The Absence of Phase Information in the Signal-Deprived Image Background is an Important Source of Error in Susceptibility Mapping
Russell Dibb1,2 and Chunlei Liu3,4

1Center for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 3Brain Imaging & Analysis Center, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 4Radiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States


Susceptibility mapping is limited in part due to reconstruction artifacts spawning from errors in tissue frequency data. Through simulations of susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) data, we show that a lack of phase information in the image background (where there is typically no signal) engenders artifacts in reconstructed susceptibility property maps. These errors are most egregious in the boundary regions of the object and affect mean susceptibility, susceptibility anisotropy, and tissue structure orientation measurements. Greater understanding of susceptibility mapping artifacts will aid in developing the tools necessary for accurate and reliable susceptibility imaging techniques.


Susceptibility mapping has been successfully applied as a preclinical imaging tool. Susceptibility tensor imaging (STI) studies have further exploited the sensitivity of magnetic susceptibility contrast to the cellular content of healthy and diseased tissues to observe structural and chemical properties in the brain1, kidney2, and heart3. Interpretations of susceptibility image data are limited in part due to reconstruction artifacts spawning from errors in tissue frequency data. One potential source of these errors is inadequate phase data in the image background where there is typically a dearth of signal. Understanding the sources of these artifacts will aid in developing the image acquisition and processing tools needed to improve the accuracy and reliability of both STI and susceptibility mapping in general.


A 64×64×64 numerical phantom (Fig. 1A) was created with each voxel represented by a cylindrically symmetric susceptibility tensor, $$${\bfχ}$$$. Frequency map data, Δf, were calculated for each image orientation according to1 $$Δf\tt({\bf k})=\left(\frac{1}{3}{\bf ĥ}^T{\bfχ}({\bf k}){\bfĥ}-{\bf k}^T{\bfĥ}\frac{{\bf k}^T{\bfχ}({\bf k}){\bf ĥ}}{{\bf k}^T{\bf k}}\right)\frac{γ}{2π}\it h\tt_0μ_0$$ Here, $$${\bf k}$$$ is the spatial frequency vector, $$${\bf ĥ}$$$ is one of n = 12 magnetic field orientations (Fig. 1B), γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, h0 is the magnetic field strength (9.4 T), and μ0 is the vacuum permittivity. Complex-valued image data, S, were then generated from each frequency map using $$S = S_0e^{-j2πΔfTE}$$ Here, S0 is the initial signal magnitude (referred to as S0,int and S0,ext to distinguish between the interior and the exterior of the phantom, respectively), j is the unit imaginary number, and TE is the echo time (20 ms). Gaussian noise was added to the real and imaginary data in k-space to yield a magnitude image SNR of 30. The phase image data were unwrapped using a Laplacian operator4, and normalized by TE. Using an LSQR solver to invert the susceptibility-phase relationship, susceptibility tensor data were reconstructed with either S0,ext=1 or S0,ext=0 in both the presence and absence of noise.

Mean susceptibility and susceptibility anisotropy were calculated as $$$\tt\overline{χ}={\it{tr(\ttχ)}}/3$$$, and $$$Δχ=χ_1–(χ_2+χ_3)/2$$$, respectively, where χ1,2,3 are the principal susceptibilities in descending order. Percent error (Eŷ) for these two values were calculated following $$\it E_ŷ=\frac{ŷ–y}{|y|}×\tt100 $$ where y and ŷ are the true and reconstructed values, respectively. The angular difference, φ, between the reconstructed ($$${\bfû}$$$) and true ($$${\bfû}_t$$$) fiber direction unit eigenvectors was defined in the range from 0° to 90°: $$φ({\bfû},{\bfû}_t)=\begin{cases}cos^{-1}({\bfû}_t^{\tt T}{\bfû}) & cos^{-1}({\bfû}_t^{\tt T}{\bfû})\leq90^{\circ}\\180^{\circ}-cos^{-1}({\bfû}_t^{\tt T}{\bfû}) & cos^{-1}({\bfû}_t^{\tt T}{\bfû})>90^{\circ}\end{cases}$$


The mean susceptibility, susceptibility anisotropy, and principal eigenvector data computed from the reconstructed tensors are shown in Figs. 2-4, respectively. When the simulated exterior phase information is retained (i.e., S0,ext=1), the reconstructed susceptibility tensor data is reasonably accurate, though Δχ was underestimated in the red and green circles and overestimated in the blue circle. Noise marginally degraded the tensor image results, but the single greatest source of error was the loss of exterior phase information that occurs due to the absence of signal outside the phantom (i.e., S0,ext=0). These reconstruction errors were most visible in the regions near the phantom boundary. The absence of exterior phase information resulted in $$$\it{E}_{\tt\overline{χ}}$$$, $$$\it{E}_{\ttΔχ}$$$, and $$$φ({\bfû},{\bfû}_t)$$$) having distribution medians of 84.5%, –31.2%, and 10.9°, respectively. Following the addition of noise, these figures grew to 88.2%, –39.0%, and 16.0°.

Discussion and Conclusion

The phantom data suggest that the absence of phase information outside the object introduces substantial error into tensor estimates, particularly in regions near the object boundary. This error is visible in an STI study of the mouse heart5, and is most likely a result of the non-local properties of MR phase data. Susceptibility imaging protocols would benefit from embedding the object of interest in a susceptibility-matched medium that produces MR signal. This, of course, would not be suitable for in vivo studies or even for many ex vivo studies. A more feasible solution would be to develop phase processing algorithms that seek to estimate image phase outside the object, such as iHARPERELLA6,7. Inadequate phase data can also result from imperfect background phase removal, frequency contributions from microstructure8, and the complex field pattern and ensemble signal averaging within a voxel. Each of these can complicate the relationship between susceptibility and phase, and may not be fully described by a linear relationship. Greater understanding of susceptibility mapping artifacts will aid in developing suitable remedial imaging protocols and post-processing techniques.


All simulations were computed at the Center for In Vivo Microscopy of Duke University. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health through NIBIB P41 EB015897, T32 EB001040, NIMH R01 MH096979, Office of the Director 1S10ODO10683-01, and NHLBI R21 HL122759, and by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society through grant RG4723.


1. Liu C. Susceptibility tensor imaging. Magn Reson Med 2010;63(6):1471-1477.

2. Xie L, Dibb R, Gurley SB, Liu C, Johnson GA. Susceptibility tensor imaging reveals reduced anisotropy in renal nephropathy. 2015; Proceedings of the 23nd Annual ISMRM, Toronto, Canada. p 463. 3. Dibb R, Qi Y, Liu C. Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of myocardium imaged by cardiovascular magnetic resonance reflects the anisotropy of myocardial filament alpha-helix polypeptide bonds. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2015;17(1):60.

4. Schofield MA, Zhu Y. Fast phase unwrapping algorithm for interferometric applications. Optics letters 2003;28(14):1194-1196.

5. Dibb R, Liu C. Whole-heart myofiber tractography derived from conjoint relaxation and susceptibility tensor imaging. 2015; Proceedings of the 23nd Annual ISMRM, Toronto, Canada. p 287.

6. Li W, Avram AV, Wu B, Xiao X, Liu C. Integrated Laplacian-based phase unwrapping and background phase removal for quantitative susceptibility mapping. NMR Biomed 2014;27(2):219-227.

7. Li W, Wu B, Liu C. iHARPERELLA: and improved method for integrated 3D phase unwrapping and background phase removal. 2015; Proceedings of the 23nd Annual ISMRM, Toronto, Canada. p 3313.

8. Wharton S, Bowtell R. Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2015;73(3):1258-1269.


Fig. 1. The simulated, spherical phantom (A) is represented by susceptibility tensors. The color indicates the principal eigenvector orientation within each voxel. Frequency map data were simulated for n = 12 magnetic field orientations (B).

Fig. 2. Missing exterior phase data leads to overestimated mean susceptibility values. (A) Phantom mean susceptibility. (B) Image results of the reconstructed mean susceptibility with (S0,ext = 1) and without (S0,ext = 0) exterior phase data. (C) Distributions of the voxelwise percent error of the reconstructed mean susceptibility.

Fig. 3. Inadequate exterior phase data yields underestimated susceptibility anisotropy. (A) Phantom susceptibility anisotropy. (B) Image results of the reconstructed susceptibility anisotropy with (S0,ext = 1) and without (S0,ext = 0) exterior phase data. (C) Distributions of the voxelwise percent error of the reconstructed susceptibility anisotropy.

Fig. 4. Absent phase data outside the object negatively impacts the reconstructed principal eigenvector. (A) Phantom principal eigenvector orientation. (B) Image results of the reconstructed eigenvector data. (C) Quantitative distributions of the voxelwise angular error of the reconstructed eigenvectors. (D) Angular error maps with and without exterior phase data.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)