Tom Hilbert1,2,3, Damien Nguyen4,5, Jean-Philippe Thiran2,3, Gunnar Krueger2,3,6, Oliver Bieri4,5, and Tobias Kober1,2,3
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology (HC CMEA SUI DI BM PI), Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3LTS5, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Radiological Physics, Department of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 5Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 6Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Boston, MA, United States
Quantitative imaging promises to be a good
biomarker of disease but requires long acquisition times, especially when 3D
acquisition techniques are used. Here we propose to use a highly undersampled
3D phase-cycled balanced steady-state free-precession sequence in combination
with the reconstruction methods MIRACLE and trueCISS, providing quantitative
maps (T2,T1,M0). Additionally, synthetic contrasts can be generated using the
previously calculated quantitative maps and signal models, exemplarily shown
for bSSFP, T2- and T1-weighted contrast. In summary, the proposed method
provides a set of quantitative maps and various conventional contrasts using a
single 3:31min acquisition.Introduction
The quantitative assessment of physical tissue
properties (qMRI) has great potential for providing disease biomarkers since it
facilitates intra- and inter-subject comparison
1. Various
acquisition techniques have been proposed to enable its application in clinical
practice. However, many of them are 2D methods; most of the 3D qMRI techniques
are still very time-consuming and 2D imaging imposes various limitations such
as reduced resolution and SNR as well as anisotropic voxel size. Here, we suggest
to combine the recently proposed 3D method “Motion-Insensitive Rapid
Configuration Relaxometry” (MIRACLE)
2 with a highly undersampled 3D
phase-cycled balanced steady-state free-precession (bSSFP) sequence termed trueCISS
enabling the acquisition of high-resolution quantitative T1 and T2 maps in less
than 4min. Additionally, we use the estimated quantitative maps to synthesize
various conventional MRI contrasts as a visual benchmark.
Materials & Methods
After obtaining written consent, a prototype trueCISS
sequence was used to acquire an 8-fold undersampled, 3D phase-cycled bSSFP
k-space from one healthy volunteer at 3T (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare,
Germany) using a 20-channel head/neck coil (resolution 1x1x1.3mm3,
TR/TE 6.58ms/3.29ms, flip-angle α=15°, 16 phase-cycles with ɸ=0°, 22.5°,
45°, …, 337.5°, acq. matrix 256x256x128, TA 3:31min).
First, a sparse iterative reconstruction was
used to reconstruct each phase-cycled image by enforcing data consistency with
the acquired data and sparsity in the wavelet-domain4. Following the
MIRACLE algorithm2, the complex phase-cycled 3D images were then discrete-Fourier-transformed
along the phase dimension yielding 16 SSFP configurations or “modes”5.
Subsequently, the lowest-order modes can be used to derive T1 and T2 using a
golden section search in each voxel as proposed for TESS relaxometry6.
To extract more information, the trueCISS
algorithm3 was applied on the phase-cycled bSSFP images as well. To
that end, the bSSFP signal model was fitted onto the magnitude of the phase-cycled
images and is defined as follows:
yielding quantitative maps of the equilibrium
magnetization M0, the relaxation time ratio Λ=T1/T2 and the local phase offset due to field inhomogeneities
The quantitative maps provided by these two
algorithms in conjunction with the forward signal models of different contrast
mechanism can be used to generate synthetic images simulating various
conventional MRI techniques. Here, we exemplarily used them to generate T2-weighted
“Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement” (RARE)7 and T1-weighted “Magnetization‐Prepared
Rapid Gradient‐Echo” (MP-RAGE)8 contrasts alongside with a trueCISS
image (i.e. an on-resonant bSSFP image) and a maxCISS image (i.e. a bSSFP image
with ideal flip angle depending on the relaxation time ratio Λ of a
tissue ). A workflow diagram of this prototype algorithm is illustrated in
Figure 1.
Results & Discussion
An axial and sagittal slice of the different quantitative
maps M0, T2 and T1 is shown in Figure 2. The quantitative T2 values within
regions of interest (ROIs) correspond to what was reported in literature for
this measurement method9, with white matter ~53ms and grey matter ~88ms.
However, the estimate of T1 values is affected by B1-field inhomogeneities
resulting in longer values in the centre of the brain. As it has been already
discussed for the fully sampled MIRACLE algorithm, the bias in the T1 values
can be corrected using an additional B1-field acquisition. However, it appears
that T1 values are systematically underestimated potentially due to asymmetries
in the bSSFP profile10.
Currently MIRACLE and trueCISS are applied
separately onto the sparse reconstructed phase-cycled images. However, both
fitting procedures incorporate relaxation, i.e. T1 and T2 for MIRACLE and Λ=T1/T2 in trueCISS. In the future, both
algorithms should be combined by using mutual variables within a single
optimization to improve the fitting procedures in order to increase the
robustness and quality of the estimates.
The synthetically generated contrasts of the
same axial and sagittal slices are shown in Figure 3. All simulated images
resemble the contrast of the conventional sequence, their clinical usefulness,
however, still has to be validated.
We propose to combine two recently reported
techniques: trueCISS and MIRACLE (in a novel undersampled version) to obtain
high-resolution three-dimensional quantitative maps of M0, T1 and T2 in
clinically feasible times (3:30min in the presented example). The obtained
quantitative values were in the expected range in different brain regions and
allowed for an application of different forward signal models, yielding
simulated RARE and MPRAGE contrasts. The possibility of obtaining
high-resolution qMRI images with isotropic voxel size may increase the clinical
value of those techniques thanks to the improved conspicuity of small
pathologies. Further work should focus on evaluating the clinical usefulness of
qMRI as well as synthetic contrasts; furthermore, databases with quantitative
values of healthy subjects should be built up, enabling the identification of
abnormal tissue from a single-time-point scan.
No acknowledgement found.References
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