Li Feng1, Jean Delacoste2, Hersh Chandarana1, Davide Piccini2,3, Francis Girvin1, Matthias Stuber2,4, Daniel K Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R), New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Healthcare, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland
A four-dimensional (4D) respiratory
motion-resolved UTE MRI method is presented for free-breathing lung MRI with
isotropic spatial resolution. Center-out radial half-projection k-space data are
continuously acquired using a 3D golden-angle UTE sequence. The radial k-space
data are retrospectively sorted into distinct respiratory states, resulting in an
undersampled 4D dataset (kx-ky-kz-respiration)
using a respiratory motion signal extracted from the acquired data. The
undersampled 4D data are reconstructed by exploiting sparsity along the new respiratory
dimension. The proposed approach enables free-breathing lung MRI with 100% scan
efficiency, allowing for assessment of lung tissue in arbitrary orientations at
different respiratory states.Introduction
MRI is a promising alternative to CT for lung exams
due to the lack of radiation exposure and possibility for multi-contrast
functional assessment. Challenges
associated with lung MRI include respiratory motion and low SNR due to the
short T
2* of lung parenchyma. Sequences with ultra-short echo time
(UTE) have been shown to be an effective way to provide sufficient signal in
lung, and encouraging results with isotropic spatial resolution, comparable to that
of CT, have been reported
1-3. Respiratory motion, however, still remains
a major challenge for lung MRI. Although external devices can be used to
monitor respiratory motion for gated image acquisitions
4, the scan
efficiency is reduced and a cumbersome setup is required. Sparse imaging
techniques have become a powerful approach for rapid MRI
5; and in
addition to increasing imaging speed, sparsity can also be used to resolve
respiratory motion by reconstructing an extra motion dimension
6. This technique, called XD-GRASP (eXtra-Dimensional Golden-angle RAdial
Sparse Parallel MRI), combines the self-navigation properties of radial
sampling and the acceleration capability of sparse sampling and reconstruction.
The purpose of this work is to propose a continuous 4D (x-y-z-respiration) respiratory
motion-resolved lung MRI framework combining XD-GRASP with a 3D golden-angle radial
UTE sequence.
(i) Data Acquisition and
Motion Detection: IRB-approved lung MRI was performed in 5 healthy
volunteers (28±2.3-year) during free-breathing without external gating on a 3T
clinical scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen Germany). Center-out
half-projection radial k-space data were continuously acquired using a prototype
3D UTE sequence 3 with golden-angle rotation scheme based on the
spiral phyllotaxis pattern 7 (Fig.1a). Imaging parameters included:
TR/TE=3.3/0.05ms, FOV=(250mm)3, matrix size=2563, voxel
size ~(1mm)3, and RF excitation angle=6o. A total of 122,520
spokes were acquired in each subject in 8 minutes, including 2042 golden-angle
interleaves. Each interleave started with a half-projection oriented along the
superior-inferior (SI) direction (red lines, Fig.1a) for self-navigation and
was preceded by CHESS fat saturation. In order to test the acceleration
capability, a separate 5-minute acquisition was also performed in one volunteer
with identical imaging parameters but with 1377 golden-angle interleaves only.
The missing half of the SI half-projections were zero-filled to generate
z-directional projection profiles, and respiratory motion was extracted (Fig.1b)
using the approach described in 6, 8.
(ii) Data
Sorting and XD-GRASP Reconstruction: The
continuously acquired k-space data were sorted into 4 respiratory phases,
spanning from expiration to inspiration, using the estimated respiratory motion
signal. XD-GRASP reconstruction was performed on the sorted undersampled 4D dataset
by solving
where F represents the NUFFT operator, C
coil sensitivities, d the 4D image to be reconstructed (size=256x256x256x4), and m
the sorted radial k-space data. S is the sparsifying transform (first-order
finite differences) applied along the respiratory dimension with regularization
parameter λ (empirically selected).
For comparison, standard NUFFT reconstruction without motion-sorting was also
(iii) Image Quality Assessment: A
chest radiologist blinded to the reconstruction scheme was presented a pair of
datasets from each of the 5 subjects, one for XD-GRASP (end-expiratory phase
only) and the other one for NUFFT, ordered in a random fashion. The radiologist
evaluated which data set (left or right) produced higher overall image quality,
lower motion artifact, and higher sharpness of diaphragm and pulmonary vessels.
The assessment was performed on both transverse and coronal orientations on a
5-point scale: -2: left>>right; -1: left>right; 0: left=right; 1:
left<right; 2: left<<right. The reported scores were rearranged to a
new 5-point scale: -2: NUFFT>>XD-GRASP; -1: NUFFT>XD-GRASP; 0:
NUFFT=XD-GRASP; 1: NUFFT<XD-GRASP; 2: NUFFT<<XD-GRASP. Note here >> corresponds to “much better
than”, > to “better than”, = to “equal to”, < to “worse than”, <<
to “much worse than”.
In all the subjects, XD-GRASP achieved systematic
improvement in overall image quality and sharpness, and systematic reduction in
motion artifacts comparing to NUFFT reconstruction without motion sorting (Fig.2).
Fig. 3 shows a particular example, where a suspected lung nodule can be better
detected in XD-GRASP (yellow arrows, Fig.3b). The yellow dash lines in Fig.4
show the displacement between consecutive respiratory states, suggesting that respiratory
motion was resolved by reconstructing an extra motion dimension. The scan time may
be further reduced to ~5 minutes without visible loss of image quality (Fig. 5).
This work proposes a framework for
continuous respiratory motion-resolved 4D lung MRI with 100% scan efficiency, high
isotropic spatial resolution and scan times of ~5-8 minutes. The method allows
for assessment of lung structure in arbitrary orientations at different
respiratory motion states, and can be potentially used for simultaneous
morphologic and functional assessment of the lung during respiration.
Funding: NIH P41 EB017183
The authors would like to acknowledge Florian Knoll for providing the GPU-implemented NUFFT toolbox for gridding operations in the image reconstruction 9.
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