Moss Y Zhao1, Egill Rostrup2,3, Otto Mølby Henriksen3, and Michael A Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Functional Imaging Unit, Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet Glostrup, Glostrup, Denmark, 3Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej, Copenhagen, Denmark
The precise quantification of cerebral blood
flow (CBF) using ASL MRI is affected by signal contaminations and partial
volume (PV) effects. Among the numerous ASL techniques, QUASAR ASL exhibits
unique characteristics of separating tissue and arterial blood components,
allowing the bias from the arterial blood component being controlled. However, PV
effects remain a critical issue that has not been fully addressed for QUASAR
ASL. Here, we investigate a spatially regularised method to correct PV effects
in QUASAR ASL using a three-component model. The results indicate that the
proposed method preserves more spatial variations than the linear regression method.Introduction
QUASAR ASL is a multi-delay ASL sequence that encodes
both tissue and arterial blood information, allowing the bias from arterial
blood component to be controlled in CBF quantification [1]. However, partial volume (PV) effects remain an
issue to be fully addressed [2]. A linear regression (LR) approach has been
proposed, but it typically blurs spatial details in the perfusion image [3]. Alternatively a method using adaptive spatial
priors has been developed, but currently it relies upon a model of kinetics different
from that seen in QUASAR [4]. Since model-based perfusion estimation for
QUASAR ASL has been shown to be reliable [5], here we propose a spatially regularised PV effects
correction method for QUASAR ASL and compare it with the LR approach.
A three-component model describes the ASL
signal at time t from arterial blood,
GM, and WM:
where the ΔM are the longitudinal magnetisation differences
between ASL tag and control images, P are the percentage of contribution of each
type of tissue, and ABV is the arterial blood volume. Each of the
magnetisation functions was expressed by the general kinetic model [5].
PV maps were estimated from a T1-weighted image
using FSL FAST. The structural image was registered to a calculated T1 image,
which was obtained by fitting a saturation recovery curve to the ASL control
data. PV maps were then transformed to ASL image resolution.
Perfusion was estimated by model-fitting using spatial
VB methods [6]. PV correction was performed by both LR and
spatially regularised approaches. The LR method was implemented in two ways
(both using regression size of 52×1): (1) application of LR on ASL difference
data prior to perfusion estimation; (2) application of LR on estimated CBF
maps. The spatially regualarised approach used 200 iterations to ensure
Experimental Data
Six QUASAR ASL data were collected from
healthy individuals using the parameters of QUASAR Reproducibility Study except
for matrix 80×80, gap 2mm, TE 22ms [1]. A T1-weighted structural image was also obtained in each subject.
An ROI analysis of mean estimated GM CBF was conducted with nine ROIs defined
based on the signal intensity of estimated PV maps, each covering a 10% range of
PV, values less than 10% were omitted.
Simulated ASL difference datasets at six SNR
levels were generated using the three-component model (parameters listed in
Table 1) and applying the PV estimate (PVE) map and ABV mask of Subject 1. The ABV map was
estimated using model-fitting [5]. Clusters were formed at ABV of 1.2%, and the top four clusters
with the largest spatial dimension were chosen and combined to give an ABV mask.
PV correction was investigated on simulated data generated by both homogeneous and
spatially varying GM CBF input (Figure 1). The root-mean-squared-error (RMSE)
was computed for each PV correction method at each noise level.
Figure 1 shows the estimated GM CBF map from
simulated data at SNR = 10. All three PV correction methods recovered the
regions of hypo/hyper perfusion, but the boundary was more accurately preserved
by the spatially regularized method.
Figure 2 shows the RMSE of the three PV
correction methods. The LR method had lower error for homogenous GM perfusion
simulations while the spatially regularised method was more accurate when
spatial variation was introduced.
Figure 3 shows the estimated GM perfusion
maps of two selected subjects. Similar to the simulations, the LR method introduced
more smoothness than the spatially regularised method.
Figure 4 shows the ROI analysis for mean GM
CBF in two subjects. Apparent overestimation of GM CBF at low PVE was exhibited
by the spatially regularized method that was not seen in simulations.
In simulated data, the spatially regularised
method has recovered higher heterogeneity than LR methods in the boundary
between normal and hypo/hyper perfusion regions, which indicates that the
spatially regularised method has preserved more spatial details. Although the
two LR methods demonstrate similar effects in simulations, the ROI analysis
shows differences of mean GM CBF, which implies that ASL signal is altered when
LR method is implemented before CBF quantification. The overestimation of
spatially regularised method in low PVE regions may be due to arterial blood signal
affecting the PV estimation.
The collaboration was facilitated by the COST Action BM1103 on “Arterial Spin Labeling Initiative in Dementia (AID)”.References
[1] Petersen et al, NeuroImage 69, 2010
[2] Ahlgren et al, NMR in Biomedicine 27, 2014
[3] Asllani et al, MRM 60, 2008
[4] Chappell et al, MRM 65, 2011
[5] Chappell et al, MRM 69, 2013
[6] Chappell et al, IEEE Trans Sig Proc 57, 2009