Assessment of radiation damaged mouse lungs using perfluorohexane liquid MRI.
Alexandre A Khrapitchev1, James R Larkin1, Stavros Melemenidis1, Peter E Thelwall2, and Nicola R Sibson1

1Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom


The imaging of lungs with MRI is difficult owing to low proton density. Imaging with hyperpolarized noble gases has overcome some of these limitations but at great expense and effort. We have investigated damage caused by radiation of mouse lungs using 19F MRI of perfluorohexane – a cheap biocompatible liquid at room temperature. Using lungs filled with perfluorohexane, we were able to obtain high resolution scans with comparable SNRs to hyperpolarized xenon imaging and high resolution. These bright and stable lung images provide a very sensitive tool to monitor the lung damage development.


Imaging plays a major role in assessment of pulmonary diseases and a broad spectrum of imaging techniques are available. The main workhorse modality is still computed tomography (CT), which allows fast and high-resolution assessment of the lung parenchyma and surrounding structures. However, the soft tissue contrast and gain of direct functional information is limited. MRI of the lung is difficult owing to the low proton density of the tissue and, consequently, low signal intensity on conventional 1H scans. At the same time, large differences in the magnetic susceptibility of the lung tissue and air within the lungs, respectively, reduces the signal strength even further. The hyperpolarization of 3He or 129Xe is a viable, but expensive method of lung MRI. To avoid these problems, we investigated the possibility of mouse lung imaging by use of perfluorohexane, a biocompatible liquid at room temperature, and 19F MRI. Perfluorohexane has a very high oxygen solubility (41mL O2/100g) which makes "fluid-breathing", and therefore invivo experiments, a possibility. 19F has 83% of the signal of 1H in MRI, which combined with the high 19F concentration in the liquid gives a very high signal. Additionally, the absence of fluorine in the body results in the lungs appearing bright with no background signal [1].


As an application of 19F MRI imaging technique we have chosen a mouse model of lung radiation damage. For the initial time-course study, 16 female CBA mice (4 weeks old) were anaesthetized with isoflurane and the left lung irradiated with a 20Gy dose over 2 minutes (SARRP, Xtrahl Ltd., UK). Starting at week 6, one animal was sacrificed each week for ex-vivo MRI. Each mouse was terminally anaesthetised and tracheotomized, then air in the lungs was replaced with the perfluorohexane (C6F14). A dual tuned 1H/19F 28mm birdcage coil (PulseTeq Ltd., UK) was used in a 7T spectrometer (Agilent Inc., USA). MR images were acquired with standard 3D spin echo sequences: matrix=128×128×128, FOV=25.6×25.6×25.6mm; TR=400ms, TE=4ms; Texp=1h50min. All 19F lung MR images were superimposed onto 1H MR anatomical images. Lung images were bisected (left and right sides) for statistical analysis. Throughout the time-course, mice were observed for clinical signs, lung performance measured by plethysmography and behavior monitored.

Results and discussion

High quality images of the lungs were acquired using 19F MRI (Fig 1). The typical SNR is broadly similar to those obtained from 129Xe hyperpolarization experiments [2]. However, the voxel size in the 19F images (200µm) was considerably smaller than voxels typically used in pre-clinical 129Xe imaging (e.g. 625µm [3]), allowing improved visualization of lung structure. The high image resolution allows qualitative analysis of disease progress: a left lung post irradiation (Fig 1b) appears smaller and less intense than that of a naïve mouse lung (Fig 1a), illustrating subtle anatomical changes invisible on standard 1H MR images. Quantitative volumetric analysis highlights early changes in relative lung volume (Fig 2a), whilst the mean signal intensity of the irradiated lung (Fig 2b) reveals a highly significant reduction, indicating lung damage starting long before signs begin to appear.


The ability to monitor lung damage from early stages could be very important clinically and, also, as a preclinical tool. 19F based perfluorohexane imaging gives bright and detailed lung images, which allow visualization of structures not apparent on proton MRI. This approach is more easily and cheaply implemented than hyperpolarized gas setups and is immediately applicable in a range of pre-clinical work.


This work was supported by a Cancer Research UK core grant to Nicola Sibson (C5255/A12678).


[1] Weigel JK, Steinmann D, Emerich P, Stahl CA, v Elverfeldt D, Guttmann J. "High-resolution three-dimensional 19F-magnetic resonance imaging of rat lung in situ: evaluation of airway strain in the perfluorocarbon-filled lung". Physiol Meas 2011 32(2): 251-62.

[2] Freeman MS, Cleveland ZI, Qi Y, Driehuys B “Enabling hyperpolarized 129Xe MR spectroscopy and imaging of pulmonary gas transfer to the red blood cells in transgenic mice expressing human hemoglobin”. Magn Reson Med 2013 70(5): 1192-99.

[3] Iguchi S, Imai H, Hori Y, Nakajima J, Kimura A, Fujiwara H “Direct imaging of hyperpolarized 129Xe alveolar gas uptake in a mouse model of emphysema”. Magn Reson Med 2013 70(1): 207-15.


Figure 1. Superposition of 3D 1H MR body images (gray scale) with 19F MR lung images (coloured: left lung - red, right lung - green) of a naïve mouse (a) and a mouse 20 weeks (b).

Figure 2. Lung volume ratio (a) and lung mean intensity ratio (b) post irradiation.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)