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Balanced SSFP pulmonary signal enhancement after contrast agent injection
Orso Pusterla1,2, Grzegorz Bauman1,2, and Oliver Bieri1,2

1Radiological Physics, Dep. of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland


In contrast to the common view that Gd-based contrast agents have only marginal/limited effect on balanced steady state free precession (bSSFP) from its T2/T1 signal properties, we will demonstrate that especially for lung imaging single-dose contrast agent administration increases the parenchymal signal nearly up two fold.


Recently, ultra-fast balanced steady-state free precession (ufSSFP1) imaging has been proposed for morphological chest imaging at 1.5T providing high signal-to-noise ratio in the lung parenchyma, as well as an improved visualization of lung vasculature and nodules2.
For certain groups of patients with very low proton densities in the lung parenchyma, e.g. with diffuse emphysematous disease of the lung, however, the residual signal may be on the detection limit. The purpose of this work is thus to investigate, whether the T2 and T1 shortening effects of contrast agents may have a beneficial effect on the ufSSFP signal intensity and image quality in the lung.


Numerical simulations of the transverse steady state magnetization3 Mxy(α,T1,T2,TR) were performed in the limit TR<<T2<T1, given by:


where E1,2=eTRT1,2.

Generally, the effect of shortening the tissue relaxation times after intravenous contrast agent administration enters Eq. [1] through:


where r1 and r2 are the relaxivities of the contrast agent and C is its concentration in tissues. From this, a relative signal enhancement (SE) between pre- and post-contrast agent injection can be defined SE:=Mxy,postMxy,premaxα{Mxy,pre}=Mxy(α,T1,post,T2,post,TR)Mxy(α,T1,pre,T1,pre,TR)maxα{Mxy(α,T1,pre,T1,pre,TR)}.

Simulation parameters were chosen as follows: repetition time TR=1.2 ms, relaxation times of the lung tissue T1=1000-1300 ms and T2=40-90 ms at 1.5T (Refs. 4-6). Contrast agent relaxivities7 r1 =3.6 L/(s*mmol) and r2=4.3 L/(s*mmol), concentration C 0.5 mmol/L (administration of 0.2 ml/kg Gd-DOTA (0.5 mmol/ml) dissolved in the extracellular water8 187ml/kg).

Measurement protocol and image post-processing
Measurements were performed on a whole-body 1.5 T MR-scanner (MAGNETOM Avanto, Siemens Healthcare, Germany) using a 12-channels thorax and a 24-channels spine coil. Two healthy volunteers were scanned using 3D ufSSFP with the following parameters: TE/TR = 0.47/1.19 ms, flip angle α= 23°, RF pulse length = 80 μs, 1563 Hz/pixel bandwidth, field-of-view = 400x400x250 mm3, two averages, isotropic resolution = 3.1 mm3, reconstruction matrix = 1282x80, parallel imaging GRAPPA factor 2, total acquisition time = 16 s. The scans were performed in the end-expiratory breath-hold. Two acquisitions were performed before contrast agent (native images) and two after the single-dose intravenous injection of Gd-DOTA (0.2 ml per kg body-weight).
Calculations of exemplary relative signal enhanced maps were performed after median filtering9 (filter size 5x5x5 voxels) in order to reduce signal noise and
 vasculature overlaying the pulmonary tissue. Signal analysis was then performed in segmented three-dimensional regions of interest (ROIs).


A simulation of the bSSFP signal and the expected possible range of relative signal enhancement as a function of the flip angle are presented in Fig. 1. The maximal signal for the lung tissue occurs around α17-35° whereas the maximal signal enhancement between α 45-65°.
Exemplar coronal thorax images before and after the contrast agent injection are shown in Fig. 2a and 2b; the corresponding signal enhancement map in Fig. 2c. Mean SE in regions-of-interest were: 92% lungs, 56% blood (aorta), 35% liver, 29% muscle and 2% fat. The contrast-to-noise ratio between blood vessels, lung parenchyma and airspaces was 23:8:1 on native images, and 32:14:1 after the gadolinium injection.
Detailed coronal views of the lungs are shown in Fig. 3 with a side-by-side comparison of pre- and post-contrast administration: the signal intensity increase of gadolinium is perceivable in both the parenchyma and the vasculature.

Discussion and Conclusions

In this work, we have shown that the signal of balanced SSFP sequences can be considerably increased following the intravenous contrast agent administration. In agreement with the simulations, we observe an almost doubling of the parenchymal signal intensity and an improved depiction of vasculature structures.
In conclusion, the use of contrast agents in combination with bSSFP imaging leads to a considerable increase in parenchymal signal. Since the overall achievable signal-to-noise for lung imaging is typically limited by breath holding, the use of contrast-agents to enhance the residual pulmonary bSSFP signal appears appealing especially in the combination with pulmonary functional imaging of pathologies with very low tissue density, such as for emphysematous lung destruction or air-trapping.


No acknowledgement found.


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[9] Bieri O, A Method for Visualization of Parenchyma and Airspaces from 3D Ultra-Fast Balanced SSFP Imaging of the Lung at 1.5T, Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 22 (2014), 2300.


Simulation of the bSSFP signal as a function of the flip angle (a) for a range of T1 and T2 values as commonly reported for lung tissues ( T1=1000-1300 ms and T2=40-90 ms) and the relative signal enhancement (b) after contrast agent injection.

Thorax images before (a) and after (b) the gadolinium injection and the relative signal enhancement maps (c). Note that the windowing for both (a) and (b) is identical to facilitate the visualization of signal enhancement.

Maximum intensity projection (effective slice 12 mm) of coronal views and a detail of the superior left lobe before (a) and after (b) contrast agent injection. The windowing (grey-scale) is optimized in each image for optical comparison of vasculature details.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)