Ulrich Katscher1 and Peter Börnert1
1Philips Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany
Reliable MR imaging of lung
tissue could be an important element of diagnosing lung-related diseases. The
very short T2 components of lung tissue, one of the main problems of lung
imaging, can be visualized using ultrashort echo times (UTE). Furthermore, UTE
sequences allow the determination of conductivity of the imaged tissue. This
study shows the principle feasibility of UTE to image lung conductivity,
examining healthy volunteers. Obtained conductivity was lower for inspiration
breath hold than expiration breath hold, which is the expected behaviour due to
corresponding fraction of air (with nearly zero conductivity) inside lungs during
inspiration and expiration.Purpose
To show the principle feasibility of imaging the electric conductivity of lungs using Ultrashort Echo-Time (UTE)-sequences
Reliable MR imaging of
lung tissue could be an important element of diagnosing lung-related diseases
like lung cancer, pneumonia, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
The very short T2 components of lung tissue, one of the main problems of MR
lung imaging, can be visualized using sequences with ultrashort echo times
(UTE) [1,2]. Furthermore, UTE sequences allow the determination of electric
conductivity of the imaged tissue [3,4]. The conductivity determination can be
based on the phase of the MR image, as long as this phase is only related to
B1 effects and not affected by
B0 effects (i.e., main field
inhomogeneity or off-resonance) [5]. This pre-condition is sufficiently
fulfilled for UTE sequences, since
phase contributions are proportional to the echo time applied. This study
applied UTE sequences to investigate the principle feasibility of lung
conductivity imaging, examining healthy volunteers.
UTE was applied to the
lungs of 5 healthy volunteers (informed consent obtained) using a 3T
MR system (Philips Ingenia, Best, The Netherlands) with 2-TX-channel RF
shimming and an anterior/posterior RX coil array. UTE was performed with a 3D radial
("koosh-ball") k-space trajectory (TR/TE = 1.9/0.06 ms, flip angle
2°, isotropic voxel size 2.3×2.3×2.3 mm
3, scan duration 28 s). Scans
were repeated twice with expiration and inspiration breath hold. With
φ the image phase,
μ0 the magnetic vacuum permeability, and
ω the Larmor frequency, conductivity
σ was
reconstructed via
σ = {\nabla}^2φ/(2μ_0ω) [5] and a subsequent median filter. Kernel size
of both, numerical differentiation and median filter, was locally adapted not
to cross tissue boundaries.
For both, inspiration
and expiration breath hold of one of the volunteers, UTE reformats and
corresponding conductivity maps are shown in Fig. 1 and conductivity histograms in Fig. 2.
The median conductivity of expiration and inspiration breath hold is 0.45 S/m
and 0.05 S/m, respectively. The average over all volunteers investigated is 0.55 ± 0.21 S/m
and 0.16 ± 0.14 S/m, respectively.
This study showed the
feasibility of lung conductivity mapping with UTE. The reconstructed conductivity
was lower for inspiration breath hold than for expiration breath hold. This is
the expected behaviour, since the fraction of air (with nearly zero
conductivity) inside the lungs should be higher during inspiration than during
expiration; this is confirmed by literature values [6]. Thus, pathologic lung
tissue could be characterized by UTE-based conductivity imaging, particularly
reflecting the electrolyte content of the tissue, but also its water and air
No acknowledgement found.References
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