Quantitative susceptibility
mapping (QSM) has been shown to provide quantitative measures of iron
concentration in deep gray matter structures. In white matter, QSM is affected
not only by local susceptibility but also by the local organized
microstructure of axons and its myelin coating where reduced water signal
exists. Recently, the anisotropic effect of myelin susceptibility was shown to
be minor compared to the effect of its compartmentalization. In this work, the
Lorentzian correction was, for the first time, implemented in a COSMOS like QSM
reconstruction. The correction does not affect deep gray matter structure
values, but creates QSM maps of isotropic susceptibility and maps of the
susceptibility of cylindrically organized inclusion spaces.TARGET
Researchers interested in quantitative susceptibility
mapping and white matter
Quantitative susceptibility
mapping (QSM) has been demonstrated to offer iron and myelin related contrast
yet, some of the effects observed are dependent on the microstructural
orientation of white matter (WM). The aim of this study is to combine the fiber
orientation information retrieved from the DTI acquisition to compute susceptibility
maps with a Lorentzian correction (LC)
[1]. This effect has been recently shown
in ex-vivo studies to be dominant over the anisotropy of the susceptibility of myelin
The impact of the Lorentzian correction on the susceptibility values of major
WM fiber bundles was studied.
subjects were scanned on a 3T scanner (Siemens,Germany) with a 32 channel head coil (NovaMedical) using the following sequences:
2.DWI-EPI:TR/TE=3490/74.6msec,res=1.5mm,matrix=150x150x90,b-value=1000s/mm2,Diffusion encoding
3.3D-GRE:TR/TE1-TE5=63/6.15-57.18ms,res=1.5 mm,iPAT=2x2,Tacq=2min39sec. This protocol was repeated up to 8 times with the subject’s head
oriented along different orientations.
Relative head positions were computed by co-registration using FSL-FLIRT (
as in[4]. R∗2 and field maps were computed as in[4].
Rotation matrices from the previous co-registration were combined with DWI
information to calculate orientation of fibres in respect to the static
magnetic field ϑi for each of the head positions i. Hereby
the primary and secondary fibre orientations were retrieved from DTI data
by FSL-BEDPOSTX. Probabilistic tractography (FSL-PROBTRACKX) was used to
extract regions of interest (ROI) based on the major WM fibres (cst-corticospinal
tract, cg-cingulum, ilf-inferior longitudinal fasciculus, fmj-forceps major,
fmi-forceps minor).
Reference QSM maps were calculated with multiple orientation acquisitions
Where R
is the number of acquired orientations, δBi the measured field map
and DKi the dipole kernel for orientation i. FT and FT−1
denotes the Fourier and inverse Fourier transform, respectively.
mask was obtained using FSL-FAST on the MP2RAGE image. This mask was further
refined by excluding deep grey matter (GM) regions based on QSM, χCOSMOS,
and R∗2 maps.
order to correct for the microstructural anisotropy effect, the fibre
orientation was included using the Lorentzian correction[1,2] in the following
R∑i∥FISO(χfISO)+FLCχfLC,f∥22 FISO=δBi(→r)−FT−1(DKi⋅FT(χFISO(→r))
is equivalent to the QSM COSMOS formulation and
accounts for the phase correction in presence of microstructural compartmentalization
susceptibility in WM[3]. f refers to the number of WM fibre populations
within each pixel. When LC was applied to the primary fibre orientation only, f=1,
the method outputs an isotropic susceptibility χ1ISO and a susceptibility
of the inclusions associated with the primary fibre orientation, PF, χ1LC,1.
When a secondary fibre orientation was used, f=2, a third susceptibility
map is reconstructed associated with the secondary fibre orientation.
Isotropic susceptibility components for
the three methods were similar in the cortical and deep GM, see Figure1(a,b,d-black arrows). The visible contrast in the
of white matter tracts, like fmj, on the COSMOS method was decreased when
correction of
the PF was applied.
It is important to note that
χ1LC has the same polarity throughout
(physically meaningful). Also, a much sharper contrast is now present on
separating the large optic radiation from neighbouring fibres, see Figure1(c,e-white arrows).
Figure2 shows that the correlation of the
measured QSM inside deep GM remains high after first LC (
corrf=0,f=1=0.97,r2f=0,f=1=0.91 and decreases when the second LC correction is applied (
Mean values of QSM across subjects for
decrease for all WM fibres with increasing number of applied LC, Figure3(a,b,d).
As for the PF components when the SF was added the main change was visible on cst while the other WM fibre components remained
similar. The change of polarity in the
susceptibility when doing SF correction (which is not
physically meaningful) suggests that that term is fitting noise. This is
specially the case in large fibre bundles as the cst, optic radiation and fmj, see
Figure1(f-gray arrows). One potential improvement
would be to create a different white matter mask for each of the LC. The SF will be only allowed if this population is significant and
its orientation is different from the primary population by more than a given
Although the isotropic susceptibility
component changed with the number of applied corrections in WM, the
correlation between the original method and the LC in deep GM structures remained
high. By introducing the Lorentzian correction for the main fibre orientation,
physically meaningful susceptibility maps were obtained with improved contrast
between known fibre bundles. While it is known that various fibre populations
exist in each pixel, trying to fit more than one population on our data and with
the current methodology gave results with increased artefacts.
authors would like to thank David Norris. D.K. and this project were funded by the Swiss
National Science Foundation (SNF) Mobility grant No 132821.References
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