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Investigating the magnetic susceptibility of skeletal muscle at 7 T
Benjamin Tendler1 and Richard Bowtell1

1Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom


There has been longstanding interest in the anisotropic magnetic properties of muscle tissue, but to date there has been little examination of these properties using MRI. Here we describe an initial examination of muscle via field mapping measurements carried out at 7T on phantoms containing small pieces of muscle embedded in agar. The results indicate that the susceptibility of this muscle is diamagnetic (~-100ppb) with respect to agar and only weakly anisotropic (<5 ppb). There was a significant uniform and orientation-independent positive frequency offset inside the muscle of 30 ppb most likely due to chemical exchange effects.


There has been longstanding interest in the anisotropic magnetic properties of muscle tissue [1], but there has been little examination of these properties using MRI-based measurements of field perturbations. Anisotropy in the magnetic susceptibility of myocardial tissue of post-mortem mouse heart was detected in recent work [2], but investigations of skeletal muscle tissue appear to be lacking. MRI-based measurements of frequency variation in muscle could potentially provide a valuable way of probing the structure and function of muscle tissue, revealing information about its microstructure, magnetic properties and molecular composition. Here we describe an initial examination of muscle properties based on field mapping measurements carried out at 7T on phantoms containing small pieces of muscle (pork tenderloin) embedded in agar.


Initial focus was on the magnetic field perturbations generated outside the muscle pieces, since these are insensitive to microstructural effects and depend on the magnetic susceptibility of all compartments within the tissue. We assume that the magnetic properties of the muscle pieces are homogeneous so that they can be represented using a single value of isotropic/anisotropic susceptibility, χI/A, measured relative to the susceptibility of agar and a common direction of the principal axis of the cylindrically symmetric susceptibility tensor, assumed to run parallel to the muscle fibers [2]. χ values can be identified by a simple piecewise fit to data acquired with the sample oriented at multiple angles to the magnetic field (B0) [3-4]. The simulated field can be described as [4]:


where γ=gyromagnetic ratio. ΔB_I is defined as:


where M=sample mask, θ_k defines the angle of the k-vector with respect to B0 and IFT/FT describe the Fourier transform operators. ΔB_A is defined as [4]:

ΔB_A=-\frac{B_0}{4}\text{IFT}\begin{Bmatrix}\text{FT}(3M×\sin2θ\cosϕ )×\frac{\sin2ϕ_k\cosϕ_k}{2} \\\text{FT}(3M×\sin2θ\cosϕ )×\frac{\sin2ϕ_k\sinϕ_k}{2} \\\text{FT}(M×(1+3(1+3\cos2θ))×(\cos^{2}θ_k-\frac{1}{3}) \end{Bmatrix}

where ϕ_{k} is the secondary angle in spherical polar coordinates and θ/ϕ describe the orientation of the principal axis of the susceptibility tensor with respect to B0.


Three samples of pork tenderloin were studied. Each was embedded in agar (1.2% agar, 0.9% NaCl) inside a 18cm diameter Perspex sphere. Sample 3 was cut in half, with one half rotated by 90o so the muscle fiber direction was perpendicular to that in the first half. Using a Philips Achieva 7T MR scanner, samples underwent a series of GE scans (resolution=1mm3, FOV=176mm3-sample 1; 176×176×150mm3-samples 2&3, TE1=8ms, TE2=20ms, TR=21.6ms, flip angle=15o, acquisition time=572s). Samples 1&2 were scanned at 12&13 angles with respect to B0 yielding data with the direction of the principal axis of the tensor ranging from parallel to perpendicular to B0 Sample 3 was scanned at two orientations, so the principal axis of each piece of muscle was oriented parallel and perpendicular to B0

A phase map was formed from the difference of the two echoes. Phase data was unwrapped/filtered using iHARPERELLA [5]. χI/A values were calculated for all angles simultaneously from the external field perturbations of samples 1&2 as outlined in the theory using an LSQR algorithm. Individual χI values were calculated for the two halves of sample 3 by a similar fitting process. The residuals after subtraction of the modelled fields from the measurements were evaluated inside and outside the muscle pieces.


Fig.1 shows the same single slice through the sample taken from co-registered field maps measured with the muscle oriented at different angles with respect to the field. The fields corresponding to the weighted forward models which best fit the external field variation are also shown along with the difference of the measured and modelled fields. Fig.2 shows similar data for sample 3 oriented at two different angles to B0. Table.1 details the values of χI/A which provide the best fit to the measured external field variation, along with the average values of the residual field inside the muscle.


The results show that the muscle is diamagnetic with respect to agar with a χI difference in the range 0.08–0.13ppm. The multiple angle measurements indicated that the muscle susceptibility was only very weakly anisotropic (and the split sample measurements Fig.2 also did not provide evidence of significant anisotropy). The χA values we measured are significantly smaller than those observed in [1] of 0.17ppm, however they are of a similar order to a recent study of myocardial tissue [2] where χA=(5.94±0.47)ppb. Examination of the residual fields in Figs.1&2 shows successful removal of external field variation with the simulated data. However, there is a significant, spatially uniform positive residual field offset of around 30ppb inside the muscle. Since this does not vary with orientation it is most likely to result from chemical exchange effects and merits further investigation [6].


No acknowledgement found.


1. Arnold, W., R. Steele, and H. Mueller, On the magnetic asymmetry of muscle fibres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1958. 44(1): p. 1-4.

2. Dibb, R., Y. Qi, and C. Liu, Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of myocardium imaged by cardiovascular magnetic resonance reflects the anisotropy of myocardial filament α-helix polypeptide bonds. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2015. 17(1): p. 60.

3. de Rochefort, L., et al., Quantitative MR susceptibility mapping using piece-wise constant regularized inversion of the magnetic field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008. 60(4): p. 1003-1009.

4. Wharton, S. and R. Bowtell, Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2015.

5. Li, W., B. Wu, and C. Liu, iHARPERELLA: an improved method for integrated 3D phase unwrapping and background phase removal Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., 2015. 23.

6. Shmueli, K., et al., The contribution of chemical exchange to MRI frequency shifts in brain tissue. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011. 65(1): p. 35-43.


Fig.1: Processed phase data for a single slice of sample 1 for every second angle with respect to B0 (top), the simulated field, f_{sim} (middle). Residual field (bottom) generated by subtracting the simulated field, f_{sim}, from the experimental data.

Fig.2: Processed phase data for a single slice of sample 3 parallel and perpendicular to B0 (top) and the simulated field, f_{sim} (middle).The sample was cut in half and one piece rotated 90o. Residual field (bottom) generated by subtracting the simulated field, f_{sim}, from experimental data .

Table.1:Calculated susceptibility values and average internal residual for samples 1-3. The two χI values for sample 3 refer to the susceptibility of the individual halves. Error on residual is formed from the standard deviation of the variation between angles of the internal offset.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)