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The effect of through-plane gradients on 2D gradient-echo acquisitions: are sinc-term corrections appropriate for R2* mapping?
Mukund Balasubramanian1,2 and Robert V. Mulkern1,2

1Department of Radiology, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


We made slice profile measurements and acquired 2D multi-gradient-echo data on a phantom in the presence of various through-plane gradients. The sinc-term correction for R2* mapping that is commonly used to compensate for the dephasing effects of these gradients was substantially outperformed by a correction based on the measured slice profiles. Our results highlight the importance of incorporating realistic slice profiles into the estimation of “intrinsic” R2* values, which may contain information about tissue structure at microscopic-to-mesoscopic spatial scales.


With the increasing popularity of field strengths of 3T and above, there has been a growing appreciation for the need to correct for the dephasing effects of through-plane gradients in 2D gradient-echo acquisitions[1], since susceptibility gradients (e.g., due to air-tissue interfaces) are more prominent at higher fields. A sinc-term correction is often employed for this purpose[2-5], based on the assumption of “ideal” rectangular slice profiles. Our goal here was to measure the slice profiles generated by typical 2D gradient-echo sequences on a clinical scanner and to compare the effectiveness of the sinc-term correction for R2* mapping with a correction based on experimentally measured slice profiles.


A Siemens cylindrical phantom (1900 mL; 3.75g NiSO4×6H2O + 5g NaCl per 1000g distilled H2O) was scanned on a 1.5T Avanto MR system (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a 12-channel receive coil. The product multi-gradient-echo sequence (“gre”) was run with following parameters: FA=90°, TR=2 s, 12 unipolar gradient-echoes with TEs from 6 to 77.5 ms (BW=230 Hz/px), 2D acquisition with 15 axial slices with 4/2 mm slice thickness/gap and 2×2 mm2 in-plane voxel size (matrix=128×128). To investigate the effect of through-plane gradients, shim settings were deliberately adjusted in order to induce z-direction gradients of BGz = 0, 50, 100 or 200 µT/m. To measure slice profiles (BGz=0 only), the “gre” pulse-sequence code was modified to have the readout (RO) gradient in the same direction as the slice-select (SS) gradient (see Fig. 1a). All parameters were as above, except for the number of slices and the voxel size, which were reduced to 1 and 0.5×0.5 mm2, respectively (matrix=512×512; BW=570 Hz/px), with the increased resolution chosen here to provide a more fine-grained slice profile measurement.

For each voxel in a 50×50 mm2 region of interest (ROI) in the center of the phantom (for the 2×2 mm2 acquisitions described above), reference R2* values were obtained from straight-line fits to ln(S) versus TE for the BGz=0 data, where S(TE) is the signal magnitude at time TE, with monoexponential decay assumed. Through-plane gradients cause dephasing that modulates S(TE) with a multiplicative factor F(TE); for a rectangular slice profile, FRECT(TE)=sinc(γ2 BGz Δz TE), where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and Δz is the nominal slice thickness[2]. Given measured slice profiles (MSP), an alternative modulation function FMSP(TE) was obtained via numerical integration, as described by Hernando et al[1]. Corrected R2* values were then obtained by dividing S(TE) by FRECT(TE) prior to fitting[2,3] (with care taken to avoid “divide-by-zero” issues) or alternatively by dividing by FMSP(TE) instead.


Fig. 1 shows the result of the slice profile measurement on the cylindrical phantom—note the substantial departure from the “ideal” rectangular profile. For a central voxel in the 2×2 mm2 data, Fig. 2 shows plots of signal magnitude S versus TE for BGz=0 (black curves), for which the decay is indeed monoexponential, and for BGz=200 µT/m (black dots). Multiplying the BGz=0 data by FRECT and FMSP results in the red and blue curves, respectively, with FMSP clearly providing a much better agreement with the BGz=200 µT/m data. Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the corrected R2* values obtained from using FRECT versus FMSP, with the latter in much closer agreement with the reference R2* values (from the BGz=0 data) of 10.6±0.2 s-1 in the green ROI shown in Fig. 2a.


Failure to adequately correct for the effect of through-plane gradients in 2D gradient-echo acquisitions could obscure the “intrinsic” R2* near air-tissue susceptibility interfaces, compromising information about field perturbations and therefore tissue structure at microscopic-to-mesoscopic spatial scales[2]. We have shown here that sinc-term corrections fare poorly compared to corrections based on measured slice profiles when using the Siemens product “gre” sequence, which uses Hanning-filtered sinc waveforms for RF excitation pulses. We acknowledge that this discrepancy may be reduced with the use of custom RF pulses (e.g., SLR pulses[6]) that may provide slice profiles that are closer to rectangular, or with the use of thinner slices. We remark that the considerations herein do not apply to 3D gradient-echo acquisitions, for which the effect of “through-plane” gradients (i.e., in the 2nd phase-encoding direction) is very different[7,8].


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Hernando D, Vigen KK, et al. R2* mapping in the presence of macroscopic B0 field variations. Magn Reson Med 2012; 68:830-40.

[2] Fernández-Seara MA, Wehrli FW. Postprocessing technique to correct for background gradients in image-based R2* measurements. Magn Reson Med 2000; 44:358-66.

[3] Cohen-Adad J. What can we learn from T2* maps of the cortex? NeuroImage 2014; 93:189-200.

[4] Sedlacik J, Boelmans K, et al. Reversible, irreversible and effective transverse relaxation rates in normal aging brain at 3 T. NeuroImage 2014; 84:1032-41.

[5] Peters AM, Brookes MJ, et al. T2* measurements in human brain at 1.5, 3 and 7 T. Magn Reson Imaging 2007; 25:748-53.

[6] Shinnar M, Eleff S, et al. The synthesis of pulse sequences yielding arbitrary magnetization vectors. Magn Reson Med 1989; 12:74-80.

[7] Yablonskiy DA, Sukstanskii AL, et al. Voxel spread function method for correction of magnetic field inhomogeneity effects in quantitative gradient-echo-based MRI. Magn Reson Med 2013; 70:1283-92.

[8] Storey P, Lui YW, Novikov DS. Artifact-free T2* mapping without post hoc corrections. Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2015; 23:0442.


Fig. 1. (a) Schematic showing the readout (RO) gradient switched to be along the slice-select (SS) direction (PE=phase-encoding) and (b) the resulting magnitude image of the cylindrical phantom. (c) Real and imaginary components of the measured slice profile (blue) through the cyan line in (b); nominal rectangular profile in red.

Fig. 2. (a) For the purple voxel, (b) signal S and (c) ln(S) versus TE are shown for BGz=0 and BGz=200 µT/m (black curves and dots, respectively). Sinc-term modulation of the BGz=0 data results in the red curves, whereas modulation based on measured slice profiles results in the blue curves.

Fig. 3. For the green ROI in Fig. 2a, the mean and standard deviation of the corrected R2* values are shown for BGz = 50, 100 and 200 µT/m; red=sinc-term correction, blue=correction using the measured slice profile (MSP). The dashed green line indicates the reference R2* value (i.e., for BGz=0).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)