (an),
starting phase (ϕn),
resonant frequency (fn),
and linewidth (wn),
then summed according to
used the trust-region-reflect algorithm5 to minimize the complex least-squares residual
error between the measured time domain FID and fitted result. Our open-source
MATLAB toolkit can be downloaded from
for academic and research use. Resonant frequencies were reported in ppm units using the alveolar component of the gas-phase resonance. This resonance was determined to arise at -2.90 ppm relative to true zero when corrected for Xe-O2, Xe -Xe shifts, as well bulk magnetic
susceptibility shifts6,7,8.
spectroscopic fitting was achieved across all 7 subjects. Because the fitting
used the complex signal and was performed in the time domain, no linebroadening, zeropadding,
or constraints were required in any subject. Figure 1 illustrates a representative
spectrum and fits using 2 (left) and 3 (right) dissolved-phase
peaks. By including an additional dissolved-phase peak, the residual error was reduced
to the level of the noise and became unpatterned. Table 1 provides the mean±stdev
of the frequencies and linewidths for each dissolved-phase peak.
spectral curve fitting makes clear that the dissolved phase of
in the human lung consists of three stable Lorentzian-shaped resonances. Including
the additional peak only minimally affects the frequency and linewidth of the
RBC peak; however the two “barrier” peaks are shifted from and broader than the
previous single barrier peak. We hypothesize that these two “barrier” peaks are
affected by inflammatory and fibrotic process, and could serve as useful
indicators of disease progression in diseases such as IPF. Finally, we hope to
account for the 3
rd dissolved-phase peak in future imaging
techniques in order to spatially localize and identify their source.
NIH/NHLBI R01 HL105643, R01HL126771, and NIBIB P41 EB015897.References
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