Aida Kiviniemi1, Harri Merisaari1, Marko Pesola1, Timo Liimatainen2, Hannu Juhani Aronen1, and Ivan Jambor1
1University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 2A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, Kuopio, Finland
The adiabatic T1ρ and RAFF measurements,
RAFF2 and RAFF4, were performed in 28 healthy volunteers (24-69 years) and four
of them had repeated MR scan within 4 weeks to evaluate short term repeatability. The relative differences on the voxel level were below 5% in gray and white
matter for all of the relaxation parameters except of TRAFF4 in gray matter
which was 7.3%. No statistically significant age related changes in white and gray
matter were present as evaluated by adiabatic T1ρ, RAFF2 and RAFF4 imaging.Purpose
The aim of the study
was to evaluate feasibility of whole brain adiabatic T1r
and Relaxation Along a Fictitious Field (RAFF) (1, 2) imaging in healthy volunteers and
explore age related change in gray (GM) and white matter (WM).
Twenty-eight healthy
volunteers (age 24-69) provided written informed consent and underwent MRI
examination performed using a clinical 3 T MR scanner. Four healthy volunteers had second MR
examination performed within 4 weeks after the initial scan to evaluate short
term repeatability. The adiabatic T1ρ
and RAFF measurements were acquired using a 3D T1-FFE
sequence with the following parameters: TR/TE 4.1/2.3 ms, acquisition
voxel size with whole brain coverage 1.5x1.5x1.5 mm3, FOV 240x240 mm2,
TFE factor 20, SENSE factor 2.5 in right-left and 2.0 in feet-head direction, centric
k-space coding, acquisition time 3 minutes 19 seconds per frame. The adiabatic
T1ρ data sets were obtained using
hyperbolic secant (HS) pulses with the RF peak amplitude 575 Hz (corresponding
to 13.50 mT, B1), pulse duration 12 ms, pulse
train duration of 72ms and 144 ms. A second-order rotating frame (RAFF2) and
fourth-order rotating frame (RAFF4) were performed using RF peak amplitude 500
Hz (corresponding to 11.74 mT , B1), 260 Hz
(corresponding to 6.13 mT, B1), respectively.
The pulse train duration for both RAFF2 and RAFF4 were of 68 ms and 135 ms. In
addition, T1-weighted images were acquired using a 3D T1-FFE sequence with the
following parameters: TR/TE 8.0/3.7 ms, acquisition voxel size with whole brain
coverage 1.0x1.0x1.0 mm3, FOV 240x240 mm2, SENSE factor
2.2 in right-left direction, acquisition time 5 minutes 29 seconds. All MR
examinations were performed within specific absorption rate limit. The relaxation
values of adiabatic T1ρ (T1ρ_adia),
RAFF2 (TRAFF2) and RAFF4 (TRAFF4) were calculated using
two parameter monoexponential model.
Rigid co-registration was
performed using FSL (3) 5.0.4 while SPM8 (4) with VBM8 toolbox (5) was used in
re-slicing and segmentation of T1-weighted images. T1-weighted
images were segmented to GM, WM, Cerebrospinal Fluid using VBM8 toolbox (5) and
subcortical segments was excluded from GM and WM masks using FIRST (6) tool. Cerebellum obtained from MNI
atlas was excluded from both GM and WM. In addition, voxels located between
left and right caudatus and thalamus were excluded from GM masks.
Absolute differences, differences,
and relative differences in the relaxation values on voxel level of volunteers undergoing
repeated MR examination (4 in total) were calculated following co-registration
of the imaging data sets. Differences in the median values of T1r_adia,
TRAFF2 and TRAFF4 between the age groups
(20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69) were compared using Mann–Whitney test. The
correlation of the median relaxation values with age was explored using Pearson
correlation coefficient. P-values below 0.05 were considered statistically
significant. All statistics were performed using SPSS 22 (7).
The MR examination was successful in all healthy
volunteers (Figure 1). The number of healthy volunteers in 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,
50-59, 60-69 age groups was 7, 5, 6, 6, 4, respectively. The relative
differences on the voxel level were below 5% in GM and WM for all of the
relaxation parameters except of T
RAFF4 in GM which was 7.3% (Figure
2). Representative differences on the voxel level between the repeated measures
are shown in Figure 3. The differences
in the median relaxation values between the groups did not reach the level of
statistical significance (Figure 4). Similarly, Pearson correlation coefficients
were not statistically significant for any of the relaxation parameters.
We have demonstrated feasibility of whole brain
adiabatic T
1ρ, RAFF2 and RAFF4 imaging using a clinical 3T MR
scanner. All of the relaxation measurements shown high repeatability on the
voxel level. In our study population no
statistically significant age related changes in WM and GM were present as evaluated
by adiabatic T
1ρ, RAFF2 and RAFF4 imaging.
No acknowledgement found.References
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IBM Corp. Released 2013. IBM SPSS Statistics
for Windows, Version 22.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.