Andreas Voskrebenzev1,2, Marcel Gutberlet1,2, Frank Wacker1,2, and Jens Vogel-Claussen1,2
1Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hanover, Germany, 2German Centre for Lung Research, Hanover, Germany
Decomposition (FD) is a lung function imaging technique with a high clinical
potential. Nevertheless the 2D acquisition leads to long acquisition times for
complete lung scans and the 3D breathing motion might lead to errors in the
ventilation measurements. Self-navigated sequences offer the possibility to
reconstruct images in different respiratory states. Using a stack-of-stars sequence,
a method for 3D fractional ventilation (FV) imaging is demonstrated for six
healthy volunteers and compared with FV calculated by 2D FD. The two methods
show a good agreement. Additionally, 3D FV depicts 3D lung motion, which is not
adequately detected with 2D FD.Target Audience
scientists and physicians interested in lung MRI and the assessment of regional
pulmonary ventilation.
to its patient friendly free-breathing acquisition without use of any contrast
agent, Fourier Decomposition1 (FD) is a lung function proton imaging
technique with a high clinical potential. FD was validated in animal and human
studies2,3 and methods for quantification were introduced.4-6
Nevertheless, FD is inherently limited by its 2D acquisition. The scan of a
whole lung requires approximately 10 minutes and it can be assumed that
thoracic breathing can cause through plane motion leading to artifacts.
MRI sequences allow the reconstruction of 3D images in different respiratory
states without the requirement for breath-holds.7 Similar to density changes
measurements between expiration and inspiration on chest CT, these images can
be used to quantify ventilation. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate
the feasibility of 3D ventilation maps and a direct comparison with 2D FD.
Six healthy volunteers were
enrolled in this study. The protocol contained coronal FD scans without a slice
gap covering the whole lung and an additional 3D volume scan of the whole lung.
All acquisitions were performed on 1.5T scanner during free breathing.
FD, 200 images were acquired for each slice using a spoiled gradient echo
sequence (FOV=50x50 cm2, matrix size=196x196, slice thickness=15 mm,
TE=0.94 ms, TR=3 ms, flip angle=5° and GRAPPA=2) over a period of 65 s at a
temporal resolution of 322 ms. After image registration (ANTS)8 image
analysis1 and FV quantification5,6 was conducted.
For 3D calculation, 3496 spokes were acquired using a stack-of-stars gradient
echo sequence with a golden angle increment (FOV=50x50 cm2, matrix
size=196x196x36, slice thickness=5 mm, TE=0.92 ms, TR=3 ms and flip angle=5°)
over a period of 6.3 min. The DC signal was used for sorting the spokes into
six uniform datasets according to the respiratory phase9. Then, the 3D images were reformatted to a
slice thickness of 15 mm. The image at end-expiration (Iexp) was
registered to an image at end-inspiration (Iinsp). FV was calculated
voxel-wise with the registered images according to: FV = (Iexp-Iinsp)/Iexp.5
vessels were excluded by manual segmentation. Mean FV values were calculated
for FD (FV2D) and for the proposed method (FV3D) and compared as a function of
slice position. Using all voxel values mean values of the whole lung were calculated
as well.
1 shows FV2D and FV3D maps of a healthy volunteer for anterior to posterior
slices. Both methods display high vessel/parenchyma sharpness and a good visual
agreement. Nevertheless the white arrows indicate regions on the FV3D maps,
which display low FV values not present on the FV2D map.
The evaluation
of FV2D as a function of slice location shows a high variability of FV values
and no evident slice dependent behavior (see Figure 2a). Contrary, for FV3D all
volunteers show the same pattern: Higher values towards the posterior and
anterior slices (see Figure 2b).
Analyzing the difference between FV2D and FV3D
as a function of slice location shows that the highest deviations are found for
the anterior slices (see Figure 3). Additionally, there is an increase from the
more stable values of the middle slices towards the posterior slice locations. Interestingly, the volunteers
with the highest deviations are also the subjects with the highest FV values
(compare to Figure 2a).
For mean FV values of the whole lung both methods showed a very good agreement (R² = 0.88, Figure 4).
study shows that self-navigation can be used to calculate 3D FV maps, which
show a good agreement with 2D FD for the middle slices and larger deviations
for the anterior and posterior slices. The latter results can by the explained
by through plane motion, which affects the anterior and posterior slices to a
greater extent compared to the middle slice. Consistently, the highest
deviations occurred for subjects with the highest tidal volume. Through plane
motion and FV variability due to different tidal volumes between the slice
scans is a likely reason for a missing evident slice location dependent
behavior for 2D FD, which is clearly visible on FV
3D. Also, 3D FV values were
systematically higher compared to the 2D FV values, which may be due to the
fact that the complex 3D lung parenchymal motion is more adequately captured
using the 3D technique.
implementation of compressed sensing and parallel imaging algorithms could be
used to further improve the image quality of the 3D method.
combination with the fast total acquisition time this method is a very
attractive alternative to 2D FD imaging.
This work was supported by a grant from the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (IFB-Tx, reference number: 01EO1302)
and the German
Centre for Lung Research (DZL).References
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