Phaneendra Kumar Yalavarthy1, Kasireddy Viswanatha Reddy1, and Junki Lee2
1Samsung R & D Institute, Bangalore, India, 2Medical System Lab, Samsung Electronics, Suwon, Korea, Republic of
The standard approaches for performing the deconvolution in
post-processing of DSC-MRI data is singular value decomposition (SVD) and
Frequency-Domain Deconvolution (FDD), which are known to be relatively less
accurate and requires a careful choice of threshold to obtain physiologically
meaningful results. In this work, a method that utilizes QR decomposition to
perform the deconvolution is proposed. The QR method is a well-known
dimensionality reduction technique for solving ill-conditioned linear system of
equations and known to have better numerical properties in obtaining a
regularized solution. It is shown that the proposed method provides superior
results compared to the standard deconvolution methods.Introduction
which represents the capillary blood flow, may be measured using dynamic
susceptibility contrast MR Imaging (DSC-MRI)
1. The DSC-MR Image analysis is
typically performed using time-series of T2*-weighted or T2-weighted single-shot
echo-planar images (EPI). This base image series may contain several hundreds
of images acquired in quick succession to provide a dynamic display (one scan
every 1 to 2 seconds over 1 to 2 minutes). This tissue concentration of
contrast agent obtained using this dynamic series should be deconvolved with
concentration in the supplying blood vessels to obtain the response of an ideal
1. This input is known to be residue function (RF) from which the
quantitative maps, such as cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow
(CBF), mean transit time (MTT), and time until the peak of residue function
max) maps are computed
1. In this work, the QR based decomposition of
convolution matrix (obtained from concentration in the supplying blood vessels)
combined with traditional Tikhonov regularization is proposed to accurately
estimate the deconvolved response (RF).
DSC-MRI, a mathematical description in the matrix form that is necessary to
describe the complex relationship between signal intensity and contrast agent
concentration by taking into account the physical contrast mechanisms, has the
form Ct=CaR+e, where Ct is the vector samples tissue concentration C(t1,t2,..,tn)T and R (known as the tissue residue
function from which the quantitative perfusion maps are obtained) is given by
(R(0),…R(tn))T, where n is the number of time points and
T denotes the transpose operation with e representing the noise vector. The
entries of Ca (dimension:
n×n) are in the circulant form formed by the arterial input function. The
matrix Ca is nearly
singular (highly ill-conditioned) in nature. The e represents the additive
noise in the MR signal. To obtain R one
needs to minimize the following objective function1: Ω=||CaR−Ct||2+λ2||R||2. Traditionally this is minimized either using
Oscillatory-limited SVD (oSVD)2 or Frequency-Domain deconvolution (FDD)3.
proposed method performs
QR decomposition of Ca by
Lanczos bidiagonalization as given in Ref. [4]. With these bidiagonalizations the problem of
deconvolution decomposes into the iterative Least Squares QR. It turns \mathbf{C_a}R - C_t = U_{k+1}(B_kr_k
- β_0e_1); R = \mathbf{V_k}r_k.
Here \mathbf{B}
represents the lower bidiagonal matrix (dimension k+1\times k), with (\alpha_1,…,\alpha_k)
on the main diagonal and (\beta_1,…, \beta_k) in the lower sub-diagonal), \beta_0 is the L_2-norm of the C_t, \mathbf{U}
and \mathbf{V} represent the left and right
orthogonal Lanczos matrices, respectively. The unit vector of dimension k\times 1 is
represented by e_k (=1 at the kth row and 0 elsewhere).
The dimensions of \mathbf{U_k} and \mathbf{V_k} are (n\times k) and (n\times k),
with k representing the number of iterations the bidiagonalization is
performed. Equivalently, it converts the minimization function into \Omega = || \mathbf{B_k}r_k - \beta_0e_1||^2
+ \lambda^2 ||r_k||^2. This results in
update equation r_k = (\mathbf{B_k}^T\mathbf{B_k} + \lambda^2\mathbf{I})^{-1} β_0\mathbf{B_k}^Te_1); R = \mathbf{V_k}r_k. Note that k \ll n leading to dimensionality reduction of the original
problem (i.e. lesser number of linear system of equations to be solved)4.
The k
is chosen based on the oscillation index of the deconvolved signal similar to
oSVD approach2, giving it the name Oscillatory-limited QR method (oQR).
Results and Discussion
open-source digital phantom data was used for evaluating the performance of
discussed deconvolution methods, including the proposed one. The digital phantom dataset contained 16 slices,
with slice-1 containing the AIF and VOF
5. Three types of residue functions,
exponential, linear, and box-shaped, were simulated spanning slices 2-6, 7-11,
and 12-16 respectively. The forms of these residue functions are given in the
Appendix-E1 of Ref. [5]. The SNR of the data is maintained at 40. The computed
root mean square error for perfusion maps and expected perfusion using the
discussed methods are given in the Table-1. Clearly, in the MTT for exponential
and linear type, the proposed method (oQR) yields better results. For
exponential type residue function, the oQR results are superior compared to
other methods. For Box type residue function, the FDD provides best performance
with oQR faring better than oSVD. The
same comparison using the stroke patient with diagnosis of right Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) stroke
DSC-MRI (1.5 Tesla) data is given in the Fig.1. Even here, the stroke
region, core along with penumbra, indicated with red arrow yields superior
results with the proposed method (oQR). In summary, a superior and novel
deconvolution approach based on QR decomposition in Tikhonov regularization
framework has been developed for post-processing of DSC-MRI data.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Baird A.
E. et al. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 1998; 18: 583–609.
2. Wu O. et al. Magn. Reson. Med. 2003; 50:164–174.
3. Straka M. et al. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging; 2010; 32:1024–1037.
4. Shaw C. B. et. al. J. Biomed. Opt. 2013; 18:080501.
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