Quantitative MRI techniques that probe the metabolic and
micro-structural changes in the tumor have the potential to assess response of
brain metastases to stereotactic radiosurgery early after treatment. Two techniques
were investigated here: a) Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST),
b) Relaxometry.
Among all model parameters, early changes in the intracellular-extracellular
water exchange rate in relaxometry, and peak amplitude of nuclear overhauser
effect at the ipsilateral normal appearing white matter in CEST provided the
strongest correlation with tumor volume change one-month post-treatment. We also
demonstrated that these two parameters were highly correlated suggesting they
could provide complementary information about treatment effects.
Brain metastases
occur in 20-40% of all cancer patients
1. Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS), which involves
delivering a high focal dose of radiation, is commonly applied to patients with
a limited number of brain metastases. Current response evaluation techniques
(i.e. RANO-BM
2), that correlate response with tumor size change,
are unable to assess response to SRS early after treatment. SRS induces DNA
damage in cells leading to apoptosis which occurs within hours post-treatment
3. Quantitative MRI techniques that probe
metabolic and micro-structural changes in the tumor are potential biomarkers of
early treatment response. We hypothesize that by measuring,
concentration and exchange of protons associated with intracellular proteins
and peptides with chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), and
b) intracellular-to-extracellular
water exchange rate with relaxometry, it is possible to provide accurate
assessment of tumor response to SRS as early as one-week post-treatment.
Acquisition: 12 patients
with metastatic brain tumors were scanned on a 3T Philips Achieva MRI system
under Sunnybrook Ethics Board approved protocols. Each patient was scanned
before SRS, one-week post-SRS, and one-month post-SRS.
Relaxometry: DCE-MRI
was acquired using 3D-SPGR (TR/TE=4/2ms, FA=15o, FOV=25.6×25.6cm, Matrix=256×256×20,
Slice Thickness=8mm). Pre-contrast T1/B1 mapping was
performed using Method of Slopes4 with FA=3,14,130,150o.
Single-shot EPI CEST spectra were obtained with: 64 offset frequencies between
−750Hz and 750Hz with a reference image at 100kHz, Saturation pulse duration=750ms,
amplitude=0.52µT. TR/TE=1532/29.84ms, FOV=20\times20cm, Matrix=80\times80, Slice
Thickness=3mm. The experiment was repeated 5 times, total scan time was 12
Tumor volume was assessed from post-Gd T_{1}-weighted
MRI and was used for determining response. Using RANO-BM criteria, patients
with partial response were considered responders and patients with stable
disease or progressing disease were considered non-responders.
Analysis: Relaxometry: A three water compartment model of tissue longitudinal relaxation was used in this study5–7. Each compartment (vascular, V, extracellular extravascular, E, and intracellular, I) in a voxel was assumed to contain a fraction of its total water content proportional to the compartment volume fraction (M_{0,V},M_{0,E},M_{0,I}), such that M_{0,V}+M_{0,E}+M_{0,I}=1. Water was assumed to move from intracellular to extracellular extravascular compartment with exchange rate constant k_{IE}. The water exchange between vascular and extracellular extravascular compartments was assumed to be negligible. Assuming negligible T_{2} decay, Bloch equations describing longitudinal magnetization recovery from perturbation in each compartment are: \begin{cases}\frac{\text{d}M_{Z,V}(t)}{\text{d}t}=R_{1,V}(M_{0,V}-M_{Z,V}(t))\\\frac{\text{d}M_{Z,I}(t)}{\text{d}t}=R_{1,I}(M_{0,I}-M_{Z,I}(t))-k_{IE}M_{Z,I}(t)+k_{EI}M_{Z,E}(t)\\\frac{\text{d}M_{Z,E}(t)}{\text{d}t}=R_{1,E}(M_{0,E}-M_{Z,E}(t))-k_{EI}M_{Z,E}(t)+k_{IE}M_{Z,I}(t)\end{cases} The vascular enhancement of DCE-MRI was separated using independent component analysis and then, the Bloch equations were fit to the DCE-MRI data and the model parameters (k_{IE},M_{0,V},M_{0,E},M_{0,I}) were calculated.
CEST: Images of each CEST offset frequency were divided by the reference image. Correction for B_{0} inhomogeneities was performed by determining the minimum of water peak through fitting a Lorentzian-shape to each voxel and then shifting this peak to 0Hz offset. Parametric maps were then constructed by using a peak-fitting algorithm that decomposed each CEST spectrum into the following 5 Lorentzian-shaped peaks8: direct effect (0), amide (3.5ppm), amine (2ppm), Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) (-3.5ppm) and magnetization transfer.
CEST and relaxometry
were applied to all
12 patients and model parameters were evaluated for
pre-treatment and one-week post-treatment scans. The changes in each model
parameter between pre-treatment and one-week post treatment scan were
correlated to the changes in tumor volume between pre-treatment and one-month
post-treatment scans. The intracellular-to-extracellular water exchange rate
constant (
k_{IE}) provided the highest correlation with tumor
volume change for relaxometry (Fig.1). For CEST, the peak amplitude of NOE at
the ipsilateral normal appearing white matter (iNAWM) provided the highest
correlation with tumor volume change (Fig.2). The correlation between
k_{IE} and peak
amplitude of NOE (iNAWM) is shown in Fig.3.
Discussions &
Amongst all relaxometry
parameters, early changes in
k_{IE} (shown in
Fig.1) demonstrated the strongest correlation with tumor volume change
one-month post-treatment
(R=-0.65,p=0.02). This could be an indicative of
increased cell membrane permeability and surface-to-volume ratio in apoptotic
7. As
shown in Fig.2 there was a high positive correlation between the early changes
in NOE (iNAWM) peak amplitude and tumor volume change one-month post-treatment
This could be suggestive of an increase in cytoplasmic lipids which occurs with
9. Interestingly NOE change in iNAWM had stronger
correlation compared to NOE of the tumor itself
(R=0.29,p=0.35). Fig.3 shows
that there was a strong negative correlation between changes in
k_{IE} and NOE (iNAWM)
peak amplitude
(R=-0.66,p=0.02) suggesting they could provide complementary
information about treatment effects. Moreover, as can be seen in Fig.1&2,
k_{IE} provided
a better separation of the responders from non-responders, while early NOE
changes were better predicting the tumor volume change one-month post-treatment,
suggesting that a combination of the two metrics had the potential to provide more
accurate assessment of brain metastases response to SRS.
This study was funded
by Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI project 1034) and Canadian Cancer Society
Research Innovation (CCSRI 701640), and Canadian Institute of Health Research
(CIHR) grants.References
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