Jessica M Winfield1,2, Aisha Miah3, Dirk Strauss4, Khin Thway5, David J Collins1,2, Martin O Leach1,2, Sharon L Giles1,2, Daniel Henderson3, Shane Zaidi6, and Christina Messiou1,2
1MRI, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, United Kingdom, 2Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 3Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 4Department of Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 5Department of Histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 6Department of Clinical Oncology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom
imaging provides scope for non-invasive assessment of response to radiotherapy
and/or systemic agents in retroperitoneal sarcomas and investigation of heterogeneity
of response in this highly heterogeneous tumour type. In this study 9 patients
with retroperitoneal sarcoma were imaged before treatment and 2-4 weeks after
radiotherapy. Whilst some tumours exhibited large increases in median ADC and
enhancing fraction after radiotherapy, the overall changes for the cohort were
not significant and there were no clear changes in fat fraction. Thresholded ADC
maps and enhancement maps, however, reveal localised post-radiotherapy changes
in ADC and enhancement that are not fully characterised by whole-tumour metrics.
many sub-types of soft tissue sarcomas, post-treatment changes often cannot be
described by standard size criteria e.g. RECIST 1.1, as responding tumours may
not shrink, or may grow, after radiotherapy.
Functional imaging may provide a non-invasive assessment of response in non-resectable disease or in the development of non-surgical
treatments, including combined radiotherapy and systemic agents. Several such
clinical trials are emerging, however response assessment is further challenged
by marked inter- and intra-tumour heterogeneity, which is common in soft tissue
sarcoma trials.
1 Functional imaging enables assessment of the whole tumour
volume and provides scope for investigation of heterogeneity of response.
develop quantitative MRI techniques for assessment of response to radiotherapy
in retroperitoneal sarcomas.
patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma (2 leiomyosarcomas, 6 liposarcomas, 1 spindle cell sarcoma) were imaged before treatment and 2-4
weeks after radiotherapy (50.4Gy in 28 fractions), with their informed
consent, as part of a prospective single-centre study. Axial T2-w
images, diffusion-weighted images (DWI; b-values 50,600,900smm-2),
Dixon images and T1-weighted images (3D FLASH, 17°) were acquired from the whole tumour volume using a 1.5T MR scanner (Aera, Siemens GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). 4-minutes after administration
of Gd-based contrast agent (Dotarem, 0.2ml/kg body weight, administered at 2ml/sec), post-contrast T1-w images were
acquired for evaluation of enhancing fraction (EF). 1 patient did not have
post-contrast imaging. Dixon images were acquired in 5 patients. In baseline
exams, DWI was repeated after a short break during which the
patient left the scanner room and was repositioned for the second scan.
of interest were drawn around the whole tumour on all slices of T2-w images by a
consultant radiologist using in-house software and transferred to each
functional imaging series. In evaluation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), a
threshold in signal intensity was applied to exclude suppressed
fat pixels from analysis since DWI employed fat suppression. Median
estimates of ADC in the tumour-volume were evaluated; the mean of the results from the
first and second scans were used in pre-radiotherapy estimates. Fat fraction, defined as the ratio of the pixel value in the Dixon fat image to the
sum of pixel values in fat and water images, was calculated and the median value estimated for the tumour-volume. EF was defined as the fraction of enhancing pixels in the tumour-volume, where 'enhancing' was defined as(Spost−Spre)/Spre>5%, whereSpreandSpostrepresent signal in pre-
and post-contrast T1-weighted images respectively.
cumulative distribution function (CDF) of pixel ADC estimates in the tumour-volume was used to visualise post-radiotherapy changes in the whole tumour (empirical CDF, Matlab 2014a). Thresholded ADC
maps were used depict intra-tumour heterogeneity of post-radiotherapy changes
in the central slice. Thresholds, defined by the 5th and 95th centiles of
baseline ADC estimates (combining all pixels in the two baseline volumes), were applied to pre- and post-radiotherapy ADC maps, as described previously.3 Thresholded enhancement
maps were used to depict enhancing and non-enhancing regions.
Whilst some tumours exhibited large increases in median
ADC or EF post-radiotherapy (Figure 1a-b), the cohort changes were not significant (p>0.05, paired-sample t-test). There were no clear
changes in fat fraction (Figure 1c).
CDF plots for one tumour (Figure 2) show not only shift in median ADC to higher
values post-radiotherapy but also marked intra-tumour heterogeneity of ADC
estimates at baseline and post-radiotherapy.
Thresholded ADC maps (Figure 3) show an example of intra-tumour heterogeneity of post-radiotherapy changes,
with increase in ADC in the most restricted regions (shown by the
disappearance of the red regions) and emergence of localised
areas of high ADC. Thresholded enhancement maps of the same tumour (Figure 4)
show enhancement post-radiotherapy in the posterior part of the tumour, whereas the anterior non-enhancing region
appears larger post-radiotherapy. The tumour shown in this example increased in
volume from 600cm3 at baseline to 760cm3
Marked intra-tumour heterogeneity of response to radiotherapy, which is clearly depicted in parametric images, may be due to the heterogeneous nature
of soft tissue sarcomas, which can include cellular tumour, fat, necrosis and
cystic components at baseline. Whole-tumour metrics and examination of cohort effects may be insufficient to characterise response. Functional
maps of heterogeneity may also have applications for radiotherapy dose escalation to more aggressive areas.
marked inter-tumour heterogeneity in baseline estimates of median ADC, fat
fraction and EF may reflect the mixture of sarcoma sub-types, which were
included in this study as retroperitoneal sarcoma is a rare tumour type.
However, this is an accurate reflection of sarcoma sub-types included in clinical
heterogeneity is clearly depicted in parametric images and reveals localised post-radiotherapy changes in ADC and enhancement.
acknowledge funding from Cancer Research UK to the CRUK Cancer Imaging Centre in association with MRC and Department of Health
and NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research
Facility in Imaging. MOL is an NIHR Senior Investigator.References
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