Jianpan Huang1, Miao Zhang1, Shuhui Cai1, Congbo Cai2, Lin Chen1, and Ting Zhang1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People's Republic of
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) is widely exploited in magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) because of its special quantitative contrast mechanisms. To
overcome the long acquisition time required by fast spin-echo multi-slice
imaging and alleviate the sensitivity to field inhomogeneity and chemical shift
effects appeared in echo planar imaging, we proposed a CEST imaging scheme
based on spatiotemporally encoded magnetic resonance imaging (SPEN MRI).
Experimental results validated the feasibility and capability of the new
put forward a chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging scheme based
on spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) MRI to shorten the acquisition time, enhance
the immunity to inhomogeneous fields and improve the quality of CEST images.
CEST-SPEN pulse sequence is shown in Fig. 1. The acquired signal S(ta)
can be expressed as1:S(ta)∝∫Ly/2−Ly/2ρ(y)exp[i(γGexcTexc2Lyy2−γGexcTexc2y+γGexcTexcLy8+π2+γ∫ta0Gacqdt⋅y)]dywhere
ρ(y) is the
spatial profile of the spin density, γ is the
gyromagnetic ratio, Gexc and
Texc are the amplitude and
duration of encoding gradient, Gacq
is the decoding gradient and ta is the duration of it. The spatiotemporal encoding is applied along the y-axis
with a field of view (FOV) Ly.
A discrete form of the data acquisition model is S=Φρ, where
Φ denotes the
quadratic phase modulation. According to the compressed sensing (CS) theory, we
can reconstruct ρ by solving the
following minimization problem2:argminwhere the
contourlet transform \Psi and the total variation (TV) penalty is employed to
sparse the images. {\lambda _1} and {\lambda _2} are weighting parameters governing the
tradeoff between the reconstruction error and the sparsity. E is the edges of the original image which
is used to protect the edges of CEST image and improve the result. The Lorentizan
fitting is used to calculate the CEST value. The Lorentizan equation can be
described as3:L = \frac{{A{\tau ^2}}}{{{\tau ^2} + 4{{(\omega - \delta )}^2}}} + bwhere
A is the amplitude of the Lorentzian
curve, \tau is
the linewidth of water peak, \delta is the
frequency shift of water peak due to magnetic field inhomogeneity, and b is a global baseline offset on the
Z-spectrum caused by the magnetization transfer (MT) effect. The nuclear
Overhauser enhancement (NOE) effect is a common effect in in vivo CEST
experiments under high field, so NOE images are obtained as a contrast
mechanism in this study. The conventional fast spin-echo (FSE) and echo planar
imaging (EPI) methods are applied as references to confirm the effectiveness of
our scheme.
were performed on a Varian 7.0 T MRI system using a quadrature-coil probe. The
sample was tumor rats. The rats were placed on the bed and anaesthetized safely by using anesthesia
machine in which the flowing gas was a mixture of pure oxygen and chlorine
halothane with a specific proportion, 5% for quick anesthesia and 2% for
maintaining. The parameters for
acquisition were set as follows: FOV = 50 × 50 mm², matrix = 64
64 (SPEN and EPI) and 128
\times 128 (FSE), thickness = 2.0 mm, frequency sweep
bandwidth of chirp pulse = 64 kHz, duration of chirp pulse = 3 ms, RF
saturation power = 1.47 μT and saturation time = 3 s.
In the Z-spectrum experiments, the saturation pulse frequency was swept from -6 ppm to +6 ppm with an increment of 0.5 ppm. For CEST-SPEN MRI and CEST-EPI experiments, the
entire acquisition time of a Z-spectrum was 225 s, and the acquisition time of
CEST-FSE was 60 min. The results are shown in Fig. 2.
FSE can provide outstanding original image and NOE contrast image simultaneously,
it takes hours to acquire the images of different frequencies for CEST
analysis. The tumor region is obvious in the NOE contrast images from all the
three methods, while evident distortion of the whole brain occurs in the result
of CEST-EPI because of the naturally inhomogeneous field, which impedes the locating
of the tumor area. It should be noted that CEST-SPEN MRI shows a good immunity
to the inhomogeneous field and visibly possesses better shapes of brain in both
original image and NOE contrast image compared to those of CEST-EPI.
The effectiveness of CEST-SPEN MRI and CS reconstruction with edge
constraint is demonstrated by experiments on tumor rats. The new CEST imaging
scheme proposed here would promote the application of single-shot SPEN MRI.
This work was supported by the NNSF of China under Grants 11275161 and
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