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Improved magnetic dipole kernel for reconstruction methods in quantitative susceptibility mapping
Carlos Milovic1,2, Jose Miguel Pinto1,2, Julio Acosta-Cabronero3, Petr Dusek4,5, Vince Istvan Madai6, Till Huelnhagen7, Thoralf Niendorf7, Jens Wuerfel8, and Cristian Tejos1,2

1Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Biomedical Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3German Center for Neurodegenerative Deceases (DZNE), Magdeburg, Germany, 4Institute of Neuroradiology, University Medicine Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany, 5Department of Neurology and Center of Clinical Neuroscience, Charles University in Prague, 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in Prague, Praha, Czech Republic, 6Department of Neurology and Center for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB), Charité-Universitaetsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 7Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.), Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 8Medical Image Analysis Center, Basel, Switzerland


We propose a new magnetic dipole kernel for QSM reconstructions based on the discrete cosine transform and discrete derivative operators. The method minimises aliasing artefacts, reduces noise and improves detection of small objects and tissue interfaces. This is demonstrated numerically with a synthetic phantom and qualitatively with an ultra-high resolution QSM of post-mortem brain tissue.


Current quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) reconstruction methods use a forward model proposed by Salomir et al.1 and Marques & Bowtell2, which relates a magnetic field offset with a given distribution of magnetic susceptibility sources. This forward model has an analytical solution considering an approximation of a magnetic dipole kernel and applying a continuous Fourier Transform (FT). The direct inversion of the forward model yields undesired artefacts on the reconstructed QSM, thus the inversion is typically formulated as an iterative regularised problem. Even though this inversion approach solves some problems, QSM reconstructions still have inaccuracies, aliasing and artefacts – particularly at the interface of strong local susceptibility gradients. Most of these problems are due to discretisation and limited FT bandwidth. In order to address this issue, we propose an alternative formulation of the forward model based on the discrete cosine transform and discrete derivative operators.


Salomir inferred that: H0·dX/dz=Δ(ϕobj). By taking the derivative along z, we may rewrite it as: H0·d2X/dz2=Δ(hobj,z). To obtain hobj,z, we propose the use of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) instead of the FT. Note that for a continuous system, both transforms are analogous; though with the discretisation of the derivative operators, the Laplacian operator (Δ) becomes a convolution with the [1 -2 1] kernel (in 1D). The DCT uncouples such operator leading to a point-by-point operation in the frequency domain: [2+2·cos(π·k/N)] with k = 0 : N-1. Noting the extension to 3D is trivial: [6+2·cos(π·kx/N)+2·cos(π·ky/N)+2·cos(π·kz/N)], we can rewrite the dipole kernel as: 1/32+2·cos(π·kz/N)[6+2·cos(π·kx/N)+2·cos(π·ky/N)+2·cos(π·kz/N). A second-order Taylor expansion of the Laplacian operator and DCT may be rewritten as: [2+2·cos(π·k/N)] =[2+2·(1k2+O(k4))] =[2·k2+2·O(k4)]. Although for low frequencies FT and DCT kernels are essentially identical, significant differences arise for high frequencies. A qualitative assessment of the kernel’s impulse response (not shown) revealed that the DCT-based approach acts, in essence, as a low-pass filter, which helps to diminish the bandwidth-related aliasing artefacts and improves SNR. The QSM reconstructions with DCT and FT-based kernels were compared: (i) quantitatively, using a spherical phantom; and (ii) qualitatively, using post-mortem, formalin-fixed coronal brain slice (age at death: 65 years, fixation duration: 4 months, pathological finding: inconspicuous) embedded in a PBS solution3, which was scanned with a 7 Tesla MRI system using a multi gradient echo sequence (4 echoes, 0.36-mm3 isotropic voxel resolution). The QSM reconstruction routine consisted of a complex multi-echo fitting step, Laplacian unwrapping, variable SHARP filtering (starting radius=10 mm) and separate non-linear MEDI inversions (lambda=1,000) using both kernels.


For a large sphere, both kernels produced QSM reconstructions that differ from the analytical model close to the extremes of the field of view (FOV) (Fig. 1 top right) due to the boundary condition constraints of the FT and DCT. Both kernels produced similar errors at the sphere interface (Fig.1 top right and bottom right). For small spheres the DCT-based kernel produced a more accurate susceptibility distribution – particularly at the interface of the sphere (Fig.1 top left and bottom left).

The post-mortem experiment (Fig. 2) showed that DCT based reconstructions return slightly narrower global histograms as a result of the low-pass filtering properties of the DCT kernel whilst anatomical details are largely preserved due to a higher SNR.


In terms of complexity the DCT and the FT kernel-based QSM reconstructions are similar, however DCT-based method showed improvements for the interface of small structures. This might be relevant for ultra-high resolution QSM where the low-pass filtering properties of the DCT appear to be beneficial. Qualitatively, this translated to slightly smoother reconstructions where boundaries of smaller structures/deposits might be better resolved.


The proposed modification of the kernel-based QSM reconstruction might be particularly relevant in the context of neurodegenerative brain diseases where reliability in detecting neuropathological deposits and other small-scale abnormalities is paramount to making successful diagnoses. The proposed method might also be useful for the study of the vascular system.


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1. Salomir R DSB, Moonen CTW. A fast calculation method for magnetic field inhomogeneity due to an arbitrary distribution of bulk susceptibility. Concepts Magn Reson Part B 2003;19B:26–34. 15.

2. Marques JP, Bowtell R. Application of a Fourier-based method for rapid calculation of field inhomogeneity due to spatial variation of magnetic susceptibility. Concept Magn Reson B 2005; 25B:65–78.

3. Dusek P, Madai VI, Dieringer M, Hezel F, Huelnhagen T, Niendorf T, Sobesky J, Matej R, and Wuerfel J. Effect of embedding media on post-mortem MRI of formalin-fixed brain tissue at 7.0 T. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting ISMRM 2014, Milan, Italy


One-dimensional profiles using DCT and FFT based forward models for spheres of (left) 8 mm and (right) 50 mm. FOV of 128 mm along each dimension. Inner susceptibility was set to 50 ppm. Bottom: Details of the differences to the analytic solution at the interfaces.

QSM reconstructions of post-mortem tissue and histogram difference plot.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)