Thanh D. Nguyen1, Pascal Spincemaille1, Sneha Pandya1, Susan A. Gauthier1, and Yi Wang1
1Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States
The purpose of this study was to develop a
clinically feasible method for quantifying myelin and iron distribution in white matter lesions by
integrating absolute myelin water mapping using Fast
Acquisition using Spiral Trajectory and T2prep (FAST-T2) sequence with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM).
Preliminary results from 8 healthy volunteers and 3 MS patients demonstrated the feasibility of the developed method.PURPOSE
The disruption of iron homeostasis in MS lesions
is an important factor leading to chronic oxidative stress and contributing to
progressive disease (1-3). Lesion iron quantification is therefore highly desired
for studying neurodegeneration and for developing novel therapeutics targeting
iron-related oxidative injury in MS. Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) is a
reliable method for mapping magnetic sources in the brain including iron (4-6).
However, accurate iron quantification in the white matter (WM) is confounded by
the coexistence of iron and myelin lipids, both of which contribute to tissue
susceptibility (5). The objective of this study was to develop a clinically
feasible method for absolute lesion iron quantification by integrating absolute
myelin mapping using the recently developed Fast Acquisition using Spiral
Trajectory and T2prep (FAST-T2) sequence (7) with QSM.
Separating iron and myelin contributions in QSM. Two sources in WM are the primary contributors to its
total susceptibility: 1) iron with
χFe = 1.32 ppb [Fe] and 2) myelin
phospholipids with
χPL = (χAsin2θ+χI)VPL
, where χA
= -90 ppb is the susceptibility anisotropy of a
phospholipid molecule (8),
θ is the angle between local WM fiber direction
and B0 and can be estimated using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),
χI = -16 ppb is the isotropic volume susceptibility of
phospholipid and
VPL is the phospholipid volume fraction which is
proportional to myelin water content (MWC). In this study, the proportionality
constant was estimated using the phospholipid density of 0.25 g/cm3 and
the phospholipid to myelin water weight ratio of 1.9 (9).
Fast brain MWC mapping at 3T. FAST-T2 can provide
whole brain myelin water fraction (MWF) mapping in 4 min at 3T (7). Absolute
MWC can then be computed from MWF by referencing the tissue signal to that of
CSF (~100% water) after correcting for differences in T1 and coil
sensitivity as demonstrated recently at 1.5T (10). For 3T imaging, correction
for RF flip angle inhomogeneity is also necessary. Accordingly, FAST-T2 was
modified to perform rapid spiral Look-Locker imaging and the effective flip
angle α was computed using the
equation: 1/T1,LL = 1/T1 - ln(cos(α))/TR, where T1,LL is the time constant of
the saturation recovery signal.
Imaging experiment. Eight healthy volunteers (31 years ± 9) and three MS patients (35 years ± 4) were imaged at 3T using QSM
(0.6x0.6x2.5 mm3, 10 min), MWC mapping (1.2x1.2x5 mm3, 4
min FAST-T2 using 6 geometric TEs, 5 min T1 mapping using 7 saturation recovery
times between 0.2 and 10 sec, 2 min flip angle mapping), and DTI (1.9x1.9x2.5
mm3, 6 min). QSM maps were computed using the MEDI algorithm (11). MWF
maps were extracted using a spatially constrained non-linear least squares
algorithm (7). DTI images were first corrected for field inhomogeneity induced geometric
distortion and then co-registered with QSM and MWC images using FSL software.
All scans were completed successfully. Figure 1
shows an example of MWC, DTI and QSM maps obtained from a healthy subject,
illustrating the much reduced WM/GM contrast in the QSM map after the contribution
from myelin is removed. The observed increased QSM homogeneity is more
consistent with the expectation that iron is evenly distributed over the whole
brain, except in the basal ganglia. In healthy volunteers (n=8), the average
[Fe] in whole brain WM was 22.2 ±
2.1 mg/kg, which was similar to values obtained by mass spectrometry in post
mortem brains (6). In MS patients (n=3), the average [Fe] was 26.0 ± 5.9 mg/kg. Figure 2 shows an example of myelin and iron
maps from a MS patient with acute disease, demonstrating the ability of the proposed method to
quantify both demyelination and iron activity within a lesion.
preliminary data have demonstrated the feasibility of the developed absolute
lesion myelin and iron quantification method in the in vivo brain. The combined scan
time of the QSM/MWC/DTI acquisitions (currently ~27 min) can be reduced by
utilizing parallel imaging in QSM and accelerating T1 mapping acquisition
through compressed sensing and the use of much shorter saturation time (max. saturation time of 10 sec was used in this study to obtain a reliable estimate of
CSF T1 (~4 sec), which will not be necessary in subsequent studies). Future work will be
focused on evaluating the accuracy and reproducibility of the developed method
using animal models of MS and ex vivo human brains.
No acknowledgement found.References
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