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Gaussian mixture modelling of combined functional imaging parameters provides new insight into tumour heterogeneity
Jessica M Winfield1,2, Matthew D Blackledge2, Aisha Miah3, Dirk Strauss4, Khin Thway5, David J Collins1,2, Martin O Leach1,2, Sharon L Giles1,2, Daniel Henderson3, and Christina Messiou1,2

1MRI, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, United Kingdom, 2Division of Radiotherapy and Imaging, Cancer Research UK Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom, 3Department of Radiotherapy, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 4Department of Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 5Department of Histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, United Kingdom


Multi-parametric functional imaging may enable non-invasive assessment of response to treatment in soft tissue sarcomas. Image analysis is complicated, however, by the highly heterogeneous nature of these tumours, which can include regions of cellular tumour, fat, necrosis and cystic change that may respond differently to treatment. In this study, patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma were imaged before and after radiotherapy using DW-MRI, Dixon and pre-/post-contrast T1-w imaging for evaluation of enhancing fraction (EF). Gaussian mixture modelling was applied to classify pixels in the tumour volume according to their functional imaging behaviour, combining ADC, fat fraction and EF to characterise tumour components. This method enabled segmentation of highly heterogeneous tumours and estimation of mean ADC and volume of each tumour component. Heterogeneous changes post-radiotherapy were summarised in tissue classification maps, which combine multiple functional imaging parameters. Combined analysis of functional imaging parameters may provide greater insight into tumour behaviour, for example identification of viable tumour.


Soft tissue sarcomas are highly heterogeneous tumours with variable components, which can include cellular tumour, fat, necrosis and cystic change. Post-treatment changes often cannot be described by standard size criteria e.g. RECIST 1.1, as responding tumours may not change size, or may grow, after radiotherapy.1,2 Furthermore, response assessments for liposarcomas, the commonest sarcoma sub-type, present their own challenges. Liposarcomas consist of varying proportions of well-differentiated (fatty) and dedifferentiated (cellular) components and it is the dedifferentiated component which will respond to treatment. As the two components are often mixed, accurate dimension-based response assessments are extremely challenging.

In non-resectable disease, and in trials of non-surgical treatments, functional imaging may provide non-invasive methods for response assessment. However, evaluation of functional imaging parameters over the whole tumour volume may not reveal the full extent of post-treatment changes, which may occur in localised regions or be confined to one class of tumour components. Segmentation of tumours into regions of variable biological behaviour is also critical for development of radiotherapy protocols where dose is escalated to the most resistant or aggressive components of the tumour.

Methods are required, therefore, to segment highly heterogeneous tumours; evaluate functional imaging parameters over selected components; and provide a visual summary of post-treatment changes by combining multiple functional imaging parameters.


To develop methods for analysis of multi-parametric functional imaging in heterogeneous retroperitoneal sarcomas and assess post-radiotherapy changes.


Patients: Patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma were imaged prior to treatment, with their written consent, as part of a prospective single-centre study. Tumours included leiomyosarcomas, well-differentiated/dedifferentiated liposarcomas and spindle cell sarcomas. In patients receiving pre-operative radiotherapy (50.4Gy in 28 fractions) another MR examination was carried out 2-4 weeks after radiotherapy, prior to surgery.

Imaging: Scans were carried out using a 1.5T MR scanner (Aera, Siemens GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). Axial T2-w images, diffusion-weighted images (DWI; b-values 50,600,900smm-2), Dixon and T1-weighted images (3D FLASH, 17°) were acquired from the whole tumour volume. 4-minutes after administration of Gd-based contrast agent (Dotarem, 0.2ml/kg body-weight, 2ml/sec), post-contrast T1-w images were acquired for evaluation of enhancing fraction (EF).

Analysis: Regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn around the whole tumour on all slices on which the tumour appeared on T2-w images by a consultant radiologist. ROIs were applied to apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps, fat fraction (FF) maps, calculated from Dixon, and EF maps, calculated from pre- and post-contrast T1-w images(EF=(SpostSpre)/(Spost+Spre)).

For each patient,Nseries of parametric images (N=1: ADC, EF or FF;N=2: ADC/EF, ADC/FF or EF/FF;N=3: ADC/EF/FF) were selected andN-dimensional scatter-plots of pixel values in the tumour-volume created.Nwas chosen by inspection of the images to determine the parameters characterising the tumour and the same number used pre- and post-radiotherapy. J-class Gaussian mixture modelling was applied, using the expectation maximisation algorithm, to estimate the posterior probabilitypijof theithpixel belonging to the classCj; the number and initial position of classes was seeded by the user.3,4 Resulting maximum a posteriori classification of tissues was displayed as colour-coded regions superimposed on greyscale images.


Examples of 4 patients are shown to illustrate pixel classification and changes post-radiotherapy. Figures 1,2 and 3 demonstrate classification of tumour components based onN=1,2 or 3 parameters respectively. Figure 4 shows one tumour exhibiting heterogeneous changes post-radiotherapy(RT), with an increase in the high ADC/non-enhancing and low ADC/non-enhancing regions (red and light blue) in the anterior part of tumour; the posterior part of the tumour remained relatively unchanged. Figure 5 shows a tumour exhibiting little or no change post-radiotherapy.


By separating highly heterogeneous tumours into multiple classes, properties of each class can be estimated separately, for example to assess the mean ADC of restricted or water-based component(s).

By combining multiple functional imaging parameters, tissues can be classified according to their properties in all parameters simultaneously. The component of the tumour exhibiting restricted diffusion and high EF might be hypothesised to correspond to viable tumour, indicating that assessment of combined parameters might have prognostic value not obtained from morphological imaging or ADC alone.

The absence of post-radiotherapy changes in Figure 5 is characteristic of well-differentiated liposarcomas, which do not respond to radiotherapy unlike the dedifferentiated disease in Figure 4. Although both well- and dedifferentiated disease display heterogeneous ADC, there was notable absence of enhancement in the well-differentiated disease, which did not show changes post-radiotherapy.


Separation of heterogeneous retroperitoneal sarcomas into multiple tissue classes allows estimation of volumes of each component and assessment of mean ADCs and EF of each class. Assessment of each class separately allows more detailed investigation of post-treatment changes and combining functional imaging parameters may provide greater insight into tumour behaviour.


We acknowledge funding from Cancer Research UK to the CRUK Cancer Imaging Centre in association with MRC and Department of Health and NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and Clinical Research Facility in Imaging. NIHR post-doctoral fellowship funding to MDB. MOL is an NIHR Senior Investigator.


1. Canter R, Martinez S, Tamurian R, et al. Radiographic and histologic response to neoadjuvant radiotherapy in patients with soft tissue sarcoma. Ann Surg Oncol. 2010;17:2578-2584.

2. Roberge D, Skamene T, Nahal A, et al. Radiological and pathological response following pre-operative radiotherapy for soft tissue sarcoma. Radiother Oncol. 2010;97:404-407.

3. Pedregosa F, Varoquaux G, Gramfort A, et al. Scikit-learn: machine learning in Python. J Mach Learn Res 2011;12:2825-2830.

4. Rata M, Tunariu N, Koh D-M, et al. Whole body quantitative multi-parametric characterisation of tumour heterogeneity for response evaluation. Proc. 21st Annual Meeting ISMRM 2013; 592.


Dedifferentiated liposarcoma (pre-treatment). (a) Histogram shows two classes of pixels. (b) Tissue classification map overlaid on ADC map showing separation of tumour into regions of low ADC (red) and high ADC (green). (c) ADC map from same slice as (b), showing ROI.

Red: 879cm3; mean ADC=1.1x10-3mm2s-1.

Green: 1194cm3; mean ADC=2.9x10-3mm2s-1.

Dedifferentiated liposarcoma (pre-treatment). (a) Two-dimensional scatter-plot showing two classes of pixels. (b) Tissue classification map (overlaid on ADC map) separates tumour into water-based/high ADC (green) and fat (red). (c) ADC map. (d) FF map.

Green: 2891cm3; mean ADC=2.0x10-3mm2s-1.

Red: 605cm3; ADC of fat is not measureable using fat-suppressed DWI sequence.

Tumour shown in Figure 2. Incorporation of EF reveals three classes of pixels are present. Projections of three-dimensional scatter-plots on (a) FF/ADC, (b) EF/ADC, (c) EF/FF axes. (d) Enhancing/water-based regions (blue), non-enhancing/water-based regions (green) and fat (red). (e) EF map.

Blue: 791cm3; mean ADC=1.9x10-3mm2s-1.

Green: 2179cm3; mean ADC=2.0x10-3mm2s-1.

Red: 525cm3.

Dedifferentiated liposarcoma (a-d)pre-, (e-h)post-RT. (a,e)Four classes. (b,f)Low ADC/non-enhancing (red), high ADC/non-enhancing (light blue), low ADC/enhancing (green), high ADC/enhancing (dark blue). (c,g)ADC. (d,h)EF.

Red:pre-RT 173cm3,0.9x10-3mm2s-1;post-RT 122cm3,0.9x10-3mm2s-1.

Light blue:pre-RT 90cm3,1.5x10-3mm2s-1;post-RT 209cm3,1.6x10-3mm2s-1.

Green:pre-RT 260cm3,0.8x10-3mm2s-1;post-RT 205cm3,0.9x10-3mm2s-1.

Dark blue:pre-RT 128cm3,1.5x10-3mm2s-1;post-RT 306cm3,1.6x10-3mm2s-1.

Well-differentiated liposarcoma (a-d)pre- and (e-h)post-RT. (a,e)Two-dimensional scatter-plots showing two classes of pixels pre- and post-RT. (b,f)Tissue classification map separates tumour into fat (green) and water-based (red). (c,g)ADC maps. (d,h)FF maps. Tumour was non-enhancing pre- and post-radiotherapy.

Red: pre-RT 122cm3, mean ADC=1.5x10-3mm2s-1; post-RT 116cm3, mean ADC=1.5x10-3mm2s-1.

Green: pre-RT 890cm3; post-RT 1001cm3.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)